Chapter 10

Overcome [A NU'EST Fanfic]

When Ren fell asleep during the first night back at the inn his dreams were filled with nightmares. Suddenly all around him all he could see was everyone's deaths. The ones who stuck out the most to him were both Jongin and Baekhyun's deaths.

Baekho woke feeling groggy as he heard Ren thrashing around in his sleep. It took him a minute to pinpoint the sound and he was soon wide awake as he sat up. He looked down at Ren before carefully going to wake him up. "Ren! Ren!" He said, shaking Ren slightly.

Ren woke with a start his arm moving in front of him on instinct to punch whoever woke him. "Ow," grumbled Baekho as he rubbed his cheek. "Sorry," mumbled Ren as he sat up. "Did I wake you?" He asked. Baekho nodded. "It's alright, you were having nightmares," he said. They both looked towards Minhyun's bed, who was still fast asleep. "What were the nightmares about?" Asked Baekho. "Jongin and Baekhyun's deaths," mumbled Ren.

Aron appeared suddenly, causing Baekho to jump. Ren forced a smile at his best friend before looking down. "It's alright Ren," said Aron. "I thought you were dead," Baekho said with wide eyes. "I am," said Aron. "But I can appear when Ren needs me," he said. "I can continue living like I'm alive, but I'm bound to the orb," he said. "Is that what you meant by 'I'll see you in my dreams then?'" Asked Baekho. Ren nodded. "That's how I found out Aron died," he said. "Is Baekhyun okay?" He asked Aron. "He's fine, he misses you," said Aron. Ren managed a smile. "Typical pup," he said, chuckling some.

"Does Minhyun know?" Asked Aron. Ren shook his head. "Good, let's keep it that way," mumbled Aron. "How did Jongin die anyway? We were never told the real story," said Baekho. Ren turned to Aron, who gave him a reassuring nod. "It went like this..." Ren started, remembering that day like no other.


A younger Ren was sitting in class, bored out of his mind. He couldn't wait to get out of school so he could get some more training from Luhan, who said he'd come over and help train today. Chanyeol was busy, since he was out working on the electricity for the capitol.

When class was over Ren gathered his things, and left the classroom quickly. He wanted to rush home and drop off his stuff before going to the meeting spot that Luhan had designated for him. "I'm going to see Luhan today!" Ren shouted as he put his stuff in his room before running back out the door. "Be careful!" His mom shouted after him.

Ren came to a stop at their designated meeting place panting. He looked around, before spotting Luhan, who was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. "Am I late?" Asked Ren. "No, just in time," Luhan said with a chuckle. Ren grinned, and sat on the ground, wanting to rest a bit.

"We have someone coming who you will be targeting today," said Luhan. Ren tilted his head to the side. "Jongin and Yixing will be here in a bit, Jongin offered to be a test dummy today," said Luhan. "Yixing is here in case anything happens," he said, summoning his orb. Ren put his hand out in front of him, and the orb appeared, before he stood. "You're the only person I know who can do that," Luhan said with a chuckle. Ren smirked. "I guess that means I'm stronger," he said. "Wait until you choose your god, then we can have a battle of the orbs," Luhan said, laughing some.

Jongin walked over to them with Yixing, both waving. "Hi Jongin! Hi Yixing!" Ren said with a grin. "I guess I'm your test dummy today," said Jongin, who scratched the back of his head. "What if you get hurt?" Asked Ren. "Relax, I heal fast," said Jongin. "That and Yixing can heal me if it's anything too serious," he said. Ren nodded.

Luhan had Ren go through the basic exorcises before they decided to work with ice. Luhan wanted to get Ren warmed up to the idea of at least being able to partially control ice if he ended up with a different element.

"Okay Ren here goes," said Luhan. "I want you to concentrate, and try to feel the ice at your finger tips," he said. Ren concentrated, and then started to feel the familiar coldness at his fingertips. "Focus on a tree first, I want to see what you can do," said Luhan. Ren closed his fists and a ice spear shot through a tree. "Good, now I want you to try and not do that," said Luhan. "I want to see if you can send Jongin into that tree behind him," he said. Jongin glared at Luhan. "You think this is the best idea?" He asked. "As long as he's concentrating," said Luhan.

Ren took a deep breath and concentrated. He once again felt the coldness at his fingertips and pushed out with his arm, ice shooting out of the ground and plummeting into Jongin who slammed into the tree behind him. Ren stopped, and let the ice melt into water. Jongin winced, but was still moving. "That hurt," he grumbled as he stood. "You alright?" Asked Ren. "Yeah, give me a minute," said Jongin.

After a few minutes Luhan had Ren concentrate again. "Now this time, when you go to do the ice spear, slam your hand into the ground, try not to stab anyone," said Luhan. Ren took a deep breath and focused as the orb glowed in front of him. Ren then slammed his hand into the ground, multiple ice spears popping up out of the ground and then they heard a snap as Jongin collapsed, an ice spear through his body. Ren let the ice melt quickly as he looked panicked.

"Crap! Jongin!" Yelled Luhan as he went over to Jongin. Yixing was already there, trying to heal Jongin up the best he could. Ren ran over, apologizing profusely as Jongin lay in Yixing's arms. "It's alright Ren," Jongin managed to cough out as the blood pooled on the ground underneath. "Yixing, it's alright, just let me go," he said, coughing up more blood. "No, I can't!" said Yixing. "You'll live! I promise!" Yelled Yixing as he continued to try to keep Jongin alive. Ren turned away, not wanting to face Yixing. Yixing sobbed as Jongin died in his arms.

Luhan stood there for a minute shocked. Ren fell to his knees, sobs ripping through his body. He never felt so guilty in his life, he was doing so well. "I'm sorry Yixing," Ren said repeatedly.

The next week saw everyone gathered around for the funeral. Chanyeol had shoved Luhan into a wall when he found out. "Why the hell did you have him working with ice?!" He shouted. "You know this kind of thing would've happened!" He said. Aron heard everything from Chanyeol, and was left to comfort Ren.

Ren couldn't face Yixing, even though Chanyeol assured him that Yixing didn't blame him. "It's alright Ren," Chanyeol said. "He never blamed you, he blames Luhan for what he made you do," he said. "I know," mumbled Ren. "But I still feel guilty," he said. "These things happen, I warned him," said Chanyeol. Ren nodded and continued with his training, this time with Chanyeol. Chanyeol couldn't trust Luhan around Ren anymore.


Ren finished his story, and looked down at his hands. "Jeez," mumbled Baekho. "I always wondered what had happened to Jongin," he said. "It wasn't long after that you joined us in the capitol huh?" He asked. Ren nodded. "Chanyeol fought with my parents for hours, eventually they let me go, so I went with him," he said. "I left classes earlier that week to go get him," said Aron.

"Kyungsoo had us come meet you two when you arrived," said Minhyun as he sat up. "When did you wake up?" Asked Ren. "When you told us how Jongin died," said Minhyun. "Oh I remember that day," said Baekho. "Aron had to leave early to go get you, and then we came to meet you at the gates," he said. "Chanyeol told us to be careful with you, because you were still grieving," he said. Ren nodded.

"When do you want to leave?" Asked Baekho. Ren turned to Minhyun. "I'm fine," said Minhyun. "I'll be able to manage the trip," he said. "I'm sore, but it's nothing serious," he said. Ren nodded. "We'll go when Kyungsoo comes back around then," he said.

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Story is finished guys :D may do a spin off from the first guard's pov then do it in the next guard's pov. updates soon


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Would you recommend reading the prequel first before this, or is it okay to read after this?
When a story contains NU'EST and EXO, I can't help but subscribe. I'm not really a fan of NU'EST, but I do like Ren a lot. And EXO is my 9th bias group, so heeeyyy
Chapter 21: My heart. why did you do this to me? Thank u
Chapter 20: Oh honey no you dont, dont do what i think youre gonna do
Chapter 19: Nuuuu, it cant be overrrr
Chapter 18: The castle, oh not a castle, thats like the place for plot
Chapter 17: Baekho, you litterally have bae in your name so dont you dare die.
Chapter 16: The flashback deaths hurt me, but I still love it
Chapter 15: Kris why, why must you be like this?!
Chapter 14: No dont sleep my spidey sense is tingling