More Minwoo

The Sweetest Romance~

Sorry about last chapter...It didn't come out as good as i had originally planned..>_<

 I promise this one will be better, though ^_^

This one will be all about Minwoo and Donghyun! I enjoy writing about them better than Kwangmin and Youngmin..

Well, enjoy! (hopefully) xD






Minwoo's POV~





"So, Minwoo.." Donghyun strolled out onto the deck of our apartment, flopping down in the chair next to mine. "What do you think about going to an amusement park today?" I looked away from him. "I, uh, don't think that's such a good idea..." I thought a minute, trying to come up with an excuse. "I have to" He knit his eyebrows. "For what?" I said the first thing that popped into my head. "Tissues! Yeah, lots of tissues." Donghyun stared at me with a blank expression. "It's true!" He looked less than convinced. "It is! I'm serious, Donghyun!" I crossed my arms and pouted. When Donghyun didn't respond for several minutes, i looked over at him. He smirked, then reached over and caressed my jaw line. "Why don't you want to go with me, Minwoo? Are you afraid of roller coasters?" I gasped like that offended me. "Of course not! I'm not a loser!" He held his hands up in defense. "Ok, ok. I wasn't trying to insult you. So, will you go with me, then?" I sighed. "Fine. I guess that's ok." I tried to play it cool and act like it was all fine, but inside i was freaking out. Rollercoasters TERRIFY me. Donghyun ruffled my hair and stood up. "Thanks, buddy."

"Just two people?" the man at the ticket booth asked Donghyun. "Yeah." Donghyun shot the man a friendly smile, but the grumpy man just shoved the tickets at Donghyun and shooed us away. Nevertheless, Donghyun was unaffected. "Let's go!" he said enthusiastically. I was a little less enthusiastic.

Donghyun pulled me through the amusement park gates, and i was immediately met with the overwhelming smells of greasy foods and sweat. "Disgusting," i muttered under my breath. "Hm?" "Oh, nothing.." i said, successfully covering up my distaste.

"Ohhh, Minwoo! We should ride that!" I looked to where Donghyun was pointing. "Oh, sure." i said, smiling happily. Maybe Donghyun isn't the type of person who likes big rides after all...

We stood in line for a ride with small inclines and colorful little carts. The whole ride looked like a girl's paradise. There were tall metal flowers sticking up out of the ground and curving around the tracks. There were also pretty little flowers donning each cart.

Donghyun and i chatted as we moved up in line. "Sorry this is such a baby ride. I just thought it would be nice to ride something small work up from there, ya know?" My stomach hurt when he said that. "Uh, yeah, yeah. Totally...," i lied. He grinned and patted me on the shoulder, causing me to grimace.

We were finally at the front of the line. Some guy opened the loading gate and ushered us over to a cart. Donghyun and i piled into the cart and were strapped in by another guy. We sat there for several minutes, waiting for the rest of the carts to be filled. Finally, we were ready for takeoff. The rollercoaster operator jabbed at a few buttons, pulled a lever, and suddenly our cart lurched forward.

The ride was fast, but very mild. I threw my hands up in the air and laughed as we glided over inclines and were thrown around at sharp turns. I glanced over at Donghyun. He was laughing, too. Although, he wasn't laughing so much because of the ride, but because of me. "You're so cute, Minwoo! You're just like a little kid!" Donghyun shouted over the screams of the rollercoaster. That made me laugh even more. "I know! I know!" I shouted back, laughing hysterically.


We walked away from the ride, stumbling all over each other and laughing like fools. "That was hilarious, Minwoo! You're so adorable when you're having fun. That was just a kiddie ride, too. I can just imagine how much fun you'll have on the big rides!" I stopped laughing and just chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it's gonna be so much fun!" I faked my enthusiasm majorly. I really felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want to ride any of those horrible devil rides at all, but i didn't want Donghyun to know that i was such a big baby..

"You wanna get something to eat?" Donghyun asked me. "Oh, i don't think that's such a good idea..You know, since we will be riding big rides..We might, you know, lose our lunch, if you know what i mean.." "Yeah. You're right. Smart thinking, Minwoo." He threw his arm around my shoulders, then started walking me off to who-knows-where. "

The next four rides we decided to ride were increasingly intense, but still very mild, which made me much more at ease. Still, the dread nagged at me. Those rollercoasters were still there. I would still have to ride them, or else admit that I'm a baby..Which was NOT going to happen.

"I know the perfect ride. Oh, you'll love it, Minwoo." Donghyun told me as he dragged me to the other side of the park.

As we came closer to the ride, Donghyun covered my eyes.

"Are you ready?" "Yes, yes, Donghyun. Just let me see!" i laughed at him as i tried to pry his hands off my eyes. I finally pulled them away and happily looked around.

"My God." I stood there, gaping at the monster that towered over me. It was the tallest and fastest ride in the park. There were several high inclines and, even worse, loops that took you upside down several times. I tried to swallow, but my throat felt like cotton. "O-ok." I tried to swallow again, but just ended up choking. I looked back at the rollercoaster, my mind swirling from the smells and the screams and my own nerves. The ground started to spin, and suddenly i felt really nauscious. "Whoa, are you ok?" Donghyun patted me on the back as i hacked up my breakfast. "Ok, come over here." He practically had to carry me over to a bench. I swear i was about to faint. "It's ok. You're ok. Breathe, Minwoo, breathe." I obeyed him, gulping air into my lungs.

Once I'd finally settled down, Donghyun spoke softly into my ear. "You don't like rollercoasters, do you?" I tried to avoid his eyes. I felt so ashamed.

"Come on, Minwoo. Please look at me. I understand if you don't like rollercoasters. It's fine. There's a lot of people who don't like rollercoasters. You don't have to be embarrassed." I didn't say anything. "Minwoo?" I twisted around to him, tears forming in my eyes. "I didn't want you to know! That's why i tried to get out of going with you. I'm like a pathetic little baby!" Donghyun looked shocked. "Minwoo! No, you're not! Just because you're afraid of rollercoasters doesn't make you a baby." He tried to hold my hand, but i pulled away from him. I think it's cute, Woowoo." I blushed furiously. That was the first time he'd ever called me by my nickname... "No, you don't.." I ducked my head, still blushing. "I do. You're amazing, Minwoo. The more flaws you have, the more perfect you are to me." I smiled and kissed him right on the lips. I didn't care who was watching. "I've always thought you were amazing. Always."  I felt tears of joy begin to flow down my face. "We should go home." Donghyun whispered in my ear. "Yeah. I agree. This place is too public..," i said, giggling.


At Home~


Donghyun parked the car in our driveway and turned the power off, leaning back in his seat. We both just sat there for several minutes. "You ready to go inside?" I sighed. "Sure.......hyung?" "What is it, Woowoo?" I blushed again at his nickname for me. "Will you.." i hesitated. "...carry me? He looked surprised at first, then gave me a warm smile. "Of course." He got out and walked around to my side of the car, opening my door for me. Before i even had a chance to step out, he slipped one arm underneath my legs, wrapping the other around my back. Then, he carried me to the front door bridal style. "Uhh, Minwoo, can you reach into my back pocket and grab my keys and unlock the door for me, please?" "Uhh, sure.." I hesitantly reached into his back pocket. I didn't want to linger in that area for too long, so i grabbed the keys quickly, shoving them into the keyhole and unlocking the door.

Donghyun slammed the door behind us and carried me over to the couch, gently laying me down and climbing on top of me. "I promise i won't lose control this time..." He whispered, squeezing my hand reassuringly. "I believe you." I stared deep into his eyes. "I trust you." His eyes started to water a little. "Thank much." He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. Then, he grabbed my hand, intwining our fingers together. Again, he kissed me gently. His next kiss became slightly rougher as he pressed his lips hard against mine, kissing me indulgently and slowly pulling away from each kiss, leaving me wanting more. When i opened my mouth for air, he slipped his tongue inside, teasing mine.

I tried to kiss him faster, but he refused my attempt, and kept kissing slowly. Irritated, i folded my hand around the back of his head, pushing him into the kiss more. That didn't work, so i wrapped my legs around his waist, causing him to be pushed down and lay right on top of me. Satisfied, he opened and closed his mouth swiftly against mine."Mmm," i moaned into the kiss. Our bodies stayed tightly pressed together as we continued the kiss. Suddenly, he bit my bottom lip, which made me smile. I thought about how he partially kissed my teeth, which made me laugh. Then, he started laughing, and we both just kept on kissing through our laughs.

We didn't stay on the couch much longer. Donghyun picked me up and carried me to his room, while my legs were still wrapped around his waist, and my arms still around his neck. We kissed until he dropped me on his bed and climbed back on top of me. He eyed my shirt and kept pulling at the hem. Then, he glanced up at me pleadingly. I nodded and he pulled my shirt over my head.

Donghyun traced lines along my bare skin with his finger, causing me to shiver. Then, he carefully kissed my jawline, slowly making his way down my hot neck. When i didn't try to stop him, he started to kiss down my chest and stomach. I gasped at the way his lips felt against my skin.

I clawed at Donghyun's shirt. He chuckled and tugged it off. After his shirt was off, though, i felt incredibly shy, looking everywhere but at him. Sensing how uncomfortable i was, he grabbed my hands and pressed them against his stomach, rubbing them around his bare skin. "Slow ..," he said to me, continuing to kiss all over my bare skin.

Donghyun the button on my pants, but i swatted his hand away. After several more minutes, he tried it again.

I pushed Donghyun off of me and sat up in agitation. "I'm sorry..This was a mistake." i said before running out of his room.



Did you enjoy?

I tried very hard to make it good. I also somehow deleted part of my story-AGAIN-so i had to rewrite that part.

Thankfully, i saved the rest ^_^

I have been trying to update as frequently as possible.

I have also been trying to make the chaps as long as possible.

Hope I'm doing ok ^^

Please comment & subscribe ^^)


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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!