
The Sweetest Romance~

Ok. This is, no kidding, the third time I'm having to rewrite my third chapter. I wrote a lot, too!

I was almost done with the chapter 2 times, and then my laptop acted up and, BAM!

It's really starting to make me mad >_< I guess I've learned to save my story every so often now...the hard way..

Well, it's really late, so i won't be able to write EVERYTHING again, and this probably won't be as good as it originally was...

BUT i will try my best! <3





Kwangmin's POV


I woke up with Youngmin sleeping soundly on my chest. I smiled at his precious face as he slept. He wore the sweetest smile. I gently his nose, causing him to wake up. "Good morning, Kwangminnie." I kissed his nose lightly. I'm so glad he could forgive me for snapping at him last night....


Last night~



I cleared my throat loudly, causing everyone at the table to give me their attention. "Haven't you guys noticed how strange Minwoo and Donghyun have been acting here lately? I mean, they have been all over each other." I paused dramatically. "They also held hands when we went to the movies. They thought nobody saw, but i did!" I hooked my thumb at myself. "Kwangmin, don't bring this up now." Youngmin looked concerned. I shooed him away with my hand. "Were you two never going to tell us about your little romance? Were you going to keep it a secret forever?" i asked angrily. Donghyun and Minwoo looked shocked. I snorted. They must've thought no one knew. "I'm not stupid." Youngmin tried to calm me down again. "Kwangmin..Please stop.." "Just shut up, Youngmin! I don't need you!" Youngmin hopped back in surprise. Then, his eyes started watering and he jumped out of his chair, running out of the restaurant. Temporarily forgetting my anger towards Donghyun and Minwoo, i took off after Youngmin. "Youngmin! I'm sorry!" i called after his retreating form.


Present Day~


Obviously, he forgave me. I ended up running out of the restaurant and apologizing to him in a dark alley. After that, i carried Youngmin all the way back to the restaurant on my back. I apologized to Minwoo and Donghyun, too. They both told me that they understood. Years ago, they got mad at Youngmin and i for keeping our relationship a secret from them, so it made sense that i would get mad at them for the same thing. Still, the way i acted was inexcusable. I would have to make it up to them at some point.

I sat up on the bed and stretched, letting a big yawn escape from my lips. "Youngmin..Let's go to the living room." Youngmin frowned at me and rubbed at his sleep-heavy eyes. "Ahh, Kwangminnie..Carry me, please.." I let him climb on my back, then walked him into the living room, gently setting him down on the sofa. Minutes later, Minwoo and Donghyun wondered into the living room. Hyunseong and Jeongmin wouldn't be waking up for another hour. They always sleep so much later than the rest of the band does. Apparently, they're taking our two month longing break to their advantage (We have two months to take a break from our tiring lives as singers..Yay!).

Donghyun sat on the loveseat across from the sofa, joined shortly after by Minwoo, who sat on Donghyun's lap and rested his head on his chest. It was so sweet to see them like this. You could tell they genuinely loved each other, even if they wouldn't admit it. It was so obvious in the way they stared deep into each others' eyes.

I looked at Youngmin, who stared at the sweet couple sitting across from us. He smiled, seeming to see the same things i did when i looked at them. I patted his shoulder, and he looked at me and smiled. The smile he used when he looked at me was so much different from his everyday smile. I was glad, because that smile had love etched into every crevice.



I straddled Youngmin's lap, kissing him passionately. We had retired to our room long ago because we wanted to make out, but not in front of everybody. Youngmin started to kiss my neck, then my collarbone, and down to the fabric of my shirt. He looked annoyed that it was there, so i let him take it off and continue kissing me all over. I grabbed his shoulders and tossed my head back. This was great. I knew what was coming...<3




Two Hours Later~


We walked into the living room holding hands, then sat casually back down on the sofa as if nothing happened. No one even gave us a second glance. Our "love episodes" are all too common, so they don't really get a lot of attention anymore. Everyone just kind of minds their own business.

I feel good, like everything has been sorted out in my life. I made up with Youngmin and our new couple, and cleared up a few things in my head. I had been confused for a while about the "maybe" relationship with Donghyun and Minwoo.




I really hope it was okay..

and it wasn't long at all :(

but i'm tired

it's time for me to go to bed >_<

please comment and subscribe...


<3 <3


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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!