The Reveal

Just have to let go


A/N: Flashbacks are in purple color aite? :D enjoy!

The post-examination activities are finally here. All students have a one week break from studying for next year before the long holidays. Both you and Junhyung were excited as the students who didn’t get promoted are also allowed to come back and enjoy the post-exams activities. In the one week, only 3 days are used for school-organised activities. The other 2 days, students will still have to go to school but we are free to do anything we want. You totally don’t see the point of going to school but allowed to do anything. Isn’t it better if they give you your long break already?

It was Sunday night and tomorrow is the first activity which is going to the Water Park. Surprising isn’t it? What’s more interesting is that the school had booked the whole Water Park for a day. So for tomorrow, only the students of Kirin Highschool are allowed to enter.

You were lying on your bed, checking your Twitter timeline waiting for your eyes to get sleepy.

Lifesux (Cho Hyemi)

Yay! Dad just bought me a white gold necklace! It has a hello kitty pendant!! Look @ItsJiyeon @thenameIS!!!



You smiled seeing the necklace. You know Hyemi really loves ‘bling bling’ and Hello Kitty. Her dad is the owner of a company and its not surprising she would got that easily. Seeing the necklace made you look at your bracelet.

You put your phone down and took it off your wrist. You smiled while caressing the engraved part of the bracelet. As you were holding the bracelet with your fingers, you felt something rough at the back of the bracelet. Curious, you turned to back of the bracelet. There were faint engraved words on it and you tried to read it under the white light that was lighting your room by tilting it side to side.

Your eyes widened when you finally got to read the sentence.

“I Love You Hyuna,” you read silently.

“Hyuna… did you… erm.. see the bracelet?” Junhyung asked, looking up at you.

 “Erm.. yeahh..?” you answered cautiously.

He chucked a little. “Well I guess you didn’t.” he smiled.

Is this what he wanted me to see? Is this…his confession? Who are you kidding Hyuna! Of course it is! So…Junhyung… loves me?

You blushed heavily at your thoughts. You grinned from ear to ear and kicked you legs up and down happily. Should I call him? I mean it would be very weird facing him tomorrow now that I’ve seen what he wanted me to see.

You reached for your phone and scrolled down your contacts looking for Junhyung’s name. It was nearly 1am and you’re afraid that you might disturb his sleep. Well, that is if he’s even asleep. You checked your Twitter and went to his profile. His last tweet was 15 minutes ago and it wasn’t a goodnight tweet. That’s usually how you know if he’s already asleep or not.

You pressed on his name and it started calling. You waited nervously.

“Yeoboseyo?” his voice was soft. Maybe he didn’t want to disturb his family.

“Oh Junhyung-ah did I disturb your sleep?” you asked. You know you didn’t but you didn’t know what else to say to start the conversation.

“Nah.. but let me get in my room first coz my family is already sleeping and I don’t want to wake them,” he said softly. You heard a door closed.

“Okay I can talk now. What are you doing up so late?” he asked. His voice is louder and clearer now.

“Erm.. I couldn’t sleep yet,” you said nervously. How the hell am I going to ask him??

You heard a faint ‘ohh’ and continued talking.

“Junhyung… I.. I saw..” it took you such a long time to finish that one sentence and he was being so patient to just wait and listen. Or did he fell asleep?

“Junhyung? You’re still there?” you asked worriedly.

“Yeah I’m here. What is it Hyuna?” he spoke. His voice was so gentle and patient.

Well here goes nothing.“I saw the bracelet already,” you said in one breath. Please don’t tell me to repeat it Junhyung..

Silence. All you heard was silence. Did he faint or something?

“J-jun? Are you there? Hello?”

You heard him clear his throat. “Y-yeah.. What about you?” he asked.

Although its vague, but you know he’s asking about your feelings towards him now. Of course you would say the same thing. That’s what you’ve been feeling all along! But you’re not sure if you wanted a relationship right now. You’re still schooling and you’re scared you might not be able to focus or get distracted. Junhyung is not a bad influence but… anything can happen.

“I… I feel the same like you,” you said slowly. You heard him sigh. Probably sigh of relief.

“But,” you continued.

“But I don’t want to be in a relationship. Not now.” You waited for awhile to know his response.

“Yeahh I kinda expected that. You told me before,” he finally said.

“You’re right. I never thought of it that way. So what about you? Do you think you’re the type who is still able to focus if you have a boyfriend?” Junhyung said.

 “Honestly, I don’t really know myself. But maybe it’s best not to risk it.” You answered simply.

He sound a little disappointed. You don’t know what to do. You don’t want to ruin your friendship and you don’t want to lose him either.

“Jun..” you tried to say something although you haven’t thought about it yet when he cut in.

“Can you… you know.. give it a…try?” he said softly.

You pursed your lips together and closed your eyes. Your studies are very important to you and you wouldn’t risk it for anything.

“If it affects your studies… then.. I’ll.. I’ll let you go,” he said. He sounded like he was about to cry when he said the last part. He just sounded like he was. I doubt he’s crying. He’s a man! He wouldn’t right?

“If you do, can we still remain friends?” you asked. You don’t want it to be awkward with him.

“Sure. I promise our friendship will not be different if that happens.”

“Then I guess.. we can give it a try…” you said. You smiled to yourself you heard him hiss a soft ‘yes’.

Tomorrow is going to be a new day.

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Chapter 25: This was awesome ! I hope the sequel is not sad or I don't read it xD
Chapter 25: I done reading the sequel before this... now i feel like crying after remebering the ending of A Second Chance... it' so sad...:(
Chapter 25: I'm done reading the sequel before this... now i feel like crying after remebering the ending of A Second Chance... it' so sad...:(
I love how sweet he is to her in this so far havent finished yet XD
Everyone is awkward now ~ but yay excited for the sequel:D
Omo~~~~~~~ Sequel!! hurayy!!
alyjuna #7
OMG! This is SO SAD!!
I need a sequel! sequel! It can't just end like this!
Why did Gikwang change? I want everything to be normal again!
tina43 #8
I need a sequel , right now..... My JunAh
JunahDaebak #9
YAYY there's going to have a sequel!!
Uptade soon^^
Wahh!! Can't wait for the sequel~~~~