Their Love Story

The Tales of the Royalty


She wanted somebody to love her. To want her, to hold her and kiss her.

She wanted somebody's eyes to constantly be on her. Her and only her.

She wanted the taste of a loving kiss placed on sweetly by her lover.

She believed that love was something special, something worth waiting her whole life for.

She also knew that falling in love isn't as easy as 1-2-3. It was a difficult process: one that required amounts of cooperation and dedication, from both ends of the party.


She wanted to be left alone in her own world. Nobody outside of her world could possibly understand her. She doesn't even understand herself.

She puts up a cold mask in public, trying to be as heartless and nonchalant as she can.

Secretly, deep on the inside, she's vulnerable; weak.

Of course, she'd never admit this to anyone, not even herself. She sees being cold and emotionless as a form of protection.

She's protecting her young and innocent heart.

She's never loved, or been loved before.

She says that she doesn't want love, that it's too cliche and storybookish. But her heart says something different.

Her heart wants to love. It yearns for it.

She has yet to realize this.


She volunteers her time at the library in school, checking out books for the students, and helping the arthritic, elderly librarian re-stock the shelves.

She was on her last shelf of the day when she sees a girl, sitting all by her lonesome at one of the tables.

The girl had pale, glowing skin, her hair cut short, yet dyed an elegant blond. The golden, afternoon sunlight streaming through the windows cast shadows onto her face, intricately illustrating her perfect features.

She was taken away.

Her heart started pounding, faster than usual. She felt herself running short of breath, felt her body weakening, and her stomach tightening.

She dropped the book she was holding, causing a loud, thunderous BANG to echo throughout the massive library.

The other girl finally looks up.


All she wanted to do was finish studying and go home, to finally sleep.

She hasn't slept in three days. Not a wink.

Anymore of this and she'll be a certified insomniac.

She rubs her eyes and stifles a yawn.

Suddenly, a loud sound reaches her ears, causing her to flinch a little. She looks around, to see which idiot had done the deed. Her wandering eyes finally find and capture a sheepish looking girl frantically picking up the book that she dropped.

She smirks and tries to look away. She finds it hard to take her eyes off of the clumsy girl. She noticed that whenever the latter smiled, her eyes would form little crescent moons.

She mentally slapped herself. What on earth was she thinking? But somehow, her eyes couldn't leave the other girl. She found herself constantly staring at her, taking in the outline of her body, and how perfectly shaped her body was.

Her chest felt tight and constricted. She could no longer breathe with ease.

She knew that from then on, she was in trouble.


She couldn't stop thinking about her, the girl in the library. She found herself constantly dreaming about those golden locks of hair, and how soft they must feel.

Her imagination was getting to her.

She was constantly distracted with the dangerous thoughts of running her fingers through the latter's hair while kissing those perfect, pretty lips.

She snapped herself back to reality. She promised herself that no matter what, she was going to find the girl who had made her heart hum like a hummingbird; the girl who occupied her thoughts and her heart.


She was back in the library, reading some book by some obscure, shady author. The book may have been good, but she wouldn't know; her mind was someplace else.

Her mind was with that girl, inventory girl, she called her.

In her mind, they were holding hands, fingers laced together tightly, and they were running. Running together. It didn't matter where they ran to, as long as they were running together.

She imagined, no, fantasized about pressing her lips onth the other girl's luscious pink ones. She imagined her to taste like fresh cherries, just ripened and cleansed after getting picked from the orchard during a warm summer's day.

She gave herself another mental slap.

What was happening to her? She tried clearing her mind and went back to trying to read the novel. But all see saw were words. Words strung together into meaningless sentences. Her brain had officially turned to mush.

She lets out a sigh, a long one. She decides to close her eyes and rest for a bit, hoping that her mind would let her take a break.

But it had other plans.

She was with the other girl again, only this time, they were locked in a tight embrace, their bodies perfectly melting against one another. She was caressing the girl's smooth backside, and murmuring sweet words of love into the latter's ear.

She took herself away from the fantasy and forced open her eyes, only to see a pair of dark brown ones melting into hers.


She didn't expect her to open her eyes. At least not that quickly.

She didn't expect to feel that sudden jolt, of what was it? Exhilaration? Surprise?

She didn't expect to feel this.

This sudden warmth.

She found herself immersed in the other girl's eyes, found herself completely lost, swimming around in those round, brown orbs. It was as if she was trying to stare deeply into the other girl's soul, trying to read the other girl's thoughts, her secrets.

She felt something stir, deep in her chest, something she's never felt before. It was a strange, tingling sensation. It felt good to some extent.


She liked the unfamiliarity and mystery of the situation.

She was so close to her. The other girl blinked, but made no other movements, as if she was equally as awed, equally as mesmerized.


She forgot how to breathe, forgot how to think. Her mind was completely empty, completely void and uncapable of coming up with any sort of thought or emotion.

The girl she had been fantasizing about just seconds before was right in front of her, peering curiously into her soul.

She took in every little feature of the other girl's face, from the plump, glossy, pink lips to her unmoving, doll-like eyes.

Absolutely stunning.


Time stopped for both girls. Both were so immersed in trying to read the other's thoughts that they were oblivious of the time flying by them.

Neither of them realized taht they were both feeling the same things towards one another: infatuation and bewilderment. Their stomachs felt as if they were tied up in knots, with the strings being pulled in all different directions, tightening the knot.


She wasn't quite sure what she should do at this moment. She was afraid to move, afraid to breathe. She didn't what to ruin this moment, whatever this moment was.

She finally allowed herself to blink. She tentatively closed her eyes.

Did she still hope for the other girl to be there? Or did some part of her (a very small part) want to believe that she was still dreaming? That this was too good to be true?

She tentatively opened her eyes.

The other girl was still there, still beautiful as ever. But she was looking away, and getting ready to walk away.

Not thinking, she reached out and grasped for the girl.


She hadn't realized that she was still staring into the other girl's eyes for this long.

She finally forced herself to pull free from the spell that the other girl's eyes had cast onto her.

Shyly, she looked away. Although she couldn't see the other girl, she could see her. Her image was imprinted into her mind, etched into the very depths of her brain.

She decided that she was too embarrassed to carry on a normal conversation with the other girl, so she started to walk away.

She felt something lightly pulling her back, and a slight tingling sensation traveled up and down her right hand.

She looked down.

The other girl had grabbed her hand.


She stood up, mentally cursing her own height. Even fully standing, she was still a bit shorter than the other girl.

She looked up into the latter's eyes, seeing her own thoughts mirrored in the other girl's eyes.

Grabbing the girl's hand even tighter, she pulled the other girl closer to her.

She lightly placed her free hand onto the girl's waist.

A gentle gesture, but yet it caused her to shiver. It felt so...perfect.

She closed the already narrow distance between them, until all she could see was the other girl's closed eyes.

She then closed her own eyes and let her fantasies take over.


It was everything they imagined it to be, the kiss.

It took them both away from the library and into a faraway land, a place where their fantasies of each other resided.

The kiss touched the hearts of both of the girls, especially the shorter one's.

Having never believed in love, the kiss was making her think otherwise. Her cold front was melting, and the shield that guarded her heart was faltering.

As for the taller girl, she was in a state of pure bliss; pure euphoria. She had finally found exactly what she was searching for: true love.

Once they both broke away from one another, they held each other at arm's distance, carefully absorbing in the other's facial features, as if wanting their face to be forever etched into their memory.

The shorter girl smirked and tugged on the hand of the taller girl. Even such a small movement took the taller girl's breath away. She smiled, showing off those perfect eye-smiles.

They held hands and walked out of the library together.


Today is the day where one girl had decided to lower the gates that surrounded her heart, while the other had ecstatically found the one thing she had been waiting for.

Either way, today is the day where a brand new page of their love story starts.

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Chapter 49: please update soon
mioaio #2
Chapter 49: Author!! update this faster!! I want to know what happens next! ughhhh!!!
Chapter 49: Gaaah, when will you update this one, author-ssi?
It was already over a year and i'm still craving for this continuation!! DX
omoo~ update soon~
i guess the girl was yuri ._.
fany loves her too~ ^^ how cute~ , i envy u D: i have to wait until february for SNSD to go here in the philippines D:
glad to know Fany feels the same way :)

but hey, author ssi. You reminded me of the concert aisssh , i really want to go there >.<
who is that girl? she got magic or what huh?
omo what's with the girl who took Tiffany?? @.@