Love Bites~

The Sweetest Romance~

Jeongmin POV


I sat cross-legged on the floor with a bag of popcorn sitting in my lap. The other members of Boyfriend had already retired to bed, but I stayed up to watch movies and eat unhealthy snacks (hehe). I stuffed a handful of popcorn in my mouth and leaned towards the TV in anticipation. This was the best movie I had ever seen! It was a suspense, and you could never predict when something bad was going to happen. Most people would get scared and hide under a blanket, but I love it! You see, I’m very brave.

Suddenly, I heard a door open and close. Soon after, there were footsteps coming slowly down the hall. I yelped and snatched a blanket off the couch, hiding under it and trembling in terror. The footsteps came into the living room, and then just stopped. I waited for a few seconds, but when nothing happened, I decided it was ok to come out of the blanket. Slowly peeking my head out from under the soft fabric, I glanced around. “EEEEEP!” I screeched and started blindly swinging my arms. “OW!” I lifted the blanket and peered at the figure in front of me. “Hyunseong! Oh, I’m so sorry!” I said, leaping up from my place on the floor and tackle-hugging Hyunseong. “Whoa!” Hyunseong exclaimed as he was knocked off balance. We both tumbled onto the floor as I wrapped my arms around Hyunseong lovingly. “I’m sorry Hyunnie~ I thought you were a ghost!” I explained to him. “A ghost? Maybe you should stop watching so many suspense movies…,” Hyunseong said as he rubbed his head where I accidently punched him. “You know, you’re not as brave as you think.” I furrowed my brows. I guess I’m not as brave as I think…*frown*

“Hyunngg~ That’s mean!” I squeezed him tighter, causing him to gasp for breath. “Are you ok? Is your head ok?” I asked, inspecting him all over for bruises. “I’m fine, I’m fine. There’s no need to worry.” Hyunseong gently ruffled my hair, and I grinned sweetly at him. “But are you ok, Jeongminnie?” I barely had time to respond with, “Huh?” before Hyunseong rolled over on top of me. “Yah! Hyung! That’s sneaky!” I whined. He chuckled, and then leaned down and kissed my lips. “Are you hurt? Maybe I should touch you everywhere to make sure nothing hurts~” I cocked my head to the side in puzzlement as I retorted with, “Why would I be hurt, hyung? I’m not the one who got punched.” He merely rolled his eyes at my obliviousness. “Would you rather I check for bruises with my hands or with my lips, Jeongie?” I giggled nervously. “Both?” I answered after several seconds of serious contemplation. “You sound uncertain. Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked as he teased me, tenderly my jaw line, and down the curve of my neck. I shuddered at the soft feeling of his hand against my skin. “Y-yes. I’m sure.” Then, Hyunseong began to leave a trail of butterfly kisses along my jaw line. As he gradually began to kiss down, I tilted my head back to allow him full access to my neck. Unexpectedly, I felt his hot tongue begin to slither across my skin, right underneath my jaw line. I squeezed my eyes shut and s my arms around his neck, pushing his face closer as he continued to the sensitive skin on my neck. He moved agonizingly slowly, causing me to become impatient. “Hyuunngg~” I fidgeted in frustration. “Stop teasing…” He laughed quietly, and then began gently on my neck. “Ah~” I sighed in satisfaction. Hearing that, Hyunseong began more harshly, softly biting my neck and leaving little love bites everywhere. I moaned happily, but Hyunseong suddenly stopped. “What?” I asked in bewilderment. ‘Why did he stop all of a sudden like that?’  I wondered. “Wrap your legs around my waist and your arms around my neck, “ he replied. “W-what? Why?” Hyunseong sighed. “Just do it. I’m going to carry you to your room. My eyes widened. “BWOH?”

“Don’t worry. Nothing’s going to happen. I’m just taking you to bed.” I pouted. “But what if I wanted something to happen?” Now it was Hyunseong’s turn to be in shock. “Well, you wouldn’t get anything because I’m just taking you to bed,” Hyunseong said calmly after he had recovered from his shock. Although, as he picked me up I could see a hint of blush in his cheeks, even in the dark. “I was kidding, hyung!” I slapped his shoulder playfully. “Haha, ok~”

Hyunseong softly dropped me onto my bed, kissing my forehead and preparing to walk off. “Uh, Hyunseong…” I quickly grabbed his wrist. “Can you…uh…sleep with me tonight…?” I suggested shyly. “Of course,” Hyunseong said with a bright smile. “Scoot over, will you?” He slid into the bed beside me, pulling the winter blankets around both of us. “Are you cold?” he asked, compassionately pushing the blankets up around my shoulders more. Then, he slid closer to me and enfolded me in his arms. He gave me a light peck on the lips, and then pulled me nearer to him, allowing me to snuggle up against his chest. A few minutes later, we both fell asleep, our eyelids too heavy to stay open any longer.



Youngmin POV


I woke up early since I had gone to bed early, so I decided to get ready for the day ahead. As I was brushing my teeth, I abruptly remembered that we had a concert today. I hastily finished brushing my teeth, scurrying out of the bathroom and down the hall. I opened each bedroom door and yelled at the people inside to wake up. Apparently no one slept in their own bed last night, though. Minwoo was cuddling up to Donghyun in his bed, Jeongmin was grinning blissfully as he slept up against Hyunseong, and of course Kwangmin and I gladly slept together.

When everyone was up, they all came out into the hall and bickered about how it was too early to be awake, and how I shouldn’t have wakened them. “You guys! Shut up!” I shouted to get everyone’s attention. “We have a concert today, so manager will be here any minute. It wouldn’t have been good if he was the one to find everyone sleeping together.” The rest of Boyfriend nodded in agreement. “Ok. Get ready quickly because manager is supposed to be here in fifteen minutes or less.

Manager came to pick us up exactly twelve minutes later. He swiftly ushered us all out the door and flung us into the van before hurrying to drive us to the concert area so that we could prepare for an amazing performance. Manager rapidly parked the van, and right as we were all about to pile out into the parking lot, he told us, “Stay.” He pressed a few buttons on his phone, and then looked up at us in all seriousness. “I expect you’ve all broken up. Am I right?” We all nodded our heads reluctantly. We didn’t like lying to manager, but we couldn’t tell him that we were dating. “Well, good. I sincerely hope that you’re not lying to me.” He paused before continuing. “Gay people make me sick,” he stated blatantly. We all stared at him, barely able to contain our anger. Did he really just suggest that we made him sick?

“Ok. Let’s go.”


Skip ahead to performance~


Jeongmin POV


We were doing the whole dance perfectly, and I felt completely in tune with the music. I can’t understand why, but I just had this burst of energy out of the blue. I’m glad I did, though, or I wouldn’t have nearly enough energy. Hyunseong and I stayed up for way too many hours last night…


As I was watching Hyunseong in front of me, he turned back to me and smiled, causing me to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He turned back to the audience, but turned back to me seconds later to shoot me another gleeful smile. Then, much to my surprise, he turned completely around and began walking leisurely towards me. As he neared, I noticed that he was giving me a y look. ‘What’s he planning?’ I thought as he closed the distance between us.




I just started a new fanfic with a co-author, so if you like this fanfic, then please read my new one. *puppy eyes*

Click Here to go to my new story.  ^_^ (pretty please with a cherry on top!) <3


Thank you so much for reading and commenting! ^^ It always means a lot to me. ^3^

& please keep commenting! Comments make me want to update more often. ^^p

Chuuu~ <3<3 

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It seems like you all hate Mishka..haha I do too >_< It's irritating to just write about her heheh :p


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Chapter 6: LOL minwoo has a tummy!^-^
Chapter 5: idkk why, but i imagine donghyun saying love in a british accent. like u know how british ppl say ello love~ and btw im reading this again. its that good!!!!!
this was sweet! i really enjoyed it, thanks! <3
It was a really sweet fic!
I am going to miss it but I love the ending cause then chapter was sweet and funny!
A good way to end it!
plopkpop #6
Please update,

it´s really interesting ;D
kyssthedark #7
wow love this really good <3 <3
i love dongwoo# couple
boyfriend daebak
update soon! pyongg!