
I'd Be Your Lifeline

When Jimin returned to the ward, he was accompanied by his Dad. Taehyung saw them coming down the corridor, with Jimin's Dad pushing him along in a reclinable wheelchair. Jimin hung his head low, reserving strength after the draining visit to the X-ray clinic. It wasn't so much about the distance or effort it took to go through the tests. His lung had been punctured, and that made it necessary for him to limit his full body movements to the bare minimum.

When they got to Jimin's bedside, a nurse was present to raise the reclined wheelchair to level with the height of the bed. Jimin was about to inch over on his side slowly, when he felt himself being hoisted up in his Dad's arms. His Dad easily transported him onto the bed without breaking a sweat. Jimin seemed embarrassed but failed to protest against his Dad's tough exterior and authoritative air dictating that if he felt like carrying his injured son, noone was going to stop him. Jimin did not have a say in this, but he seemed happy to let it go with a sheepish, muffled "thanks".

Taehyung was watching closely how loosely Jimin's hospital gown hung off his skinny shoulders; and the way his Dad lifted him up light as a bag of bones was also alarming. He was just afraid of how fragile Jimin looked, and each time Jimin's shoulders sagged or each time he leaned away with eyes closed, Taehyung would vividly remember having held on to lifeless Jimin whose eyes remained tightly shut no matter how he was cried over, while every semblance of color could be seen draining from his cheeks and through the hole in his chest... Taehyung had felt warm sticky blood on his hands — blood that wasn't his. He was never so scared of losing someone.

"Taehyung?" Jimin's concerned voice reeled in his attention. 

Jimin's Dad must have had some kind of unspoken understanding from earlier, because he didn't seem to need a proper introduction.

"You're Taehyung? My son may think he was not reckless and foolish in risking his life for you, but I'm assuming some follow-up therapy will do both of you some good. I don't know what's gotten into Jimin's head recently." The Dad directed Jimin a confounded look typical of a parent who couldn't understand his kid most of the time. 

Taehyung shifted uncomfortably on his feet. So that's how Jimin's Dad viewed him. A psycho. A complete nut.

Taehyung bowed his head in shame, chewing on his lower lip in self derision.

"Dad..." Jimin said in dismay. He frowned to see Taehyung's discomfort and tossed an entreating look at his Dad to be a little more sensitive.

"Will you give us a minute? Please, Dad?"

His Dad nodded as he checked the time. "I'm off to a meeting anyway...Well. I'd be back to see you before dinner."

Jimin returned a nod with unspoken appreciation, and virtually sent his Dad off in watching, since he couldn't leave his bed easily.

"Taehyung. Come here." Jimin called out with a softness of voice Taehyung was almost getting accustomed to.

Taehyung wanted to object, but could not bear leaving Jimin all alone without some form of moral support for his disjointed memory. He slowly dragged himself to set his bum down on the bed next to Jimin, because Jimin naturally made space for him once again.

"Prove my Dad wrong. He said I was foolish, but I don't think so." 

Taehyung breathed in deep to steady himself for what Jimin would eventually ask.

"Can you tell me what happened? How did I come to protect you?"

Jimin gingerly touches his fingertips to a bruise running along the bridge of Taehyung's nose. "How did it come to this..."

Taehyung stared helplessly into Jimin's seeking eyes. 

"Must I say?" 

Taehyung looked like he might fall apart at what he was about to reveal, and yet he wanted to rush everything out in one breath.

There was no getting away without an answer. He was uncomfortable inching closer to the truth, but he couldn't have Jimin view him through rose-colored glasses. Life wasn't sweet like that.

"You met me when I was cutting my wrists. You found that my mother had been beaten to death by my father. You came in front of the glass bottle that my father had aimed at me. And then- then you- you a-asked if I wanted to di-die." Taehyung sputtered, tears already wetting his cheeks. 

Jimin shook his head in an estranged manner, accepting this information with difficulty.

"And you were right again... I wouldn't give a if I died right then and there... I was tired of caring... of being alive... and being a spineless good-for-nothing... I slit my wrists to avoid facing my father! I was SCARED TO DEATH. What kind of coward continues to live like that?"

"Taehyung..." Jimin was close to releasing a sob, but Taehyung wouldn't allow himself any comforting.

"I planned to make my Dad pay. Even if I were to die, he would pay dearly. It was meant to be bittersweet. I would die, he would live miserably in jail, and then I get to meet my Mum again. So you see... Did you really think I was worth saving?"




Author's Note: 

I finally got it off my chest. His reason for wanting to die this whole time :( It's hard for Tae to live with this guilt... Can he live with himself? Can Jimin accept him? I think this will be my second last act, so it's not going to be all smooth. I'm nearly 80% done with this story. I'm gonna update soon. 

I fully intend to make Taehyung get Jimin back eventually. He has been pushing Jimin away too much. Tsk. 

Comments / kudos would be appreciated as always :)

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ashishi #1
Chapter 16: I’ve been reading ‘noone’ as ‘noon’ and always wondered in the past chapters “what? who is noone? Noona?” Hahahahaha and until this reading this chapter I realize it’s not a person. Silly me ??
Chapter 24: Can Vmin let me live! This is too much to take in
I loved how their relationship made me soft and gave butterflies
Thank you for the hard work author-nim ❤️❤️
Chapter 24: Ahhhh authornim! I teared up reading this!!! I'm a newly licensed rehab therapist and about to take medicine. I am a jimin stan so i practically imagined myself as jimin and i'm so inlove with taehyung. i love vmin so much i ship them with my life, my ult ship. I love all the angst, i'm an angst/fluff writer as well. I was stuck at chapter 20 especially when tae said "I can't even love myself, I was scared to love you" kyaaa. Thank you so much for this authornim!! <3
Debbis12 #4
Chapter 21: Thank youu this is just sooo good ?❤️
Chapter 27: Ahhh, I loved this so much!! Thank you for writing this story♥♥
Oh my goshhhh♥♥♥♥ when Tae gave Jimin the bracelet in the 'Gift' chapter and said, "Do I need a reason to give you something?" it brought me back to about a week ago when I saw @Golden_kku's fansign post-it on twitter that asked Tae, 'Why did you buy Jimin a snowglobe in Hawaii?!' and he answered, 'Just because. Should there be a reason?'
peggyw #6
Chapter 24: Such a sweet story! Thank you very much for sharing!
peggyw #7
Chapter 23: Of course I loved this chapter
Gasp123 #8
Chapter 24: Wow. You have impeccable writing skills. I love how you let them develop their relationship.
Chapter 26: omg, i want to read 4 o'clock already haha
Chapter 25: U r my fav authornim,i love how u have gifs , Write soooon we wiklbe waiting for u