Chapter 4 - It was you?

Am i in love with you?

"You have got to be kidding me right now" Namjoon said, giving stern glances to the other members. 

"I wish I was too! But Im not. His body is too cold." I said, worried and panicky.

"Where are you guys at?! How did you even manage to end up with him?" he asked. 

"We are at the South Beach Park. Near the children's playground. We are taking shelter under the huge slide. Its raining bad here and its a really long story about how i found hi-". The call got cut off. . The lightning then slapped the surface of the sea, that made even a person who wasnt afraid of it like myself, had my heart jumped out of my body. The signal was cut off and now that makes it two phones that were unavailabe to get us help. 

"Oh god we cant just stay here. Its too open for a storm like this." I mustered my strength and tried to smack Jungkook so that he would regain his conciousness. It seemed to work. He was shifting about but with a very discomforted and stressed facial expression and his eyes were shut tightly. It was as if he was having a nightmare. He was. 

"Oppa! Oppa! Save me! Oppa!!!!!" "NO! HYUN HYO NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I opened my eyes. I was awake from that memory! I was finally out! The first thing I saw was a figure in front of me and the flashy lightning and roaring thunders in the background. My vision was extremely blurry. This feeling was worst h]than having a hangover. " No Hyun Hyo-ah DONT LEAVE ME!" "DONT!" I spat out and reached for the figure in front of me. I dont know if it was my instinct to hug whoever it was but I was afraid, tired, definetely not in the right sense of mind and I couldnt control my body. I grabbed that person into a hug and I closed my eyes.

It was a woman. She felt warm. She seemed to have called out my name but I couldnt hear anything. I havent felt someone's embrace as comforting as the one i was having right now. Believe it or not, despite having that terrible nightmare and being stranded in this unfavourable environment, I fell asleep. It felt so calming and reassuring. My vision went dark. Again. 

My body was in shock. Jungkook had just suddenly grabbed me and hugged me. He didnt move after leaning his head on my shoulder, falling into a really deep sleep that even the thunder cant seem to wake him up. He didnt reek the smell of alcohol and it was against the company rules to do drugs so what was the matter with him? Leave him? But i didnt leave. In fact I just arrived here and in his life so how could i ever have left him?

"Jungkook-ah we have to get proper shelter huh? Can you stand? Are you listening to me?" I tried to shrug him off my shoulders but his grip around my body was really tight he wouldnt budge. I glanced down onto his face and I stopped moving. He looked so at peace. His facial features at ease, alligned with his soft breathing. Theres no way I could ever have the heart to wake him up. 

But nevermind him, what is wrong with me? Why is my heart racing so fast? Even though it was extremely windy and cold, all i could ever feel was warmth emitting out of me. My cheeks felt so swollen and red. "You cant be serious Hyun Hyo." I thought to myself. I tried to calm myself down. I looked down onto the innocent face that was on my shoulder. "Okay then I guess the only other way is to wait it out." I said while looking at the still threatening sky above us. I leaned myself against the back of the slide and positioned myself so that Jungkook wouldnt end up with a sprained neck.

I closed my eyes and I started to hum. I started to Jungkook's back unconciously, thinking about the time when I was younger and I was afraid. Mom did the exact same thing. My only hope would be that the sky clears up soon and the other members had made their way to rescue us. But for now, I just gotta make sure that he is warm. All the cold rain water is making his temperature drop. "Stay warm please" I whispered and hugged him, trying to keep him warm. 

I woke up and found myself lying in my room. I was changed and woah my head feels a lot lighter than it ever was. It was as if I had been asleep for many days. A peaceful sleep that is. But how did I get here? I couldnt remember how I got back to my dorm or where I was before this. I hopped off my bed and headed for the door to look for the other members. In the living room, all the six members were crowding around and staring at the floor. They were all whispering to each other. 

"Hey Hyungs! What are you guys staring at? And why am i in my room? What happened?" 

They looked so startled they jumped and charged at me. They cupped my mouth and dragged me into the kitchen. " What was that for?!" I asked in shocked. 

They shushed me and told me to whisper. "We are the ones who have the rights to ask you. What happened to you? How did you end up fainting or sleeping or whatever? Jin asked, checking my arms to see if I was alright. " And quieten down, you might wake her up. She needs the rest. "

Then it hit me, te rain, the memory, the lying on the ground, the woman who i hugged. The events started playing in my mind though I still cant remember who it was or what happened after I fell asleep. "Hyung is she here? I must apologise to her! I really didnt know what was wrong with me yesterday. She just felt so comfortable and the next thing I knew was that I had already fallen asleep." 

They looked a little nervous. "Why? What's wrong? Where is she? Who is she? " I asked. 

"Hy-Hyun Hyo. Hyun Hyo found you at the park yesterday when you were lying unconciously on the ground under the slide" Namjoon hyung said, "She saved you from the storm yesterday. You could have been in a more dire state had she not found you."

"I was wha- with who?" their eyes immediately widen. I walked out into the living room, trying to process what they have just told me only to find her sleeping and tucked in though her clothes are still a little wet. 


Oh .

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Chapter 18: WOW!!!excited for 19
jerinrinrin #2
Chapter 18: YAYYY YOURE BACK!!! <3
jerinrinrin #3
Chapter 17: Oh my god the insects are such ers when they just got together pls give them some privacy bugs :-(
shshshsharina #4
Chapter 16: What a rewarding turn of events. Love it! I'm glad she's giving him another chance. This is that moment when we are assured that they belong together.
RachelHoon #5
Chapter 12: Ok I think I'm soon gonna ship her with Jimin
RachelHoon #6
Chapter 11: I hope she will move on cuz jungkook deserves it(I'm so mean :P) and then return to jungkook again after smt happens
jerinrinrin #7
Author-nim hwaiting!!!!