Mission Eleven – Yong Junhyung, Moon Haeseon, Jang Hyunseung

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Yong Junhyung -


Right after Aegi dismissed all of us, Hyunseung gave me signal to follow him. I stood up and walked toward the door. I saw that Moon was standing up and walking toward the same direction too. I slowed down my walking pace and waited her to come first before me. I noticed that she was throwing a glance to me when she walked passing me by. I dropped my gaze and touched my lips. We came out from the base and walked toward the elevator.


When we came into the elevator and headed to the lower level, Moon was standing between me and Hyunseung with her hands across her chest while leaned on the elevator’s wall. She was gazing at the level numbers on the top of the door. I looked at her for a while before I knew that she wouldn’t talk with me. So I turned and looked at the door instead. I dropped my gaze.


Probably my confession was too soon for her. But I was just being honest. It was true that she made my heart fluttered lately. Even though I wasn’t sure that it was love or not, I was sure that I had a feeling toward her. Back when we saw Yoo Im Taek was being shot, I quickly pushed Moon to take cover. I didn’t want her to get hurt. And when I saw her drifted to block the LRX, I swore that my heart almost jumped out.


My thought got interrupted by the ding sound of the elevator. I looked up and saw the elevator’s door got open. Hyunseung stepped out, followed by Moon. I came out after them. We walked out from the building and came to the parking lot.


“So what are we going to do now?” I asked Hyunseung as I noticed that we were heading toward Moon’s car.


Hyunseung turned his gaze to see me as he almost arrived at the car. “We’re visiting a friend now.” He said then he stopped on the front passenger’s side of Moon’s car. “While we were busy earlier, Moon asked her brother for helps. We need to find channels to sneak into Pink Arjuna’s business. He said that one of his friends know the link. So, off we go now.”


Hyunseung opened the car’s door and went in. I turned my gaze to Moon. She was leaning forward to her car’s top with her arms resting on it. The car door already opened on her side. I thought she was waiting for Hyunseung to finish his explanation to me.


“Hop in.” She said then went in to her car.


I exhaled then opened up the door and went in.




Haejo was sitting and talking with his gun dealer friend when two guys were entering the bar. As they came in, Haejo noticed that some gazes turned toward them. Even Joon Ji Yoon, his friend who sat beside him, turned to look at them. Haejo recognized the guys as Junhyung and Hyunseung, his sister’s partners on the police station.


Both of the guys stopped on an opening. Junhyung scanned through the bar as if he was looking for someone. Then, his eyes met Haejo. Haejo diverted his gaze toward elsewhere. He knew that he must to act unfamiliar with Junhyung and Hyunseung. Haejo picked up his glass and drank his beer.


Junhyung saw Haejo who sat with a guy around his age. He smirked slightly as he saw the guy. He turned to Hyunseung and tapped his arm with the back of his palm. Hyunseung looked at him. Junhyung gave him a gesture to follow him before he walked toward the bar. Hyunseung walked following him.


On the bar, Junhyung and Hyunseung took seats for their selves. The guy bartender came to them.


“New here?” The bartender asked.


“Yeah.” Junhyung replied as he sat on the stool then ordered 2 beers for him and Hyunseung.


“That’s rare.” The bartender said as he prepared the drinks. “What brings you here?” He put the glasses on the table.


Hyunseung leaned forward. “We heard that…” He paused as he leaned forward more.


The bartender seemed to understand and slightly leaned forward to hear what Hyunseung wanted to tell.


“…we can get guns here.” Hyunseung continued with softer voice.


Junhyung noticed that the bartender’s expression changed when Hyunseung said his last words. The bartender took a quick look toward his left then back to Hyunseung. He straightened his body and smiled.


“I don’t know what makes you think so.” The bartender said as he took a wet glass and dried it with a clean cloth. “But this place is not for weapons dealing.”


“Too bad.” Junhyung said as he lifted his glass. “Yoo Im Taek said that I could get special guns if I come here.” He drank his beer.


The bartender stopped immediately as he heard the name. He took a glance at where Haejo sat. It seemed that the guy who sat with Haejo understood the look.


“I think we have special customers.” He said to Haejo.


Haejo looked at the two guys who sat on the counter. He didn’t know what those two hyungs did. But they managed to get Ji Yoon’s attention. Even the bartender gave him a serious look. It meant that Junhyung and Hyunseung said something that very serious for them.


Ji Yoon stood up and walked toward Junhyung and Hyunseung. Haejo followed him.


“Yoo Im Taek is dead.” Ji Yoon said as he leaned back beside Junhyung, earning him a look from the older guy.


Junhyung looked around and saw few guys surrounded them, including Haejo. He smirked to see them and looked back to the guy who leaned beside him.


“I never thought that the guns dealer that Yoo Im Taek recommended would be someone with brutal force.” Junhyung said cynically as he lifted his glass calmly.


Ji Yoon smirked and leaned closer. “Did you know that he got caught by the police and shot to dead?” He said with a deep voice.


Junhyung turned his look to Ji Yoon. “Have you ever thought that I met him before he got caught?”


Ji Yoon looked at Junhyung for a while. “But hyung never told me about you.”


“Do you think he would mix up business with personal?” Junhyung asked in return.


Ji Yoon smirked again then looked at Junhyung and Hyunseung. “Why do you need weapons?”


“To kill someone.” Junhyung said as he rested his elbow on the table and plumped his chin on his palm. “To be exact, the head chief of Interpol.”


Ji Yoon’s expression changed again into something serious. “Why?”


“To get revenge.” Junhyung said.


“But do you know how hard to get close to him? Are you a sniper till you having the guts of killing him?”


“He’s a sniper.” Junhyung pointed at Hyunseung. “And he’s a good one.”


Ji Yoon took glance from Junhyung to Hyunseung and back to Junhyung again. “But what are you? You’re not police right?”


Junhyung smirked. “What kind of police are we to have a deal with illegal arms dealer?” He said then he took out a brown envelope from behind his jacket and put it on the front of Ji Yoon. “Probably this will help.” He drew back his hand.


Ji Yoon took the envelope and opened it. He found a large amount of money inside. He put the money back inside and closed the envelope. “What kind of weapon that you need again?” He asked as he put the envelope to his pocket.


“Something like M107 or M1918.” Hyunseung said.


To hear the specified long barrel type of weapon, Ji Yoon looked around then released a sigh. He moved closer to Junhyung and Hyunseung. “It’s a specialized weapon for snipers and it’s not sold on ordinary place.”


“That was why Im Taek hyung told us to come to you.” Junhyung said. “He said that you can get us what we need.” He leaned forward to be closer to Ji Yoon. “Probably from Pink Arjuna.” He stepped backward afterward with a smirk on his face.


Ji Yoon seemed to reconsider for a while. “It’ll take a while.” He said then looked at Junhyung. “And it’ll need more than this.”


“Don’t mind with the money. I can bring you more.” Junhyung said.


Ji Yoon nodded. “Okay.” He said then looked at the bartender.


The bartender took out a piece of napkin and pen. He gave it to Ji Yoon. Ji Yoon wrote down something on the napkin then gave it to Junhyung.


“Come to this place tomorrow at 9PM.” Ji Yoon said. “I’ll introduce you to someone who can help.”


Junhyung took the napkin and saw the address that Ji Yoon wrote on the napkin. He looked back to Ji Yoon and smiled as he gave the napkin to Hyunseung.


“Sure.” Junhyung said. “I’ll be there.” Junhyung looked at the bartender and took out some money to pay the drink. He put the money on the counter. “Keep the change.” He said to the bartender.


Then both of the guys went toward the door and came out.


“Where did you get the money?” Hyunseung asked as they walked toward the car.


“I borrowed them from the counterfeits department.” Junhyung said as he smirked.


“Will they know the difference? Those are fake money, right.” Hyunseung asked as they stopped outside the car where Moon waited.


“They will.” Moon replied him as she took out an earphone piece from her ear. “If they checked it carefully.”


“But for now, we have a work to do tomorrow.” Junhyung said then returned a small tapping device to Moon. It turned out that he used a small microphone device so Moon could hear every conversation that they had inside.


“Thank you.” Moon said as she received the device. “And nice work for luring them, Junhyung. I bet they believe you.”


Junhyung smiled. “It's a pleasure to help. Thank you.”


Moon just smirked in cynical way. She looked back to Hyunseung. "Get in. We have to come back now."


The two guys just nodded. Hyunseung came to the car's front door and opened it up while Junhyung opened the back door. The three of them came in to the car. Moon her car and drove away.


From Author:


Sorry for taking so long to update this new chapter~ But I hope the next update won't be long~ ^^

And do you still remember who the Head Chief of Interpol?? hehehe~ XD

Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting to this fic~ I hope you enjoy it~

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~