One More Chance

The Tales of the Royalty

















That empty, void feeling of being all by yourself.

With no one next to you.

Nobody to hold, to touch.

To love.

Forever alone.

My friends all had somebody to be with, somebody to share their warmth with. While I? Huh. No one was there to receive or to give me any warmth.

Well, I did have someone.

But she died. 

Exactly one year ago.

I could never forget the panic I saw flash by in her eyes before...

Before that happened.

I can't bring myself to talk about it, let alone think about it. It hurts...

Too much.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. 

A day where lovers are allowed to show each other just how much they love each other, through endless sendings of flowers, cards, chocolate...


If only I could have...

Just one more chance to show her...

How much I love her.

How much I cared for her.

One more chance.

I sat alone by my window, staring out at the cloudless, pink-streaked sky.

She always loved pink.

It was the time of day when the sun was setting, but the stars had already begun to show themselves. 

There was one star in the sky that shone brighter than all the rest. A small, twinkling star that sat high up in the sky. 

Of course, being the love-sick, cliched person that I am, I wished upon it.

Hey, it sure couldn't hurt me now, can it?

So, what did I wish for?

A chance.

I wished for another chance to be with her. Another chance to show her how much I love her, and how far I'm willing to go to protect her. 

I just wanted another chance to get things right.

So, I closed my eyes real tight and wished with all of my might. I finally opened my eyes to see the star still high up in the sky, still twinkling and shining brightly.

I sighed. It was time for bed. Time for me to sleep alone.



The next morning, I woke up with the sun streaming into my eyes. 

Being the pabo I am, I had forgotten to close the shades before I slept last night.

Served me right.

I got up and stretched my tiny little body and started walking downstairs.

I stopped halfway down when I heard a crash.

What the f-

"ARGH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed so hard that the people in America could've heard me.

Not to mention, I was completely frozen in my spot.

There, in the middle of my kitchen, crouched down on the floor, picking up the broken pieces of the plate...

Was her.

I blinked once.

Still there.

I blinked again.


I shook my head, but then I became dizzy and fell.

"Omo~ Tae Tae! What's wrong?" I felt a pair of arms encircle me.

"T-T-T-T-T-T-Tae Tae?" No one's called me that in...

Well, a year...

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling alright?" I felt a warm hand caress my cheek and touch my forehead. "Hmm...your temperature feels right..."

I suddenly sat up straight and crawled across the room at lightning speed. I sat in the corner hugging my knees. She still sat there, eyes wide. "Tae Tae, what in the world are you doing?" She moved closer to me.

I held out my arm. "D-D-D-D-D-Don't come near m-m-m-m-m-me."

She came closer. I moved closer to the wall until I was practically hugging it.

"Tae Tae. Stop. It's me. Why are you acting this way?" She reached out to grab me, but I did a somersault and ended up near the door. Scratched that. I crashed into the door, hitting my head. "Oww...." I held my throbbing head.

"You pabo! Wae are you being like this?" I swear I saw two of her. She came over and gently rubbed my sore head. "Oww...." I pouted.

"Dork." She smiled and giggled. 

My eyes opened wide, and I froze up.

She had that exact same smile and the exact same laugh.

The one that I missed so much.

No, snap out of it, Taeng! This is just a dream! It's an illusion! She's not real!!!!

"I am real, okay, Tae Tae?"

I slapped myself. 



She was still there. And was now giving me the weirdest look on the planet. "Tae, what are you doing? Why are you acting so weirdly?"

I still couldn't believe it. This was not humanly possible. She was de-

The wish! That's it! As stupid and as delusional as that sounded, it was the only thing that made sense!

The star!

Was this really my chance? Was this my chance to prove just how much I loved her? 

So, what was I waiting for?

I pounced on her. "FANY!!!!!!!!"

"Taeng! What has gotten into you? One minute, you're all emo, and now, you're basically crushing me! Get off!"

I sat next to her on the ground, staring at her perfect face. I reached out and grabbed her hand. "You're really real!"

She scoffed. "Of course I'm real, Taeng! What else would I be? Are you sure you're ok?"

I was so love-drunk. "Just....I'm just...."

Suddenly, a thought popped into my mind, and I ran out the door.

"TAE! Where-?"

I ran to the nearest florist, and asked the lady for a single, pink rose.

I happily skipped back to my house. "FANY-AH!!!!"

My exclamation echoed throughout the empty house.

My shoulders dropped. Was it...?

Was it all a dream? Was I so delusional that I imagined her touch, her smile, her warmth?

I slumped down onto the floor once more; my eyes never leaving the marble-polished surface.

"You're ho-What are you doing on the floor?"

I looked up again, teary-eyed. She wasn't gone. She was still here. I quickly got up and wrapped my arms around her waist, crying into her shoulder. "F-F-F-Fany-ah...I thought-I thought-"

"Shhhhh, Tae Tae. I'm right here, ok? Don't cry! Look! I made you breakfast!!!!" She pulled me away and led me to the dining room, where there was a large plate filled with food on the table. 

I stared, wide-eyed at the plate. "You did this? All for me?"

She smiled and nodded happily. "Mmmh-hmph! I wanted to do something special! Come, let's eat!"

She started feeding me-no, cramming food into my mouth. To be honest, I haven't had a decent breakfast since...well...

After she had stuffed the fourth pancake into my mouth, I presented the rose to her.

"Fany-ah, happy Valentine's day!"

Her eyes widened at the sight of the pink rose, and she clapped happily. "TAE TAE! It's pink!!!! Omo~ Thank you so much!!!! I love you!!!"

I choked. Now, that's something I didn't hear everyday. "I love you."

"I adore you too, Fany. More than you could ever imagine." I couldn't say those three words. Not yet.

She giggled and lightly slapped me. "Cheesy Taeng."

"YAH!" I pretended to be mad and started tickling her. "HAHAHAHA That tickles...Taeng...Can't...breathe....HAHAHAHA....Ok, Ok, Ok, you win!!!" 

I finally ceased my tickle attack and she got up to do the dishes. I watched her, and something hit me. Did I only have this one day with her before she would leave me again? I looked up and smiled when I heard her humming and washing the dishes.

Whatever today was, I was gonna make the most of it. I would spend every single minute-no, second by her side.

I walked over into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Yes, Tae Tae?"

"I wanna take you out today, Fany. Just you and me."

She turned around and smiled at me. "Jeongmalyo? Really? Where are we gonna go?"

I smiled sneakily at her and put a finger up to my lips. "Tis a surprise, my dear. You're gonna have to wait and see!" I teased.

To be honest, I had no freaking clue as to what I was gonna plan. Perhaps...

I took her to the beach. The sun was shining, and the sky was a beautiful, deep azure color. I lay there in the soft sand, eyes closed and listening to the sound of the waves, mixed along with little kids shrieking and thrashing around.

"Tae Tae?"

"Hmmm?" I opened one of my eyes to see an adorable pair of chocolatey brown ones staring back at me. I jumped a little. "F-Fany?"

She smiled and sat next to me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her body, wanting to pass the love I felt for her to her. She leaned back and snuggled against my chest, her arms holding onto mine. "Mmmmh. You smell like...coconuts."

I laughed. "It's the sunscreen."

She suddenly got up. "Race you to the water!" She began running. I took off after her. We played around in the surf, splashing each other with the salty, ocean water. I picked her up and threw her into the water. She got her revenge by tripping me and making me fall into the deeper part of the ocean.

I did something that I haven't done in a year. I felt something I haven't felt in a year.

I was laughing; I felt happy.

But, I kept my distance. I tried not to get too intimate with her. Tried not to get too attached to her.

The day went by quickly, and before we knew it, it was sundown.

We lay there together on the sand, hands intertwined.

I looked up at the sky again. 

The star was no longer there today.

I felt her shift, and she sat up. We sat there together, in silence, and in each other's arms, feeling each other's warmth.

"Today was the best Valentine's day ever, Tae Tae. Gomawo."

I closed my eyes and silently swallowed my tears. But nevertheless, they still flowed out. But I tried staying strong; tried not to cry.

"Y-Y-You're welcome."

She sighed and leaned into me again. I smelled her strawberry-flavored shampoo. That smell was heaven to my nose.

All of a sudden, she got up and started patting the sand off of her dress. "Well, time to go back. But, thank you so much for today, Tae Tae." She leaned in really closely and kissed the tip of my nose. Something in me started panicking. Not now.

She started walking away from me, and within five seconds, she was gone.

My heart stopped for a moment, and everything from that day flooded back into my memory. The pain that I had felt, the loss I had felt. I finally released my tears. Everything I felt came out in a stream of salty water from my eyes. I literally cried my heart out.

I had gotten my chance. 

But I had lost her again.

My body began shaking.

The tears. 

They wouldn't stop. 

They couldn't stop.

I sat there alone, on the empty beach, emptying out my heart.

I looked back up at the sky. The star was back.

Was that her? Was she now watching me from above?


"Say what?"

I abruptly turned around. There, standing in front of me, in a billowy, light pink dress, was my angel. My love.

"F-F-F-F-F-Fany? Is it really you?"

She stepped out into the moonlight, where I caught a better glimpse of her. She walked towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close her. "No more crying, Tae Tae. It hurts for me to see you cry like this. It hurted a year ago, and it's hurting me now."


"What did you just say?" I pulled away from her. She hung her head. "Taeyeon, I came back for a reason. I came back because I wanted another chance to be with you. I wanted another chance to be loved by you. I know it's weird-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Lemme just ask one teensy little question: are you or are you not dead?"

She paused for a while. "That's a good question. I don't know..."

My heart was caught in my throat again. " this the end...?"

She switched the topic. "What were you gonna tell me?"


"When you were yelling."

I wanted to tell her that I loved her. I wanted to grab her by the waist and kiss her with everything I had.

But something stopped me.

"N-Nothing. It's late. We should go back."

I grabbed her hand, something I allowed myself to do.

Back at home, she insisted on sleeping with me, just like we used to do. I reluctantly agreed.

But, I had to admit, it felt good to have someone next to me again. 

It felt good to feel her warmth again. 

She lay next to me, and we stared into each other's eyes.

I lay there, looking at her, wondering if this was really going to be the end.

I allowed myself to kiss her on the lips, barely a brush. But, she held me in place and deepened our kiss.

I was left breathless and thoughtless, and fell asleep with a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach, and a wide smile on my face.


I awoke the next morning with the sun streaming onto my face.


"Damn blinds..."

I immediately got up and looked over.


As if she was never there.

I sighed.

I knew it.

I slumped my way downstairs, with each heavy step taken with a heavy heart.

I started preparing some cereal for myself, when all of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. "HOLY-"

I immediately turned around and found a giggling Fany.


She stopped giggling and looked at me. "Surprised? SO AM I!!!" She jumped into my arms around flung her arms around my neck. She began kissing me, and her arms were everywhere. I mean, everywhere.

"" I peeled her off of me, and stared at her.

She smiled. "They said that our love really touched them, and how happy you were because of me. They said that they've been watching you for a while now, and that you were always alone and depressed. So, they gave us one more chance. They told me that I better make it count, and that if we screwed up once more, I'd be gone. Forever."

My eyes opened wide at the news. I couldn't believe my ears. Fany was mine, again. She was really mine.

"FANYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I swooped her up and swung her around and around, until we both collapsed onto the floor, with her, of course, landing on top of me.

We stared into each other's eyes.

I finally gathered up the courage to say  to her the three words that have been nagging at my brain since last night.






"I love you."














Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!!!
Even if you're dateless, and Valentine's-less, like your beloved author here kekekekeeeee LONERS UNITE! jkjkjkjk

I wonder what TaeNy did for their Valentine's.... O_o
Ah~~~ I am such a byuntae kekekekekeee

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Chapter 49: please update soon
mioaio #2
Chapter 49: Author!! update this faster!! I want to know what happens next! ughhhh!!!
Chapter 49: Gaaah, when will you update this one, author-ssi?
It was already over a year and i'm still craving for this continuation!! DX
omoo~ update soon~
i guess the girl was yuri ._.
fany loves her too~ ^^ how cute~ , i envy u D: i have to wait until february for SNSD to go here in the philippines D:
glad to know Fany feels the same way :)

but hey, author ssi. You reminded me of the concert aisssh , i really want to go there >.<
who is that girl? she got magic or what huh?
omo what's with the girl who took Tiffany?? @.@