Dance of Love

The Tales of the Royalty

(In case you were wondering, the couple in the gif is HyoCole) :)








They say that I'm like a machine.

An unstoppable, y machine.

The sad truth is, I am. That's all I am.

A machine.

A sad machine waiting for love, for that special someone to hold.

I waste my days away prancing around on my two legs, opening the mouths of those who come to see me.

I receive letters of confessions every day from delirious fans who think that they love me.

They only love who I am on the outside.

I need someone to love me on the inside.

Someone who understands who I really am.

Someone who realizes that I'm actually not a machine, but a human being.

Of course, that is as possible as building a time machine.

No one in Korea can beat me. I come in first place on all the shows, competitions, and blah blah blah.

But I'm not praise-worthy. Everyone thinks that I am living the life: I have the house, the cars, the talent, and most of all:

The money.

But I don't care for any of that. Those are all material goods. It seems that I have the best possible living situation in the entire universe.

But I don't: I'm void of something that we call love.

Yes, I yearn for it. I wake up in the middle of the night, all alone.

Currently, I'm on a world tour, seeing the sights that the world has to offer, and listening to fans screaming at me in thirty or so different languages.

I plaster on a fake smile, to hide the pain and unhappiness that lingers underneath.

After a long and strenuous day of performing, I plop down on my hotel bed, listening to the creaking of the cheap springs underneath.

I get up to get a drink.

The cool water extinguishes the burning flame within me. I look out the window, looking at the bustling city before me.

There are seven billion people out there.

One of them has got to be for me.

Unless, fate has cruelly chosen that I be forever alone, with only my two feet as my companions.

I sigh, a long, pathetic sigh.

The next day, I had a rehearsal, before the actual performance. The rehearsal was filled with people I hated. They strutted around the place, directing orders.

I felt like I was in a ing army.

There was one director who was extra harsh to the dancers. He was yelling at them, saying that they were not worthy of dancing with me.

This got me angry. Who's he to say that they weren't worthy of dancing with me?

I walk up to him and tap his shoulder.

His eyes widen behind his ugly, framed glasses.

I chastise him in front of those dancers for a good half hour. The entire time, the dancers were quietly whispering amongst themselves. I kept my eye on one of them. She was petite, her eyes fit perfectly onto her oval-shaped face. Her smile was dazzling, almost exotic.

I had never seen her before.

After I had chastised the director for a while, I turn my attention to the dancers, keeping a sharp eye on the mystery girl.

They all seemed afraid of me; intimidated by my presence. I immediately turn off my cold demeanor and smile. I apologize for the earlier incident and excuse them all to continue on with the rehearsal. I hold the mystery girl back and ask for her name. I offer her my hand.

Her touch was soft, angelic, and warm. I felt myself shudder at the contact.

She smiled at me, showing off her perfect rows of teeth. She bows to me and apologizes, saying that she had to go back and rehearse.

Before she left, however, I catch her by the wrist again.

I ask her if she wanted to grab something to eat with me tonight, after the performance.

She gives off her hypnotic smile and agrees, then runs off to join the rest of the dancers.

Tonight's performance received even louder and even more thunderous reactions from the crowd before me. I gave it my all tonight.

I knew that she was watching me. I knew because I was watching her. Her moves were fluid, like the flow of the ocean at low tide. She wasn't rigid or stiff, and whenever she moved, I saw an angelic aura surround her.

I wanted her.

She had melted my mechanic heart.

She was the one who I wanted to be with.

Dance with.

Our dinner together was quiet, except for the occasional small-talk.

I heard the sincerity behind each question that she asked me. I felt her concern for me.

Even in the dim lighting of the cheap, roadside restaurant, or should I say stall, she was beautiful, her pureness and compassion radiating from her body.

After dinner, I realized that I wasn't going to see her again. She was only going to be with me on this one show.

And it was over.

I couldn't let her go. Not just yet.

She seemed hesitant also, not wanting to stop talking to me just yet.

We get to my hotel, and I see her smile faltering. Her eyes were cloudy, telling me that she was sad, that she didn't want tonight to end either.

I take her lips in mine, and they fit perfectly together, like the pieces of a puzzle.

She agreed to sign a contract with my company, after I threatened the president by saying that without her as my main dancer, I was going to pull out of the company.

Palms and forehead sweaty, the president quickly agreed.

We are still together, dancing on stages in front of crowds all over the world.

But somehow, it feels different now.

I smile more. I smiled a lot tonight.

Because I know that I'm finally complete; finally a human.

I've found love.

She danced right into my arms.













Doubleeeee update!~~~~ WOOT WOOT!!!

Man, I am on fire right now!

Thanks to all of you who have COMMENTED! You guys are lovely, and gorgeous, and I love you lots and lots!!!!!! <3

For those of you who are silent readers: *tsk tsk* >:[ RAWR

So, I hope you all enjoyed this one-shot! I am currently experimenting with different styles of writing to find one that I really like! (Just in case you guys cared keke)

Please COMMENT and subscribe!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~


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Chapter 49: please update soon
mioaio #2
Chapter 49: Author!! update this faster!! I want to know what happens next! ughhhh!!!
Chapter 49: Gaaah, when will you update this one, author-ssi?
It was already over a year and i'm still craving for this continuation!! DX
omoo~ update soon~
i guess the girl was yuri ._.
fany loves her too~ ^^ how cute~ , i envy u D: i have to wait until february for SNSD to go here in the philippines D:
glad to know Fany feels the same way :)

but hey, author ssi. You reminded me of the concert aisssh , i really want to go there >.<
who is that girl? she got magic or what huh?
omo what's with the girl who took Tiffany?? @.@