The Fans Love Fan Service, Why Not The Real Thing?

The Sweetest Romance~

Jeongmin POV




‘What’s he planning?’ I thought as he came closer. He strode right up and stood in front of me, immediately bringing his hands up to cup my face. Then, he slowly moved his face closer to mine. I shifted backwards as he closed the distance in between our faces. Sensing my reluctance, he instead placed his forehead to mine and stared deep into my eyes, which somehow made me feel at ease. Hyunseong sweetly rubbed his nose against mine, and then gently tilted my face up. I didn’t object as he pushed his lips against mine, right in front of millions of fans. As soon as I accepted his kiss, Hyunseong swiftly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me firmly against him. I, in turn, s my arms around his neck, while our fans were, no doubt, freaking out. Although, that wasn’t the only thing we had to worry about. Manager will be so mad. ‘What if he kicks us out of the band?’  I thought, a feeling of dismay washing over me. I jerked away from Hyunseong, keeping my gaze away from his face. “Hyunseong. That was a huge mistake…,” I grimly whispered to him. He took a small step towards me. “What do you mean?” My eyes began to well up with tears as I answered weakly, “Manager…What if he kicks us out of the band…? What if…” I cut myself off short as tears started spilling down my face. Hyunseong wrapped an arm comfortingly around my shoulders as he steered me off the stage.

As soon as we left the stage, manager came running up to us with a red face. “What did I tell you?!” he shouted furiously. “You just couldn’t stay away from each other, could you? Not even for your careers?” Hyunseong and I both hung our heads in shame. “We’re sorry manager,” we chorused. I looked up anxiously. “Manager, are you going to kick us out of the band…?” I asked, dreading the answer. “Well, I can…” He paused before continuing with, “…unless the fans liked it…” With that, manager grabbed our hands and dragged us back on stage. He grabbed Youngmin’s microphone right out of his hand, leaving a confused Youngmin behind as he questions manager about what was going on. “Hello loyal Bestfriends! I have just one question for you!” manager said into the microphone. “How do you feel about the kiss that just happened onstage?” An explosion of cheers rang in my ears as fans stood up excitedly from their seats, throwing their hands in the air. We all glanced at each other, wondering how manager would respond to that reaction. He looked at each band member in turn, before stalking over to me. He cleared his throat and his lips. “Well…I never expected that reaction…” Manager cleared his throat before continuing, “I’m sorry…I treated all of you…so bad. I never thought that the fans would actually…” He scrunched up his face. “…like something like this…” I smiled and clapped a hand on our manager’s shoulder. “Of course they would like it. They like fan service, don’t they?” Manager thought for a minute. “Well, I never thought of it that way.” He seemed to suddenly realize something. “In that case, we should become the most popular band in Korea in no time!” he stated eagerly. I giggled nervously. “Y-yeah, but I don’t think I want to be famous for that…” Manager gently ruffled my hair and smiled sympathetically. “Don’t worry. We won’t advertise it.” I smiled gratefully. “Thanks manager.” Suddenly, Youngmin ran over to manager and grabbed back his microphone. “Hello everybody! How do you feel about…twincest?” Youngmin blurted out before manager could stop him. However, there was nothing to be concerned about, as the fans burst into thrilled cheers. Manager seemed shocked that so many people would like twincest too. “Would you guys like to see something?” Youngmin asked the audience, as if it was a big secret. Once again, cheers detonated inside the small stadium. “Ok, then.” With that, Youngmin strolled right over to Kwangmin, grabbed him by the waist to pull him close, and then kissed him right on the lips. Kwangmin, who was obviously stunned, stayed in that position with his eyes opened wide. Gradually, though, he melted into Youngmin’s kiss, slumping into his arms. Meanwhile, the fans were shrieking deafeningly, like they were about to die. I felt an arm sling over my shoulder, and looking up, I saw that it was Hyunseong. I grinned happily at him, and then we both just clung onto each other while we watched this scene of love unfold. Donghyun seemed to get the message that we were all revealing our love, so he should to. He stepped over to Minwoo, carefully his hair. Minwoo glanced down slightly, which was a good indication that he didn’t want to reveal their love to the world like the rest of us did. By now, Youngmin and Kwangmin had parted and stood with their hands wrapped tightly together. They were staring directly at Minwoo and Donghyun, and so were Hyunseong and I. We were all anticipating what would happen next between Minwoo and Donghyun. I glanced over at our manager, who was also staring expectantly at the cute couple.




Minwoo POV




Donghyun began gingerly my hair, and I stared down at the floor in embarrassment. He seemed to sense that I was uncomfortable with this situation because he suddenly backed away. “I’m sorry,” he whispered disappointedly. His disheartening expression appalled me. How could I reject him so cold-heartedly, and in front of so many people at that? I felt like crying for making him sad, so I did the unthinkable to cheer him up, well, for me anyway. I pulled him in by the nape of his neck, leaning up to press my lips firmly against his. After a long initial kiss, I began kissing his lips rapidly so that he couldn’t even keep up with me. When I felt that I had overwhelmed him with swift kisses for long enough, I started to push him to the floor, supporting him from the back so that he wouldn’t hit the floor hard. As soon as I had him on the floor, I began kissing his lips again, except this time the kisses were slower and more loving. Before long, I felt Donghyun slide his tongue across my lips. His action caused me to snap out of my trance long enough to realize that we were in a public place. I hastily pulled away, sitting up on my haunches and smiling into Donghyun’s eyes to reassure him that I wasn’t mad or anything. He nodded understandingly, and then crawled up from the stage to a standing position. I did the same, and soon faced the crowd of shocked fans. I looked around at my band mates, and when I spotted Jeongmin holding a microphone I pranced over to him, snatched it from his unsuspecting hand, and hurried back to Donghyun’s side. “H-hello everyone!” I said nervously. Predictably, everyone shrieked. “Um, sorry for going overboard just now…I suppose that  all of you know by now that Donghyun and I are a couple…” More shrieks pounded against my eardrums. I laughed joyously at the acceptance of our fans. “Well, the concert is ultimately over, so I guess this is it. Thank you all for coming! I love you all for being such loyal fans!” With that, I spun on my heel and walked off the stage with Donghyun by my side. I listened backstage as my band mates each made a short speech of their own, and then filed off the stage one by one. “Aw, I feel bad for not giving a speech of my own! What if my fans think I’m an insensitive jerk now?” Donghyun fretted beside me. “Oh, sorry. I kind of just dragged you off the stage.” Donghyun turned immediately to me. “No, no, it’s ok! Don’t be sorry! There’s absolutely nothing to be sorry about!” I giggled at his sudden outburst. “Oh, ok. Well, why don’t you just go back out there and give your speech now?” I suggested. “Oh, good idea,” he acknowledged, and headed back to the stage. “Thank you very much,” he said to Kwangmin as he passed him and grabbed his microphone. Out on stage, Donghyun made a slightly long speech about how much he loved his fans, how much he loved that they accepted our relationships so easily, and how much he loved me. When he came off the stage, I greeted him elatedly with a crushing hug and quick peck on the cheek. “You’re the most amazing boyfriend ever! I feel so lucky that I’m the love you talked about onstage.” I hesitated a moment. “…I love you.” Donghyun’s eyes brightened at my statement. “I’m glad you could finally admit it. I love you, too. You have no idea how much. That’s something I could never show you.” His expression became sad. “Donghyun, what’s wrong?” He sighed. “I can never show you the love you deserve. I was just thinking about how cruel it is that you will never know the extent of my love for you.” I chuckled, placing my hand on his cheek. “That’s ok. You already love me more than anyone else ever could,” I sighed contentedly. “I’m so glad we can be together without worries now. I didn’t like having to hide our relationship.” He smiled and my cheek lovingly. “I’m glad too.” Suddenly, I was stunned by a hand slapping forcefully against my back. “Hey you guys! Can you believe this? Life is so good!” Youngmin shouted cheerfully. “Yah! Youngmin! Don’t do that! You startled him!” Kwangmin shouted. But life is good, I thought, a warm feeling spreading through me.





Hello my beautiful subscribers!


Oh gosh, you guys. I feel SO bad. Please don’t hate me. >_<

I promise I will update more often now, even if my updates are somewhat short.

Also, do you guys want me to end this story soon? Please comment and tell me.

Please comment! I feel so good when I get nice comments, so please don’t be silent readers. ._.

Thanks so much for sticking with me for all this time!

Bye Bye!


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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!