Chapter 2: Introductions

The Pink Dormitory

Chapter 2: Introductions

The next day, Chorong moved into the Pink Dormitory. She didn't pack much, just two large suitcases all the way from her hometown filled with almost food that her worry-wart mother packed for her. It was in the evening and she noticed that no one was home at this hour. Naeun had given her the key yesterday and for the first time, the entire dorm was quiet.

Walking past the common area, there was evidence of empty cup noodles scattered on the table and unwashed dishes left at the sink. Indeed, it felt like a place only young adults would live in. Chorong was once like that when she was in college, but she has matured and refused to look back at her embarrassing past. The room beside hers was Naeun and she noticed that the door was left halfway open. With curiousity, she peeked and was left in awe. Naeun's room was filled with the smell of acrylic paint and was decorated with large unfinished canvas paintings to the point where you couldn't find her bed.

"Does she work as an artist?" Chorong mumbled to herself, looking at a canvas left on the desk. It was a painting that looked like the dorm, there was a clear structure of the building but that was it. She now had a different perspective of Naeun and was rather impressed at her talents. Looking around the room, Chorong found herself arranging the paintings and cleaning up the room since she is supposed to be a caretaker anyway. Soon, she went to her room and began to unpack her things. It was a simple arrangement, she had her files placed neatly on her desk with her favourite candles that would be lit when she goes to sleep.

"Ah, I'm so tired~" groaned Chorong to herself as she stretched her arms and laid on her bed staring at the blank white ceiling. But suddenly, she could hear sounds of footsteps outside. Her heart fell, she didn't hear the door open so there was no way anyone came back. There could only be one reason, a burglar. Carefully, Chorong slowly opened her door to peek outside.

"Who are you?" asked a young girl who suddenly popped her head inside.

Chorong screamed in surprise to the point her entire body fell on the ground.

The girl had messy, brown hair, wearing large black glasses and wore an oversized sweater. She looked much younger than the other girls in the dorm and had a lollipop in .

"You scared me! I just moved in here today, so technically I'll be your new caretaker today." 

"Oh really? Cool! Then, can I call you unnie then? No wait, I should make a new nickname for you." mumbled the girl in excitement.

"Um...." Chorong could only stare in confusion. Yet again, she had another encounter with a strange person in the dorm.

"Mom! I'll call you mom from now on. And i forgot to introduce myself, I'm Hayoung. 18 years old." grinned the young girl as she reached for a handshake.

"Chorong...Park Chorong. Anyways, I thought no one was home. Were you hiding somewhere?" asked Chorong as she shook Hayoung's hand.

"No, i was just studying in my own room."

"But didn't you hear me entering? What if it wasn't me, but a burglar?"

"I don't know." said Hayoung blankly.

Chorong could only sigh.

"Since you're our caretaker now, you can cook right? Naeun unnie said she'll come back and have dinner with me but I'm really hungry right now. As you can see, all I can find in this house is a lollipop." pouted Hayoung, pointing towards the lollipop in .

"Oh my, does none of the girls here know how to cook? Do all of you girls starve?" sighed Chorong as she stood up and headed to the kitchen to see if there was anything available. Rummaging through the fridge, drawers and counters, there was nothing edible except a whole collection of cup noodles ready to be eaten. With a sigh, Chorong knew what had to be done.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." said Chorong to Hayoung.

"Yay~we're finally going to have a proper meal~~" said Hayoung in joy as she went back to her room.


"What on earth am I doing?" sighed Chorong as she pulled a trolley and began to shop for items in a supermarket nearby the dorm. Within 15 minutes, she took all sorts of things that was necessary to keep the girls alive for almost a month. Vegetables, rice, meat, snacks, drinks, almost all kinds of items that would supply the empty dorm. As soon as she reached the counter, she sighed as the cost would cut almost a quarter of her month's salary.

By the time she got back, she could hear noise. It was obvious that Bomi and Eunji were back.

"Chorong unnie is back!! Yay~ you're going to make lunch for us right?" said Bomi in excitement.

"Hayoung told us about it, Naeun's also on the way back." said Eunji.

"The two of you are going to help me. Eunji will do the cleaning and Bomi will cut these. Let me do the cooking part." sighed Chorong.

"Alright!" said Bomi and Eunji at the same time. For them, it would be a long time since they have eaten home-cooked food and are very excited.

"It's a special day today! You're going to be one of us now, so let's have a party unnie!" smiled Bomi.

"That's right, even Namjoo's leaving school early for this. She said she's excited to meet you." chuckled Eunji.

Suddenly, Hayoung came out of her room and the television.

"Don't put the volume so loud!" reminded Eunji.

"Got it~"

Chorong peeked over and it was a live broadcast of Music Bank. Bomi who noticed this, smiled.

"Hayoung is a really huge fan of Girl's Generation. No, actually she just loves a member called Yuri" whispered Bomi to Chorong.

"I see, you don't watch those kind of stuff?"

"No, I watch tae-kwon do competitions. I'm majoring in Physical Education and I really love taekwondo."

"Then what about Eunji?"

"She's in the music and performing arts department. I love her singing."

"Actually, I went into Naeun's room earlier and I think it's pretty obvious that she majors in Art right?"

"Yep, I can't understand much about art. It's just pictures anyway."


Soon, the aroma of food filled the air. It definitely made the girls hungry as at the same moment, Naeun and Namjoo came back. Chorong introduced herself as she finally knew all five members living in the dorm. Everyone was gathered at the table where Chorong's food was served, plates of grilled meat, ricecakes, pancakes were waiting to be devoured. 

"Wait! Before we eat...." smirked Eunji as she ran to her room and took a bottle of alcohol to the table.

"Good idea Eunji-ya! It's a party today anyway!" said Bomi.

"You hid that didn't you? Whatever, let's eat." sighed Chorong as everyone feasted. The girls ate as if they were starving for years which surprised Chorong. They ate really well, finishing their meal within minutes.

"It's really delicious unnie!" smiled Bomi with satisfaction.

"Thank you for the food! It's way better than the stuff I eat in school!" said Namjoo with a thumbs up.

"Unnie-unnie-unnie! Girl's Generation is on stage now! stuttered Hayoung as she immediately jumped onto the sofa, pulling Naeun who was still eating her food.

"I wanna watch too! Move over!" said Namjoo as the three girls squeezed onto the small, tight sofa. The unnies including Chorong simply sat at the dining table, exchanging drinks that Eunji hid in her room.

"They're like kids...." mumbled Chorong as she laughed at the scene.

"It's like that everytime. Unnie, do you hold your liqour well?" smirked Bomi.

"No, don't even think of it. I won't get drunk on my first day." 

"I hold mine pretty well. Anyways, what do you work as?" laughed Eunji.

"I'm a secretary at a broadcasting company, they just moved their office here and it will take time to settle some things. I'll probably start work next week."

"That's interesting. Guess I have to study about broadcasting companies as well if I want to become a good singer." said Eunji.

"A good singer doesn't drink." said Chorong.

"Shush unnie." smiled Eunji as she placed a finger on .

"UNNIE. IT'S YURI!!! LOOK!" shouted Hayoung in excitement, pointing her fingers to the screen.

"I got it, you have her posters all of the room. I know how she looks like." replied Naeun, slightly covering her ears.

"I like Taeyeon. I love her singing." said Namjoo.

The night was spent with all five girls watching the live broadcast of Music Bank as they chatted and exchanged their phone numbers with Chorong. Soon enough, everyone headed to their own rooms since they had school the next day. Finally, without any disturbance, Chorong found herself sitting all alone in the common room. With a deep breath, it has a been a long day for the 25-year old. For a moment, she fell into her thoughts thinking of how she will live in her new home. 

Staring at the ceiling, she soon found herself falling asleep on the sofa.

It was around 1:30am at night, everyone was asleep. Bomi who shared the room with Eunji woke up, walked towards Chorong's room and peeked. She wasn't there. Bomi wondered where the older girl had went but she was relieved, finding Chorong deep in her sleep on the sofa. She headed towards the water filter, grabbed a glass of water and took a sip while staring at the sleeping girl.

She didn't really know why, Bomi just found her really cute when she's asleep. Although at times, she looks tough on the outside but here she is just an innocent baby. For awhile, she simply stared at her until her glass of water was no more. With a smirk, she placed her glass down on the table and crouched down, making her face close to Chorong's.

She then placed one of her hands beneath Chorong's head, the other under her legs and lifted her. Bomi was surprised at how light she was. While taking her back to her room, she stared at her face wondering whether she was eating enough. Her weight was too light for a normal adult like her. Carefully, Bomi placed Chorong on her bed and pulled a blanket over. 

"Good night unnie." whispered Bomi as she left the room, heading back to her own.

When she entered, she couldn't help but to laugh softly seeing Eunji's posture when she slept. Her head was almost going to reach the floor, and her blanket was already missing. Before Bomi went back to sleep, she helped Eunji before she was completely on the floor.


The next morning arrived, Chorong woke up realising she was in her own bed when she clearly remembered that she was on the sofa. She couldn't help but to think of it as she dressed herself and headed outside. The dorm was empty, everyone had left for school. Chorong found herself spending an hour cleaning up, this would soon become a daily chore she does every morning. 

"Don't tell me this is what a housewife does..." sighed Chorong, tired as she sat on the sofa. Suddenly she received a notification from her phone. It was from her one and only best friend, Changsub.

"How's life going over there? Told ya it was good place!"

"Whatever, I owe you. Thanks."

"Did you get along with the people there?"

"They're actually really strange ^^;; but i think i'll get used to them."


Suddenly, there was phone call. It was Bomi.

"Hello? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Yes but it's an emergency unnie." said Bomi in a serious tone. Chorong knew that at that point, she wasn't playing around.

"Naeun fainted."






A/N: Just when Chorong got to know everyone, a crisis appears?! Find out what happened to Naeun in the next chapter ;) Thank you for reading and subscribing! I'll have the next chapter up soon!





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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 42: i love your writing style... i'm almost done reading all your fanfics ㅠㅠ
Ydvvfjkch #2
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 42: I love this story a lot!! And your style of writing is witty yet clear.. it was such a pleasure to read, and I cannot wait to read your other works!! Thanks for such a masterpiece!!
asia45 #4
I really love this story. I don't know why but your story feel just like it's really happen in the real life. I hope that you will make more story about apink
PandaPink95 #5
Chapter 42: Cute
Chapter 42: Finished~ thank you for this masterpiece
wizorbit #7
wizorbit #8
star1panda #9
Chapter 42: omg i finished it how Beautiful
star1panda #10
Chapter 37: wth the paparazzi needs to stop THEYRE E V E R Y W H E R E