Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? Part 1

The Tales of the Royalty


           “I don’t want to see you ever again. Leave me. Now.”


            “Why are you doing this to me-“


            “And why are you still here? I never want to see your ugly face ever again!”


            The sound of a slap echoes through the silent, dimly lit room. The shadows dancing on the wall lumped together to form two figures, one slightly hunched over, cowering away from the other, who had an arm still raised. The standing figure’s face carried an expression of disgust and hate. The complexion on the cowering one showed nothing but fear and sadness.


            “Why would you do this to me?” Tears silently rolled down the cowering girl’s cheeks and formed tiny droplets of salty water on the carpet. Her lips were quivering, her hand was still pressed to the burning spot on her cheek, where she was slapped.


            The other girl scoffed. “Look at you. Look at me. Do you see why I slapped you? You’re nothing but an outcast; you’re ugly and nobody loves you. Now leave my home; you’re making it filthy with your presence.” Her eyes were filled with nothing but evil and disgust for the cowering figure before her. “GO!” Her loud, booming voice ran through the halls, up the stairs, out of the windows, and bounced off the walls.


            The crying girl’s hand never left her cheek as she ran towards the door. She sobbed continuously as she ran into the unrelenting night, greeted by nothing by the falling snow and the cold, frigid winter air.


            She ran with her bare feet, both of which were bloodied and numb from the unforgiving coldness of the snow. She crawled underneath bushes, hopped over tree stumps and climbed over fallen logs, but she kept running, and her tears kept falling.


            She had no destination. She had nowhere in mind. She just knew that she needed to get as far away from that house as possible. Deep in her thoughts, she failed to notice the sharp rock that just happened to be protruding out from beneath the snow.


            “OW!” She trips over the obstacle, stubbing her toes along the way. She whimpers from the pain and from the chilling wind. Her feet were purple, turning black from the cold. She bent over and looked at her bleeding toes. She tried to move them, but failed. She saw an empty cave. Shelter. She dragged her bleeding feet along with her, leaving behind her a trail of blood in the white snow. She huddled against the rock in the cave, and with her shaking and freezing hands, tried to make a fire. Her fire was small, but was enough to warm at least her hands. Her fingers were swollen from the cold, her feet scraped and bruised from all of the running. She sighed and touched her still throbbing cheek, as miniscule tears made their way down her cheeks again. Her body starts shaking as she continually holds her cheek.


            “Why? Why? Why did you do this to me? Is it because I’m different? Is it because you think I’m ugly?”


            It was a question that would require a hurtful answer, and she knew it. From out of her tears, she started laughing an empty laughter that was forced out of her shaking body by self-pity. She knew that the scars on her left cheek were the reason she was mocked wherever she went. She knew that it was those very scars that drove her out of the house.


            But she had no choice. The scars were a reminder of her past, of the reason why she was living in the first place.


            She was given a second chance.







This is only Part 1 of a long, multi-shot....

I decided to break it up to make it easier for you guys to read.

BTW, *hint* the "couple" in this scene will not be the official couple of this multi-shot...just sayin'

So, *snickers evilly* if you guys want the other parts, please COMMENT or else NO UPDATES!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

But seriously though, I'll only update after I receive at least TWO comments!!!!!!



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Chapter 49: please update soon
mioaio #2
Chapter 49: Author!! update this faster!! I want to know what happens next! ughhhh!!!
Chapter 49: Gaaah, when will you update this one, author-ssi?
It was already over a year and i'm still craving for this continuation!! DX
omoo~ update soon~
i guess the girl was yuri ._.
fany loves her too~ ^^ how cute~ , i envy u D: i have to wait until february for SNSD to go here in the philippines D:
glad to know Fany feels the same way :)

but hey, author ssi. You reminded me of the concert aisssh , i really want to go there >.<
who is that girl? she got magic or what huh?
omo what's with the girl who took Tiffany?? @.@