Mission One – Moon Haeseon, Jang Hyunseung

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Jang Hyunseung –


I and Moon went out to go elsewhere. I was changing my clothes into a casual shirt with long pants and suit. I knew that it was a bad decision if I kept using my police clothes when I went outside to meet some informants. In the most of the time, informants didn’t want anyone to know that they were working for or knowing the police.


As usual, I let Moon to drive the car. Beside of being a skillful marksman, Moon was a good driver. I could say that she had the same driving level as Junhyung. They could be crazy in driving the cars sometimes. But they were responsible drivers and never put others’ life in danger.


Actually I was amazed on how crazy and reckless they drove but never got any tickets for driving violations at all. At least, I never saw Doojoon handed a file full of complains to Junhyung or Aegi scolded Moon about her driving’s style.


But, okay, honestly, I ever saw Doojoon complained to Junhyung about his driving’s style. But on the other hand, I thought Aegi was fully using Moon’s skills on her team.


The last case of ours was the example on how Aegi was using Moon’s driving skill for her team’s benefits.


Driving through the rolling door and drifted to protect the negotiator…


I thought it was awesome.


As we passed the province’s border sign, I noticed that Moon was driving her car out of town. I looked at the traffic sign as she passed it by. I was guessing that she was driving toward a port city.


I plopped my self to the seat and looked at her. Moon was taking off her handsfree’s earphone from her ear. I guessed that she was calling someone earlier. But from her look, I guessed she got either disconnected or the other side didn’t pick up the phone.


“We’re going to the port?” I asked.


A smirk was appearing on Moon’s face. “Believe me that most of the smugglers used the sea more than any other ways.”


I did believe that Moon knew what she did. So I just sat back and enjoyed the trip.


Finally we were arrived on a port. It was a port that rarely used for commercial purpose. I guessed it was still used for exporting or importing products since I saw big cargos there. But the port like this, most likely would be used for smuggling illegal stuffs.


Moon slowed down her car as we entered an empty lot for parking. She stopped her car behind a wire fence. We walked out from the car. Moon locked the car and prepared her gun. I looked at her when I heard the sound of the gun was being cocked.


“Prepare your gun.” Moon told me as she hid her gun on her back.


So I took out my gun and checked it to see whether if it was fully loaded and properly worked or not. I put back my gun and matched my pace with Moon. I was ready to meet her informant.



- Moon Haeseon -


I always knew that Haejo would always hang around on the port like this. He always dealt his business on this port. He didn’t pick his phone at his place. So I figured that I would be finding him on this port. I walked toward a building. I knew Haejo always spent his time there.


But then, I stopped as I remembered something.


I looked at Hyunseung who stopped too because of me.


“What?” He asked silently as he spread his arms.


“Go around this building to the wire fence there. Prepare your gun and wait. Shoot if you think you need to shoot. But don’t hurt him.”




“I’m sure he will run when he sees me.”


Hyunseung seemed wanted to ask more as I could see frown on his forehead. But he didn’t ask and left to another way.


I just looked at him until he reached the other edge of the building. I turned my gaze to the front and exhaled softly then walked toward the opening behind the building.


Haejo would be hard to handle. But he was also my best informant with wide knowledge about guns and the dealers.


Just as I thought before, I saw Haejo along with his friends sitting on the boxes behind the building. He was smoking with them. I was sure the cigarette that he smoked wasn’t a regular cigarette either. And as I walked closer, Haejo caught my presence and his expression changed.


“Oh, .”


I could see him cursed before he threw the cigarette to the ground and dashed off to run. His friends turned to see me. Some of them who knew me ran off too. But I knew that he would run. I started to run to catch up with him. This was actually why I asked Hyunseung to take another way.


I ran after him through the alley. Haejo was knocking off cartoon boxes to block my path. But I jumped over the obstacles and ran again.


Did he think that those boxes would stop me?


He pushed the big garbage can to block my way. And it was indeed blocking my way.


How could I jump over 150 centimeters garbage can?


So I stopped and pushed the garbage can away. And Haejo already the edge of the building. I ran again.


Or probably I should say that he turned directly toward my trap.



- Jang Hyunseung -


I was waiting on the other edge of the building near the wire fence just like what Moon told me earlier. I was wondering on the reason why she asked me to wait here. I could go with her to meet this informant of her.


But then, when I heard someone’s running steps came closer, I could guess her reason why. I saw a younger guy running toward my hiding place. He looked panic as if someone was running after him. But I could guess who the one that came after him.


I quickly took out my gun and stepped out from my hiding place.


“Stop right there.” I warned him.


The young guy stopped as he saw me.


But I noticed that he tried to find an escape way. I noticed that his eyes were taking a quick glance toward the wire fence. I moved my gun slightly to his side and shot out to warn him.


That guy looked surprised and looked back at me. Probably he was thinking why I could figure out his plan or something like that.


“Just freeze right there and be obedient.” I warned him.


But then, Moon arrived and knocked him to the ground. She was twisting the guy’s arm to the back roughly.


“A, ah, it hurts.” The guy complained.


“Yeah, you should do what he said. He’s the best marksman, even better than me. He can even shoot you from afar.” She said as she hand-cuffed him and pulled him up from the ground.


“But stop treating me harshly like this.”


“I won’t.” She cut in. “If you never run whenever you see me.”


The guy scoffed. I looked at Moon and she gave me signal to lower my gun. She was dragging the guy back to the car. So I lowered my gun and put it back to its place then followed her.


On the car, she opened up the back door and pushed the guy to sit on the back seat. The guy looked displeased. I was sure that no one would like to be treated so harshly like that. But Moon was cold girl as far as I could remember. So I knew that she would take rough way to treat criminals.


“What do you want now?” The guy asked.


“Information.” She said as she took the file from the front seat.


Moon opened the file and showed a weapon’s picture to him.


“What do you know about this weapon?” She asked.


The guy was looking the weapon for a while then looked up to Moon. “Can you open this handcuff first?”


Moon gave him a certain demanding look that made the guy rolled his eyes.


“Please, nunna.” He added his sentence.


The last word caught me in surprise.




I was questioning on why that guy called Moon as nunna. I just looked at her when Moon took off the handcuff. The guy took the file and looked over the weapon’s pictures.


“These are the military weapons from Russia. I guess they were smuggled from China. I guess these weapons are highly demand.” He closed the file folder and gave it back to Moon. “I don’t think you can find them on the street.” He paused. “Or even me to sell those kinds of weapons.”


“Who’s the one behind it?” Moon asked again.


The guy shrugged. “All I know that it runs by someone with nickname Pink Arjuna.”


“Strange nickname.” Then Moon looked at me. “Hyunseung?”


I looked at Moon and wanted to speak out my mind. But somehow I didn’t know whether I could ask him.




“I have a lot actually.” I told her. “But first of all…” I paused. “Nunna?”


Moon smirked as the guy scoffed cynically to my clueless look.


“Yeah. You don’t know about it.” Moon said as she tapped the edge of the file folder on her hand. “Please meet my stupid younger brother, Moon Haejo.”


Younger Brother?


My mind became blank afterward as I felt shocked to hear it.





From Author:

Update~ Sorry for taking a long time to update~ And this part is only about Hyunseung and Moon.

Do you know that I'm making this part with A Pink & BEAST - Skinny Baby playing on the loop? That song is great and addicting~ try to listen to it~ I can picture the action scenes perfectly with that song~ XDDD

Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting to this fic~ I hope you enjoy it~

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~