Taemin changed.

My Fake Sweetheart

***Taemin's going to use some swear words***



I pouted while Key umma and Minho was lecturing Taemin and I. (We're currently in my apartment's living room.)

"Taemin! I didn't raise you to be a Jonghyun!" Key yelled at Taemin.

Jonghyun sent a thumbs-up to Taemin.

"Maddie, I thought you hated Taemin!" Minho exclaimed. To me, of course.

Onew raised his eyebrows at me and flapped his arms like a chicken.

"You should have waited until you're 18 so you could hug Maddie!" Key  to Taemin.

"You're a liar!" Minho to me.

Finally, Taemin snapped. "You -censored- can't handle a task -censored- given to me by a -censored-?!"

I had to cover my ears for that. It'll seriously pollute your brain, sorry. Invader of my mind, I want you to stay innocent.

Anyways, Taemin changed.

Where's that total weakling that could only think of "Green-eyed Monster" as an insult for me?

Suddenly, Minho did something that seriously shocked me. He hugged...


What the? I've heard of bromance before, or , but I only saw that in fanfictions.

Seems like even Taemin was shocked. His face paled a bit.

After that, Minho neared the door and smiled at me, bowed 90 degrees, then left.



This is annoying. Key and Minho, shut up.

"You fcktards can't handle a shtty task given to me by a fcking old bat?!" I yelled.

They all stared at me. Jonghyun was frozen in his thumbs up, and Onew stopped his chicken f.

I started using swear words ever since I came to Korea. Everytime I get mad, they don't take me seriously because of my appearance. Only Maddie did.

Minho glared at me and hugged me. He always did this when he wanted to say something but didn't want to be noticed. Most of the time, this was his method of disciplining me.

"Don't make a move on Madeline," Minho whispered.

Minho smiled at Madeline and left.


This is confusing.

Onew used to say that Minho really likes me. So here's how I perceived the conversation.

He likes me, and he doesn't want me to touch Madeline.


He likes Madeline, ad he doesn't want me to touch her.

... I'll just go for 'or'.

After Minho's walk-out, it was awkwardly silent. Maddie was probably asking herself why I've changed, and the three boys were definitely repenting for their actions.

Maddie, feeling bored, took the remote and switched the TV on.

New Idol spotted on airport.

Nah, she wasn't spotted, she was hunted. That's what the media does.

A reporter masked with makeup started speaking.

"Lee Min-hee, illegitimate daughter of Lee Soo Man, chairman of SME, has arrived here in Korea so she could debut. Here's a sample of her amazing talent."

They played a song which was definitely sang by Maddie. It was so clear, so sweet to the ears. I closed my eyes to listen to the song.

The song was in Korean, but I'll translate it for you.

"I was soaked in the rain, 

Then you came, 

You showed me light,

I love you... Taemin."

I love you Taemin? What the hell?

I opened my eyes and realized the Maddie was calling me. I could feel heat creep into my cheeks. Pabo. Why did you think that she said "I love you Taemin"?

Maddie was staring at me with her pretty green eyes. It reminded me of a forest, full of life.

And her lips... they were so beautiful and pink even without her putting lipstick or lipgloss in it. Looks like a statue made by a skilled artist. Except... it moves.

"Hey Taemin. Aren't you too close?" were the words that escaped The Lips.

Going back to reality, I realized that I was moving closer and closer to Maddie. My nose was almost touching hers.

This time, I was the one who slumped my head on her shoulder. I sighed.

"Maddie, welcome back to Korea. I missed you," I murmured.


*** So... what do you think haha? >:P who does Minho like? taemin or maddie?

by the way, taemin and maddie are best friends now. C: yay!~ while i was writing, i felt like the maddie and taemin in me wanted to reconcile. ;o; so yeah.

and yet again, thank you for the comments~ and... i have 10 subscribers! /confetti/

I wish I could get 20 subscribers on chapter 10 xD i could die happy then. but i'm just a new author. D8 i'm asking too much. anyways, yet again... saranghaeyo readers! <3 FIGHTINNGGG~

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Aww, I'm sure that this would have been really good (not that it wasn't anyway) if you'd continued writing it :(
It's a shame you decided to stop, but it was probably for the best (can't believe I only just realised the story was stopped)
aigoo.. why did you stopped writing this fanfic?? it was awesome
It's called "Fake Boyfriend". :D
Blingerzxc #4
Where is the other fanfic you mentioned that is similar to this?? Thnaks^^
Awwwwwww! That was so cute!
Taeminnn #6
/reads it again<br />