Chapter 17: Ghost

The Pink Dormitory

Chapter 17: Ghost

The closer Chorong walked towards the strange sight at the side of the road. She gasped as the vision became clearer. It was a small wooden stand, with a tiny wooden-like altar attached to it. There was evidence that someone was here, as candles were lit and there were flowers laying across. It seemed to be a makeshift-grave for someone, as Chorong took a closer look, there was a picture of the deceased. Indeed, the girl in the picture beared a lot of resemblance to Bomi, especially her eyes. That was when she knew, this was Bomi's sister.

"Did Bomi come here?" thought Chorong to herself, as she paid her respects. Bowing and placing her hands together, she prayed silently with a thought that Bomi can get better, that she can no longer suffer from hauntings in her dream. Suddenly, there was sound of rustling among the trees. Quickly, Chorong turned around afraid it could be something paranormal but sighed in relief after seeing the younger girl, Bomi squatting in a corner staring at a bush of daisy flowers.

"Bomi-ya...don't simply wander off....why are you crying?" asked Chorong, moving towards the girl, who buried her face within her knees.

"How can you expect me to visit my sister's grave when I can barely stand visiting her altar?" sobbed Bomi, her face was pale as if she has seen a ghost.

"Bomi-ya, you have to tell me why you can't? Why are you scared? Is something bothering you? I can't help you if you don't tell me..." frowned Chorong, her heart ached in pain whenever she saw the younger girl in pain. Never ever, did she want to see her shed tears again.

"It will sound funny to you unnie....but only I can see her...." said Bomi, taking a deep breath as she wiped away her own tears. Upon her words, Chorong felt a sudden chill down her spine. It was definitely scary, to hear Bomi's words. She wasn't someone who would believe in ghosts but the very thought of it, was terrifying.

"You mean....."

"That's right, my sister's ghost is haunting me whenever I come to Suwon."


"If i leave Suwon, she'll follow me to Seoul and haunt me in my dreams. Funny isn't it. This must be her revenge towards me..."

"That's why we are here to help you Bomi-ya!"

"You can't unnie! What can you do against a ghost?! This is my own battle, i already knew it since the beginning! What was the point of coming back here?!" Suddenly, a slap flung across that stung Bomi's cheeks as she finally came to her senses.

Angry and frustrated, Chorong hated to see this cowardly and stubborn side of Bomi. Even though she had slapped her, she grabbed her cheeks and pulled her onto her lips as an apology. For the first time, she kissed Bomi according to her own will. It was a kiss that screamed of courage, it wanted Bomi to become the brave person she knew. 

"I'm sorry Bomi-ya, this is the only way." said Chorong, pulling her lips away with her hands still holding onto Bomi's head.

"That slap did hurt, but it's okay. I should believe in unnie right? Even dealing with ghosts is no problem for you." said Bomi, finally breaking into a smile.

"Let's head back first Bomi-ya, stop running away from your fears. We are worried about you."

"Okay unnie, i'll go back home and see my parents." said Bomi, she reliased that she should accept help from others and that she can't fight on her own.


The two girls walked back to Bomi's house on top of the hill, everyone else was busy preoccupied with the snacks that her mother showered them with treating them like her own daughters. At first, Bomi hesitated to step a foot inside as the memories was clear of her sister's past. Even her sister's bedroom which changed into a storage area, brought shivers to her spine. But with a single pat on the back from Chorong, it was like energy transferring through her body. The very fact that Chorong was with her, made her the courage to go in.

"Oh, you're back! Where did you go Bomi unnie?" asked Namjoo in worry.

"Just somewhere...don't worry" smiled Bomi.

"Don't lie, you went back to that place again didn't you?" said Eunji, eyeing her friend.

Upon Eunji's words, the younger girls were curious as to what it meant. Their attention was focused directly onto the older girl, who carefully hid behind Chorong. It was the first time to see their own unnie like that, afraid and small.

"So did my daughter finally mustered courage to step into this house?" sighed Bomi's mother as she came out of the kitchen, after hearing the ruckus. Making eye contact with her daughter whom she hadn't seen in awhile, she only frowned. She hadn't seen her younger daughter smile since that day.

"Hello aunty, nice to meet you. I'm Park Chorong. Recently, I've become their caretaker the past few months." greeted Chorong with a 90 degree bow towards Bomi's mother. For some reason, she felt nervous as if she was meeting her mother-in-law.

"My daughter must be causing a lot of trouble. It must've been difficult to keep up with her, she never smiles does she?" sighed the mother. Upon her words, Chorong was confused. Bomi had always been a bright, funny person but yet, why does her mother say such words? It is as if, Bomi had split-personalities when she's with her parents.

"Really aunty? I don't think so, she's a really bright and hilarious girl." said Chorong with a smile. The mother looked at her strangely, as if she was speaking nonsense but didn't say anything.

"Anyway, it's been a while since I've gotten visitors in my house. Why come to Suwon anyway?" said the mother, proceeding to sit down at the table.

"Well aunty, i know we've done it many times before but...." said Eunji carefully.

"You're going to visit Nomi's grave again? No point doing that dear, Bomi will never step foot in that cemetery." 

"No, I believe we can make it happen this time, aunty." said Chorong firmly. The mother then looked at the older girl, she was definitely different from other girls. Her eyes were burning with will, compassion and truth. For awhile, the mother decided that it might actually happen. She believed that Chorong had the power to change Bomi.

"That's right aunty! Even though we've come here several times, i feel that something will happen because Chorong unnie is here." said Hayoung, supporting Chorong's words.

The others too, followed Hayoung and supported their decision to attempt visiting Nomi's grave. It made Bomi's mother slightly surprised, never before had the girls been so motivated to fix the trauma Bomi had been suffering from. She wondered whether letting her daughter move to Seoul was actually a good idea.

That day, the girls ate home-cooked lunch prepared by Bomi's mother before they headed out for the cemetary. It was a 20-minute walk, and the girls insisted on walking as they wanted to enjoy the scenery. As the girls were preparing to head out, wearing their shoes and fixing their clothes, Chorong noticed Bomi's mother who secretly called out to her. 

"Chorong unnie, let's go!" said Namjoo excitedly.

"Wait girls, i'll be right back." said Chorong as she went towards the back of the house, where Bomi's mother was. No one was there except the two of them.

"You called me aunty?" asked Chorong.

"You're Chorong right? I wanted to ask you something.."

"Sure, go ahead."

"What did you mean when you said Bomi was a bright and hilarious kid? It was really shocking for me to hear that as Bomi has never once smiled when she's around with us. Ever since Nomi's death, she was always expressionless and didn't talk much at home." Realising the mother's words, Chorong noticed that there was a lot of things Bomi had hid from her own parents.

"Aunty, it hurts me to say this but I think Bomi has been hiding from you all along." confessed Chorong as her face turned serious.

"I don't know it's whether because she moved away from Suwon but, ever since I met her she was always smiling and made a lot of jokes to the kids. Never once had she not spent a day laughing out loud. She's always enjoying life, playing around, so I felt confused when you said that aunty....wh-why are you crying aunty?!" said Chorong, surprised at the mother's sudden burst of tears.

"Thank god.....thank god she's fine..." said the mother, sobbing quietly. Chorong who had no idea what to do, immediately grabbed a tissue nearby and wiped her tears.

"Why are you crying aunty?"

"I've been really worried for Bomi ever since Nomi's death, she has become so different around us. Back then, she was such a cheerful kid who smiled a lot. I'm glad that she's still the same her....but I don't know why is she acting like that around us...."

Unsure whether to speak the truth or create lies, Chorong decided that something needs to be done. 

"Aunty, i think that you should know this because I think Bomi's been hiding this all along." said Chorong carefully while looking into the mother's eyes.

"It may sound crazy but, Bomi said she's been seeing Nomi's ghost. She's suffering because it's haunting her. It's worst when she comes to Suwon, because it is the place of her death. It was better back in Seoul but her ghost continues to haunt her. Hearing those words, the mother gasped. For a while, there was silence as the mother became engrossed in her thoughts, asking herself so many questions in her head.

"I understand it is a little hard to take in aunty, but I have to go now. The girls are waiting, and we will let Bomi overcome herself." smiled Chorong as she bowed and left the house.


The six girls, except for Bomi were excited and thrilled walking down the hill and breathing in the beautiful scenery of Suwon. It was a quiet town, with lots of green, far different from the busy life of Seoul. The girls could talk as loud as they wanted, no one would care and there wasn't much cars on the road so they spreaded themselves like free birds. Even though their destination was a cemetery, it didn't matter because they were happy to be with each other's company.

Chorong held onto Bomi's hand as the two carefully walked behind the four other girls, who were enjoying themselves. Occasionally, Chorong would glanced at the younger girl wondering if she was fine. The warmth that was within their interwined hands, made everything feel better. Bomi could finally smile, something she never did when she was in her hometown because of the memories.

"Bomi-ya, instead of thinking of your older sister, try to think of your childhood." said Chorong, suggesting ways to calm Bomi.

"But my sister is always there...."

"What about your elementary school? Try thinking about your friends back then." said Chorong with a smile, as she tightened the grip.

"Friends...i've lost contact with them since my sister's death as I locked myself in the house all the time...."

"Bomi-ya..." said Chorong, a smile dissapearing.


"Stop saying negative things, it isn't good..."

"But...that's the truth unnie.."

"Then, think about me." Bomi looked at Chorong after hearing her words. She obeyed, staring at her for a very long time. She wanted to engrave her very image into her heart, so that she will never forget her ever.

"How long are you going to look at me like that?" said Chorong, smiling and feeling embarassed.

"As long as I want." smiled Bomi as she playfully shifted her herself nearer to the older girl, their shoulders were touching.

"Don't come near me, you didn't shower did you.." joked Chorong.

"Don't say that unnie~ it doesn't matter does it?" said Bomi with a pout. Instantly, all the thoughts about her sister had dissapeared. Just by thinking and focusing only on Chorong, Bomi forgot everything about her fears. The two girls laughed and soon, they finally reached the cementary. Bomi didn't notice as she was still joking around with Chorong until she looked up and froze.

Bomi kept staring at the entrance, her feet was glued to the ground. She did not place another step forward.

"Come on unnie, let's go in!" said Namjoo as the other girls entered with ease.

"Bomi-ya?" said Chorong, worried as Bomi's expression turned stiff. She was staring intently into an empty space in front of her.

"Bomi-ya, what's wrong?" asked Chorong again, as the younger girl didn't respond.

"I see her."


"My sister's ghost, is right there." said Bomi slowly with a trembling voice as she pointed towards the direction in front of her.




A/N: Will Bomi be able to confront her fears and stop her sister's haunting? This story got a little paranormal haha, don't worry I won't make it like some horror story lol, thank you for reading and subscribing! I will try my best to update soon! :)


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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 42: i love your writing style... i'm almost done reading all your fanfics ㅠㅠ
Ydvvfjkch #2
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 42: I love this story a lot!! And your style of writing is witty yet clear.. it was such a pleasure to read, and I cannot wait to read your other works!! Thanks for such a masterpiece!!
asia45 #4
I really love this story. I don't know why but your story feel just like it's really happen in the real life. I hope that you will make more story about apink
PandaPink95 #5
Chapter 42: Cute
Chapter 42: Finished~ thank you for this masterpiece
wizorbit #7
wizorbit #8
star1panda #9
Chapter 42: omg i finished it how Beautiful
star1panda #10
Chapter 37: wth the paparazzi needs to stop THEYRE E V E R Y W H E R E