Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? Part 8

The Tales of the Royalty


            “W-W-Why are you here?”


            The girl standing at the doorway sneered. “What? I don’t have permission to see my own girlfriend now?”


            Taeyeon jumped. “GIRLFRIEND?” She looked, wide-eyed, from Tiffany to the mystery girl, then back to Tiffany again. Tiffany suddenly held onto Taeyeon’s, and Taeyeon felt the other girl shake, mainly in fear. “Who are you and what do you want with Tippani?”


            “Idiot. You can’t even say her name right. It’s TiFFany. FF, not PP. I’m here because she belongs to me.”


            “You say it like she’s an object, not a human being.” Taeyeon felt the anger within her spark and start growing. She felt the urge to protect Tiffany, with whatever it took.


            “That’s exactly what she is. But she’s my object. And you’re standing in my way. Get out of my way before you get hurt.”


            Taeyeon made no move to get out of the other girl’s way. Instead, she stood her ground and stared at the other girl straight in the eyes. “No.”


            The girl backed off, but just a bit. She put her hands up. “Oooooooh, looks like little Tiffany’s got a teensy weensy guardian.” She laughed, a sinister, hallow laugh. She wiped her imaginary tears away. “Oh, goodness. I haven’t had a good laugh in a while. But seriously though, midget, get out of the way. Now.” The girl’s eyes blazed like the fiery flames of hell.


            Taeyeon did not move and continued staring the other girl in the eyes. She had no idea where her courage came from. Perhaps it was because of the girl holding onto the back of her shirt, and the urge to protect this helpless girl. “No.”


            “Okay, you asked for it.” The other girl rolled up her sleeves, and suddenly, a small spark appeared on her fingertips. Taeyeon’s eyes grew. “W-Wha-“


            She landed with a thump after hitting the wall. Taeyeon tried moving her arms and legs, but she found them to be…binded.


            “HOLY SH-“ She was stuck to the wall, her arms and legs were splayed out against the hard surface behind her. She struggled, trying to free herself.


            “TAEYEON!!!!!” Tiffany ran up the stairs, but still couldn’t reach Taeyeon; she was stuck near the ceiling. Tiffany looked up at a helpless Taeyeon and turned back, facing the girl at the door. “STOP IT!!!! Fine! I’ll go back with you-“


            “NO! Don’t! Tiffany, stop!” Tiffany heard Taeyeon’s screams behind her. She shut her eyes and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. She ignored the shorter girl’s pleading voice and walked away, towards the girl who stood smirking at the door.


            “That’s right. Come back to me, you filthy-“


            “DON’T YOU DARE TALK TO HER THAT WAY, YOU BI-AAAAH!” The girl at the door smiled evilly and zapped Taeyeon again, causing her body to convulse. Taeyeon screamed out in pain; it was like being in the electric chair. Only ten times more painful.


            Tiffany burst out in tears and reluctantly ran into the arms of the girl at the door. “Stop. Just stop. I’ll do whatever you say. Just stop hurting her. Please. I beg you.” She dropped to her knees and begged the other girl, who stood there, smirking.


            Taeyeon felt her own tears dropping at the sight of Tiffany kneeling so helplessly in front of the evil-looking girl. She was also crying because of how helpless she was. Why couldn’t she help the girl she loved? “Ti-Tippani…”

            The girl at the door dropped her arms, and Taeyeon also dropped with a THUD and rolled down the stairs. Her body was aching and convulsing. She was weak…so terribly weak.

            “TAEYEON!!!” Tiffany scrambled to her feet and ran towards Taeyeon, but the girl at the door froze her in her place. “Nu-uh-uh. You belong to me now. Me and only me. Now, come back to me, you servant.” With a small tug, Tiffany went flying into the other girl’s arms. “Thank you so much for bringing her back to me. We shall be taking our leave now.” She turned and pushed Tiffany out the door. Before walking away herself, she turned back to Taeyeon with that smirk. “Don’t even bother looking for her. Don’t even think about her. Just forget her. She never would’ve wanted you anyway. Taeyeon.”


            Taeyeon blinked away her tears as she lay helplessly on her stomach. Her head felt heavy, and as if clockwork, out once the door slammed shut. The only thing she could remember coming out of was, “T-T-Tipp-ani…”













Whew~~~ As you can see, this story's updates are longer, which is why I need a little more time to update... :)

Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy it, because it took FOREVER to write jjkjkjk

The next part should be up soon once I finish developing it, editing it and actually writing it....



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Chapter 49: please update soon
mioaio #2
Chapter 49: Author!! update this faster!! I want to know what happens next! ughhhh!!!
Chapter 49: Gaaah, when will you update this one, author-ssi?
It was already over a year and i'm still craving for this continuation!! DX
omoo~ update soon~
i guess the girl was yuri ._.
fany loves her too~ ^^ how cute~ , i envy u D: i have to wait until february for SNSD to go here in the philippines D:
glad to know Fany feels the same way :)

but hey, author ssi. You reminded me of the concert aisssh , i really want to go there >.<
who is that girl? she got magic or what huh?
omo what's with the girl who took Tiffany?? @.@