Hong Rae Jin

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

I only put this chapter up because I don't know when AFF's database recovered.

If the database already restored, please ignore these updates.



- Yang Yoseob -


I walked and stopped in the front of the room beside the interrogration room. I opened the door and got in. When I entered the room, I saw Kyuri stood on the front of the viewing glass. She turned to see me.


“Oh.” She seemed not to expect me to come. “You’re here?”


“Yeah.” I replied as I stopped beside her.


“Aren’t you doing the survillence on Jung Tae-il and Jang Hana right now?” She asked as she handed me the folder file.


“Aegi called me. So I came back. Hyungseung and Dongwoon are replacing me to do the survillence.” I said as I took the file from her and opened it.


“And Gikwang?”


“He’s still there, leading the survillence.” I said shortly then diverted my gaze from the folder to the person behind the glass. “Is it him?”


“Yes. Hong Rae Jin.” Kyuri paused. “He claimed as the person who’s in charged for the illegal arms business under the name of Pink Arjuna. Or at least like that, just as he said. He has a long history for illegal drugs and arms business starting from his teenage years. He’s also the one who responsible for the case that Junhyung ever handled when he still at the police department.”


“Does he have any connection to Kang Heejoon?”


“Implicitly, he claimed that he knows Kang Heejoon.”


I looked back at Kyuri. “Implicitly?”


Kyuri smiled. “Probably you’d better asked Unnie about it.”


Then I heard the door opened. I turned and saw Aegi came in.


“Good morning.” She greeted us.


“Morning, Unnie.” Kyuri replied her with cheerful voice as Aegi came to our side.


“Ah, you’re here?” Aegi asked me with a smile on her face.


I nodded. “I just arrived few minutes ago. I went back right after you called me.”


Aegi just nodded.


“How’s Junhyung?”


“Few broken ribs, broken arm, bruises. Minor head trauma since he received a hard blow on his head. But otherwise, he’s fine.”


I nodded then looked at Hong Rae Jin again. “He really got a long history with Junhyung, you know?”


“I know.” Aegi replied.


“He’s also the one who killed Junhyung’s girlfriend back then.”


“How did you know?”


I heard Kyuri suddenly spoke. I looked at her. She looked as if she was surprised. But then, she seemed to realize about something. But now it was me who was wondering. How did Kyuri know about Junhyung’s girlfriend?


I knew about that since Junhyung ever told me. But Kyuri?


“Ah…” She lowered her gaze. “Sorry.”


“Kyuri.” Aegi called the younger girl’s name with a voice that sounded like a mother who wanted to lecture her daughter. “What did you do with our personal profiles?”


She looked like someone who got caught red-handed. She grinned. “Just took a little peek at them.”


“How much is this ‘little’?”


Kyuri didn’t reply and just gave us her silly smile. So I assumed that probably she got much from our personal file. Probably, including about my past.


But then, a knock was heard and I saw Doojoon showed up on the door.


“Aegi.” He called.


“Okay.” Aegi replied him then looked back to Kyuri “I’ll talk with you after this.”


But I could tell that Kyuri was in trouble this time. Aegi looked at me afterward.


“Watch the interrogation closely, okay.”


I nodded then Aegi went out with Doojoon. I looked back to Kyuri. She was grinning in trouble. It seemed that she knew that she was in trouble. But somehow, it was cute to see her like that. I couldn’t help but to smile and patted her shoulder as I looked back to the interrogation room.



- Yoon Doojoon -


Aegi came out from the room and closed the door. I handed her the folder file. She took it. I lowered my gaze and exhaled.


“What’s wrong?”


I looked back at her because I didn’t understand why she asked like that. “What?”


“What’s with the long sigh?”


“I’m just thinking.” I paused. “Will he crack? Or not, like Yoo Im Taek?”


Aegi smiled. “I don’t think he’s as hard as Yoo Im Taek.” She said as she crossed her hands across her chest. “He did a desparate escape yesterday.” She looked back at me. “He’s a coward.” She lowered her hands. “So, don’t be worried. He’ll speak, soon or later.”


“Is that one of your psychological deductions?”


She smiled as she rolled her eyes. “Just do your job. But be good with him. We already pinned him with some charges. We got plenty of time with him. So, don’t waste your energy to give him rough interrogation.” She said then walked to the next door.


I followed her. She opened the door and gazed at me, signaling me to get in before her. So I entered the room before her. I walked straight to the table and pulled out the chair across Hong Rae Jin. I could hear the door closed behind me. But she didn’t come to my side. So I guessed she would stand next to the door and leaned her back there with her hands crossed across the chest, acting as the observer. I took a moment of silent before I looked up at Hong Rae Jin. But then, I didn’t say anything, just looking at him and observing him.


Probably Hong Rae Jin felt awkward since I was just looking at him and saying nothing. At first, he was looking back at me. But less than 2 minutes after, he started to break our eye contact and acted restlessly.


“Why are you staring at me like that?” Hong Rae Jin finally spoke out.


Even though I didn’t show it and put on my poker face, I smiled in victory. Aegi was right. This guy could break off easily.


“Nothing.” I lowered my gaze to the folder that I put on the table. “I’m just gazing at the man who has hurted my team member.” I opened the folder. But it was just an act. I had studied his profile for some times. So I knew about his profile. “I know you have a long history with Yong Junhyung.” I looked back again to him. “Is it good to a police officer?”


I noticed his expression changed into anger.


“I didn’t her. Even the court ruled me out from case.” He said suddenly in anger.


“I know.” I gave him a fake smile. “It said that they didn’t find any of you. So they ruled you out. But here, on KSTF, we’re not that nice. We can do anything to make you stay longer in prison.”


Hong Rae Jin seemed to swallow my words since I saw that he became calmer and looked as if he was in trouble. I really didn’t know why this guy could be one of Kang Heejoon’s trusted men. I leaned forward and rested my lower arms on the table.


“So…” I looked on him again, giving him the feel of intimidating. “How could you escaped, pronounced dead then join Kang Heejoon’s gank?”


He smirked. “I guessed I’m a magician then?”


I wished I could roll my eyes with his answer. But then, I left it to Aegi and Yoseob to connect all the pieces together.


“You know that we only want Kang Heejoon, right?”


He smiled. “I don’t know.” He said. “He’s always talking with me through the phone.” He leaned back and diverted his gaze to other way.


I caught that gesture as a withdrawn sign. He wouldn’t talk more after this. I couldn’t play rough with him since I would need him to get Kang Heejoon. So I decided to end up the conversation right now. But there was something that bothered my mind.


“But then, why Pink Arjuna?” I asked again.


He looked back at me and gave me a fake smile. I knew he wouldn’t talk. I exhaled and closed the folder. I stood up then turned. I looked at Aegi. She was leaning on the wall. She straightened her body as I saw her then turned to the door. I looked back to Hong Rae Jin.


“And remember.” I paused. “I’m not done with you.” I looked back then walked toward the door where Aegi had waited for me.


After we came out and Aegi closed the door, we walked. Yoseob and Kyuri came out from the next door and joined us.


“Kyuri, find out more about the car accident that happened during Hong Rae Jin’s transfer to the state prison.” I told Kyuri.




“And also the autopsy report for Hong Rae Jin.” Aegi added.




“And what do you guys think about Hong Rae Jin and Kang Heejoon?” I asked to Aegi and Yoseob.


“He lied when he said that he doesn’t know about Kang Heejoon.” Yoseob replied me. “But he was telling the truth when he said that he’s talking with Kang Heejoon through the phone.”


“Then pull out his phone record.” I said.


“Will do.” Kyuri said then left.


“And about Pink Arjuna…” I looked at Aegi.


“He doesn’t know anything.” Aegi said as she stopped and looked at me. “Probably the name didn’t come from him. I guess it was choosen by someone superior from him.”


“Kang Heejoon?” Yoseob asked.


Aegi tilted her head. “Probably. But I’m not sure either.” She said then raised her gaze to me. “You guys want to check on Junhyung, right?”


I nodded. “Yeah. The doctor said that he could be regaining conscious in the morning. Besides, I have some questions for him and Haejo. I didn’t question him because of Moon.”


Aegi looked understood. “Okay. I guess you can leave then. I’ll be handling this case.”




Aegi wanted to leave but she seemed to remember about something. She turned back to me.


“Oh, and…”


A smile came to her face.


“Hong Rae Jin is a gay.”


The words surprised me definitely. “What?!”


“Most probably that he’s a gay. He was losing his self-control when you mentioned about the case. I have read the Goo Hara’s autopsy report and court report about him. He didn’t do that because of his self esteem, but because he was panic. Probably he doesn’t want anybody to know about it.”


“How did you know?” Yoseob asked.


Aegi shrugged. “A little bit profiling and psychology deduction, probably? Beside, we were listening to his conversation with Junhyung last night, right? He watched his men Goo Hara but didn’t join them. Kinda weird for normal guys.”


Actually I wanted to say that probably Hong Rae Jin had someone that he loved so much. But Aegi cut me in before I managed to speak.


“But then, I ruled out the fact that he’s married. Because, even married man can’t restrain their selves in the most of the time. So the probability left is a gay.”


“Don’t jump into a conclusion too quick, Aegi.”


A smile came to her face. “Wanna bet?”


But I got a feeling that I shouldn’t bet with her anymore. Because, I always lost from her in the most of the time.


“Anyway, I have a work to do.” She waved. “See you, guys.”


She turned and walked away.


But then, a gay? I was interrogating a gay?


Somehow it freaked me out a bit. I shivered then turned to Yoseob. “Let’s go.” I told him as I pushed him to walk again.



- Yong Junhyung -


When I started to gain my senses, I felt pain all over my body. The pain was so hurt till I opened up my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw the white wall and curtain rail hung up on the ceiling. I recognized the view as hospital room. I also saw the IV drip stand on my right.


But why could I be at the hospital room? I couldn’t remember anything.


I felt a stingy pain from my left arm. I tried to bring my hand up. But it felt so heavy. So I turned my look to the left. I saw my hand was gipsed. So the stingy pain was from my broken bone. Then I started to regain my memory.


Ah, right. I was fighting a group of men until I got beaten up and tired. I remembered that someone hit the back of my head with a block of wood and I fell. Rae Jin grabbed me up and pushed me to his men. Then they took me to the crusher and put me in. And, I didn’t remember anything afterward. But I remembered that I heard Doojoon and Aegi’s voice. I thought I lost my consciousness at that moment.


But how could I be at the hospital?


And how about Rae Jin? Haejo? And Moon?


I gasped as I remembered about Moon.


But then, as I wanted to move, I realized that I wasn’t alone on the room. I realized that someone was fallen asleep at the side of my bed with her head on the bed. And I realized that it was Moon. She was asleep. I turned to look at the window and it was bright already. So I assumed it was morning already.


I turned my gaze back to Moon. She slept so peacefully. I could figure out that she tired. But it was my first time to see her sleeping face. I raised my right hand and touched the hair that fell to her face. I moved the hair slowly as I didn’t want to wake her up. But she stirred and opened her eyes. I quickly withdrew my hand. But I guessed I pulled it back too quickly since I felt pain on my right hand that made me wanted to yelp in pain.


“Ah, you have awake?”


I looked back to Moon and nodded. “Yeah.” I replied. “What time is it?”


Moon looked at her watch. “Almost noon.” She said as she exhaled.


“How about Rae Jin?”


“He got arrested. Doojoon kept him on the office for questioning.”


“And Haejo? Where is he?”


“Next door. He’s fine.” She paused as she propped her chin. “At least, his condition is better than you.”


I chuckled. But then, I wringed in pain since I felt a stingy pain from my left side. “Ah…” I exhaled.


But Moon quickly stood up, grabbed me and helped me to lie down carefully. “Don’t move too much. You got broken ribs.”


Then I remembered on how Rae Jin’s men hit me. “Ah, yeah. They hit me very bad.”


Moon just smiled and fixed the blanket. “You know…” She looked at me. “I think I owe you a favor for saving Haejo’s life last night.” She paused as she sat down. “He’s the only family that I have right now. Our parents were died when he was still young and we were moving from one relative to the other relatives until our grandmother took us in.”


She paused again.


“But since our grandmother was too old, so practically, I was the one who raised him.” Moon lowered her gaze. “But I guess I had failed since he became a bad boy.”


“But you can’t blame him either. Crime world is an easy way to gain money, you know?”


She just nodded and smiled. “I guess you’re right.” She looked back at me. “But thank you once again.”


I smiled. “We’re a team. So don’t be bothered by it.”


Moon just smiled. But then, the door opened and Doojoon came in along with Yoseob.


“Hey, you already awake?” Yoseob said.


“Just a few minutes ago.” I told him. “But what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on the countryside?”


“Aegi called me back. I guess she needs me to analyze something on the base.” Yoseob replied me.


“Hey.” Moon nudged me and brought my gaze back to her. “I’ll be at Haejo’s room, okay.”


I just nodded. Doojoon looked at Moon.


“Can I talk with him too? I think I have some questions for him.”


Moon just nodded.


Doojoon looked back at me. “I’ll be right back on you later, okay.” Then he left with Moon.


I just looked at them as they left.


“Reconciled with Moon?”


The words made me looking back to Yoseob and questioning why he could have that conclusion on his head.


“She seems nice on you lately.” Yoseob asked as he sat on the chair.


I just smiled. “I guess so.” I paused. “So how about you and Kyuri?” I had known that Yoseob liked Kyuri for a while.


Yoseob exhaled and hung down his head. I could guess that it would be something bad.


“I don’t know.” He said. “Dongwoon said that he’s engaged to Kyuri.”




Yoseob looked back at me with confusion look.


“Have you asked Kyuri?”


Yoseob shook his head.


“You should ask.”


Yoseob seemed to realize that I was right. “Probably later… when the case has calmed down for a while.”


I just smiled at him. But at least, one of the problems in my life had solved. At least, I got a feeling that Moon would act different at me.


From Author:

If you have twitter account, please feel free to follow me on @AFFalize_sakura.

Update~ Finally done with re-posting all the three lost chapters..

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~