Mission Seventeen – Interrogating Jung Tae-il

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Shin Aegi -


I was sitting on the hospital’s lobby while drinking warm tea that I bought from the vending machine. It was noon already and my mother was in the middle of examining Jang Hana’s condition. Since the local hospital couldn’t afford the examination for Dementia patient, my mother brought her to the university hospital in Seoul where she worked. We arrived at night and my mother worked on Jang Hana’s examination since then. Actually she asked me to go back home and leave the care to her. But I just couldn’t leave her like that. For me, Jang Hana was an important person. I didn’t want to lose her like I lost Yoo Im Taek.


I felt that a yawn was forcing its way out from me and I yawned as I covered my mouth with the back of my palm. I hadn’t slept since last night, waiting for the result to come out. But somehow I found that waiting was something that really boring.


“I think I’ve told you to go home.”


I heard the woman’s voice. I raised my gaze and saw my mother came toward me. She was wearing her white doctor’s coat and put her hair as a single bun. I smiled to see her like that. I remembered that I always liked my mother using that outfit and tied her hair up like that. I remembered that I used to be in awe whenever I saw my mother working. She looked so cool.


I raised my sitting position. “I can’t go home yet.” I told her as she sat beside of me. “At least, until I get a result for Jang Hana.” I drank my tea again.


“Tea?” My mother asked as I sipped the tea from its cup halfway.


I looked at my mother and lowered my cup. “Why? I always prefer tea than coffee. Coffee makes me dizzy lately.”


“But you used to like the taste.” She leaned closer to me. “Are you pregnant?”


Her words made me surprised. How I could be pregnant if I hadn’t slept with anyone.


“Eomma!” I scolded her. “How can you say like that to your unmarried daughter?”


“Unmarried? How about Doojoon son-in-law? Don’t tell me that you have never slept with him.”




My mother just giggled. I knew that she was teasing me. But I guessed it was enough to make me pouting. Somehow I wanted to tell her that Doojoon had never touched me. He was a nice man who knew what he could or couldn’t do. But I stopped before I told her the words.


“But, seriously, Aegi.” She looked at me and seemed to be serious. “What did happen between you and Doojoon?”


I went silent with her question. It also made me wondering what happened between me and Doojoon. We were fine until 3 years ago. But then, we drifted apart. When I realized what had happened, we already competed to each other and always bickered at each other everytime we met.


“I don’t know,” I replied my mother as I touched my cup to my lips. “I guess people changed.” I drank my tea but I could hear my mother released a sigh.


“My pre-elimenary report for Jang Hana,” she said as she leaned her body to the chair.


I turned my gaze again to my mother.


“The thing that you asked me to check out yesterday…” She looked at me and smiled. “Your guess is right. I checked on her antibody and it's indicated to your guess.”


"How long has it been?" I asked.


Eomma pouted her lips. "I'm not a miracle worker. It will take longer time if you want to know about it. I even put her case to the top priority because of you." She showed the folder that she brought with her. “This is the report for her condition after I ran the first check.”


I smiled and lowered my cup. I took the folder and gave a peek on my mother’s cheek. “Thank you, Eomma.” I hugged her. “I love you.” I stood up after that.


My mother turned her look on me. “Ya. If you’re thanking me, bring home Doojoon son-in-law and a grandchild next time.”


I smiled. “I’ll be considering about it if we’re solved this case.” I turned and walked away.


“About the grandchild?”


I heard Eomma asking. I turned to her and replied, “No. About divorcing Doojoon.” I turned and walked away afterward before my mother could ask again.


From the hospital, I took a taxi back to the office. I went straight to the base after I arrived. When I got there, I just saw Dongwoon, Gikwang and Kyuri on the room. The three of them looked at me when I entered the room. Gikwang straigtened his sitting position when he saw me.


“Where’s Doojoon?” I asked them.


“He went out.” Gikwang replied me.


“Ah, okay.” I turned afterward. But the corner of my eye caught Gikwang standing up from his chair.




I stopped and looked back at him when I heard his call. Gikwang was approaching me and stopped in the front of me. His face looked a little bit troubled.


“Yes?” I asked him.


“Err…” He really seemed to have a little trouble to tell me what his problem was. “I asked Kyuri to look onto something for me few days ago.” He looked back at me.


But in my mind, I knew that he would ask me about the medicine report. I asked Kyuri not to tell him about the report that she had found. So, I was sure that Gikwang wanted to know the result.


“Did Kyuri say something to you?”


For a moment, I was considering whether I would tell him or not. But then I realized that it would be hard for Gikwang if he found out about his father’s role on this case. Gikwang adored his father a lot. I knew it very well since I ever learned under Doctor Lee's guidance. So, I gave him a smile.


“No.” I lied. “She didn’t say anything to me.”


It seemed that Gikwang could understand. “Ah…” He nodded then gave me his silly wide smile. “Thank you.”


“Don’t think about it too much. I asked Kyuri to find something else for me. But I guess she will work it for you.” I patted Gikwang’s arm. “Get some rest for now, okay.”


“Okay.” Gikwang nodded.


For a moment, I thought Gikwang seems to be unsure and reluctant. But I ignored it since I had something else to do. I turned and walked away.


When I went down to the interrogation room, I saw Doojoon walking along with Jin Eun. I stopped immediately when I saw them. It seemed that both of them were returning from lunch together. Somehow I really didn’t like to see them together like that. It felt like I wanted to grab Jin Eun’s hair and pulled her away from Doojoon. But then, Doojoon’s word about my jealous feeling came back to my mind. I scoffed.


“Jealous? Who say that I’m jealous?” I told my self before I walked toward them.


Doojoon saw me coming and he stopped. “Aegi,” he said when I stopped in the front of them. He didn’t look surprised when I caught them together. “You’ve back.”


“Yes, I’ve back,” I said as I looked at Jin Eun. “Hello, Jin Eun.”


She smiled. “Hy, Aegi. It’s too bad that you couldn’t have lunch together with us.”


“But I think I’ll be disturbing both of you if I’m coming along.” I said it sarcastically as I looked back to Doojoon, shooting my death glare at him. How could he have a date on the time like this?


But I guessed Doojoon understand something from my gaze. He quickly stepped between me and Jin Eun. “Aa, it’s just a regular lunch. You can come along if we’re having our lunch again, Aegi.”


I released a sigh. I knew it was not a good time for arguing with him. I looked back to Doojoon. “I have something to tell you. Can we talk?”


“Yeah,” he said then turned to Jin Eun. “I have to work now. Probably we’ll talk again later. It’s nice to meet you again, Jin Eun.”


I rolled my eyes to hear his words. I didn’t know why Doojoon was so good with words. But then, Doojoon turned to me as he turned me around and pushed me to walk.


“What do you want to tell me?” Doojoon asked as we had been away from Jin Eun.


I gave the folder that I brought to him as we walked. “This is the pre-eliminary report for Jang Hana,” I said as Doojoon took the folder. “In-depth report will be given later after Eomma is done with her tests to Jang Hana.”


“Then?” Doojoon looked at me.


I stopped and looked at him. “Do you remember when I asked whether Jang Hana ever gave a birth?”


He looked thinking for a while but he nodded. “Yeah.”


“She ever gave a birth. Eomma tested her antibody and it's indicated that she ever gave birth even though Eomma didn't sure when the time.”


Doojoon looked back at me. “But then, where is the child?”


I shrugged. “That is what I want to know too,” I said.



- Yang Yoseob -


I was watching Jung Tae-il from behind the glass window of the interrogation room. Of course, he couldn’t see me because he would only see mirror panel from his side. Jung Tae-il looked restless. He looked around, stood up from his chair, walked around the room and sat back to the chair. He kept repeating the action for few times. He also tapped his fingers on the table when he sat on the chair. It seemed that he was worried about something.


My team members were brought him in earlier in the morning. They had transported him from the countryside. Gikwang, Dongwoon, Hyunseung and Doojoon returned along with him. But then, I didn’t see Aegi. When I asked about Aegi’s whereabout, Doojoon told me that Aegi was at the hospital with Jang Hana.


Then, the sound of the door opened made me turn. I saw Kyuri opening the door. She brought a folder on her hand. She looked up and saw me on the room.


“Ah,” she said as if she didn’t think to find me on the room. “I thought Doojoon is here too.”


“No,” I said as I lowered my hands. “He hasn’t come here.” I looked at the folder on her hand. “What’s that?” I stretched my hand to her.


“Jung Tae-il’s profile.” She walked in and handed the folder to me.


I opened the folder and saw the content. She didn’t lie. It was Jung Tae-il’s profile on the folder.


“Doojoon asked me to give him this before he interrogates Jung Tae-il,” she explained.


I closed the folder and looked at her. “I’ll give it to him later. Thank you.”


She slightly smiled and nodded then turned her body. But then, she stopped and turned back to me. I quickly looked away as I was afraid that she would catch me looking at her.


“Yoseob-ssi,” she called.


I looked back at her, pretending that I didn’t watch her before. “Yes?”


“Do you hate me?” She asked innocently as she put her hands on her back.


But I was caught in surprise when I heard the question from her. Did I hate her? I didn’t think that I hated her. I liked her. But…


“Why do you ask?” I asked.


“You seem to act different at me,” she said as she lowered her gaze to her feet.


So, she did notice that I was acting differently toward her. But it was because she had engaged to Dongwoon so I didn’t have any right to like her. But somehow it was hard to stay away from her.


“Sorry.” I told her.


She looked at me with her innocent eyes. “But can I ask why?”


I was considering whether I should ask her about her engagement with Dongwoon. But when I had decided to ask, the door opened. I looked at the door and saw Doojoon coming along with Aegi. I quickly straightened my body as I saw the two team leaders.


Aegi raised her gaze and saw Kyuri there. "Ah, you're here," she said.


"Yes," Kyuri replied with her cheerful attitude. "Doojoon asked me to bring Jung Tae-il's profile."


I handed the folder to Doojoon as I heard what Kyuri said. Doojoon received the folder but I saw him bringing another folder on his hand. He opened the folder that he just received and checked it. He looked up to Kyuri.


"Thank you," Doojoon said.


Kyuri just smiled and nodded. Doojoon turned his gaze to Aegi.


"Do you want to come along?" He asked.


"No," Aegi said. "I'll be watching from here." She paused. "Just don't forget to ask what I told you earlier."


Doojoon nodded and turned. But it seemed that they had known something. It raised my curiosity. But, I had a feeling that I would find it out soon.


I turned to the interrogation room and saw Doojoon entering the room. Jung Tae-il looked at him as he came in. But then, the doctor looked annoyed when he saw Doojoon. Doojoon came to the chair across of Jung Tae-il and sat there. He put the folders on the table and opened the one with Jung Tae-il's profile. Doojoon looked at the data for a while.


"You have interesting background," Doojoon said then turned the page. "You became a forensic doctor on a young age. That's good." He raised his gaze and looked at Jung Tae-il. "I also know someone who has a medical knowledge from young age just like you."


I took a glance at Aegi when Doojoon said it. Somehow I knew that Doojoon was referring to Aegi. But Aegi seemed not to care about it. So, I looked back to Jung Tae-il.


"But, how can a brilliant guy like you get involved with someone like Kang Heejoon and Pink Arjuna?" Doojoon asked again. "You can have bright future if you don't know them."


Jung Tae-il scoffed. "Don't waste your time with me," he said. "You want to ask me about my crime and my connection to Kang Heejoon, right?"


Doojoon smiled, indicating that Jung Tae-il was right.


"Then you won't get anything from me. I know my right so I won't speak without my lawyer." Jung Tae-il leaned his back on the chair.


Doojoon seemed to understand what the M.E wanted. "Alright," he said. "But let me ask you something, Dr. Jung." He closed the folder and rested both of his lower arms on the table as he leaned forward. "Do you have kids?"


Jung Tae-il didn't reply. But I remembered that he had married. And I noticed that Jung Tae-il looked restless when Doojoon asked about his family.


"Do you know that Jang Hana has a child?"


That question made me surprise. It was something new for me. I didn't know that Jang Hana had given birth. But then, I noticed that Jung Tae-il's expression looked different. For a second, he seemed to surprise as if he wanted to ask why Doojoon had know about it and seemed to be afraid because of it. But then, he blinked and his expression became calmer.


I heard Aegi scoffed beside me. I looked at her. She was smiling in satisfaction. "He knows," she said as she smiled.


So, it was her idea to ask about Jang Hana's child.


"But I guess Jung Tae-il won't talk about the child."


Aegi looked at me. "Why?"


"He looks afraid when Doojoon asked about Jang Hana's child."


Aegi seemed to be thinking because of my words. She looked back to the room across of her. I was wondering what she had on her mind.


"Yoseob-ie." I heard her mumbling my name.




"What if Jang Hana is connected to either Kang Heejoon or Pink Arjuna through her child?"


I frowned as I felt confuse. "What do you mean?"


"Yoo Im Taek's drug dealer business was using her house as the drug factory, right?"


I nodded. "Yeah," I said.


"I don't think she would be willingly giving her house for dirty work unless the requestor is someone precious for her."


"But she got dementia," I reasoned her.


"No, no. Her memory loss probably happened afterward." She seemed to have a deep thought. "Since you said that Jung Tae-il seems to be afraid of Jang Hana's child, then probably Jang Hana knows someone with high autorities on the organization." Aegi turned to Kyuri. "Kyuri-ah, come with me. I need you to check on something."


"Okay," Kyuri replied her.


Aegi looked at me. "If Doojoon asks for me, just tell him that I'm out for verifying something."


"Okay." I nodded.


Aegi looked at Kyuri again. "Come," she said then left with Kyuri.


But she left me wondering about what she had thought. I hoped that she would share it with me.



- Lee Gikwang -


I went back to my seat after Aegi went away. Aegi had told me that Kyuri still hadn't found the report that I asked her few days ago. But somehow I found it strange. Kyuri wasn't the type of girl who skipped the task that was given to her unless someone told her to. And for a second before she replied my question about the report, I noticed a change on Aegi's expression. I didn't put my doubt on her but I thought she was lying at me.


But, why? What did she hide from me?


"Gikwang." I heard Kyuri called my name.


I raised my gaze to her. "Yeah?"


"I'm going to the interrogation room first," she said.


I saw that she was holding a folder on her hand. I remembered that Doojoon asked her to find Jung Tae-il's profile before he went out to have a lunch.


"I need to give this to Doojoon," che continued.


I threw my glance around and didn't see Dongwoon. "And Dongwoon?" I looked back at her.


"He's taking a break," she said as she smiled.


"Ah…" I nodded. "Alright."


"I'll be back soon," she said then turned and left.


And, it made me alone on the base. But I guessed it was a good chance. I was sure that Aegi hid something from me. I raised my self up from the seat and walked to her room. I opened her door and walked in. I knew it was wrong. But I needed to get rid my suspision on her.


I closed the door slowly and looked around. My eyes stopped on the pile of folders on her table. If Aegi had the report, she must be put it on her table. I approached her table and started searching for the medicine report.


There were folders related to the case. The illegal arms dealing case, the drug dealing case, the serial murder case even Park Kyunjong profile folder were on her table. Aegi was really looking on the case through and through. Somehow she reminded me to Yoseob. She would investigate the case to the root so she would have the answer for everything, unlike Doojoon.


I remembered that she gave our medical tutors a hard time by asking many questions. Probably that was why my father favored her a lot. She wanted to know much and strived for gaining plenty knowledges. Probably that was why Doojoon always saw her as a rival and was envying her.


Then I found the report that I wanted to find. I took it from the stack and opened it. When I looked at the report, I started to understand why Aegi had lied to me. I lowered the folder and closed it. I returned the folder on the stack so Aegi wouldn’t know that I had checked on her table. I went out of her room afterward and walked out of the base.


I had never thought someone that I knew so close would be involved on this case. As I walked toward my car, I just thought that I needed to confirm the matter.




Lee Kwang Soo was talking on the phone. He looked every serious as he talked. It seemed that the matter that he discussed was making him troubled. He was arguing with the one that he was spoken with as he stood facing the window behind his desk. He went silent as the other person spoke.


But then, he heard knocks on his door. Lee Kwang Soo turned and saw his son stretching his head from behind the door. The son gave him a wide smile. Lee Kwang Soo smiled and signaled his son to wait for a while. He turned his back on his son and his smile disappeared.


“We’ll talk later. My son is here.” He lowered the phone and hung up.


Lee Kwang Soo turned as he put a smile on his face. Gikwang entered the room and approached his father.


“It’s a surprise to see you here,” Lee Kwang Soo said to his son.


Gikwang just smiled. “Is it weird for me to visit you, Aboji?” He asked as he arrived at the front of the working table. Gikwang dropped his gaze.


Lee Kwang Soo smiled widely. “No. I’m just surprised to see you here,” he said. “So, how’s your job?”


Gikwang looked at his father and nodded. “It’s fine.” He shifted his gaze to the cupboard near the table where his father put pictures of his family and collagues. He turned his body toward the cupboard. “So far we have made progression.” He walked toward the cupboard and looked at the pictures.


“That’s good to hear.” Lee Kwang Soo smiled as he took the scapel from his table. “I’m sure Aegi will feel happy with the progress.”


Gikwang smiled. “She is,” he said. “I guess both of her and Doojoon won’t stop until they find the mastermind behind the crime.” He took a quick look to his father then back to the pictures again.


Gikwang stopped on the picture of his father and Jung Tae-il with their team. But then, a frown appeared on his face as he noticed someone that he knew recently on the picture.


“Aboji, how well do you know Jung Tae-il?”


But then, Gikwang couldn’t continue his words since he felt something stabbed his back. His face grinned in pain and surprise. Gikwang turned his face to his father.


“A-aboji…” He didn’t expect that his father would stab him from behind.


Lee Kwang Soo leaned closer to his son. “I’m sorry, Gikwang,” Lee Kwang Soo whispered then pushed the scapel deeper.


Gikwang gasped in pain to feel the scapel penetrating his body. But then, Lee Kwang Soo took the scapel out. Gikwang fell to the floor. Fresh blood leaked out from his wound on his back. Lee Kwang Soo just looked at him.


“It is better if your team stop investigating this case,” Lee Kwang Soo said again.


Gikwang turned his head to see his father. He reached out his hand toward his father. But Lee Kwang Soo stepped back and turned to leave the room. He left his son behind.


From Author:

Finally, I'm able to continue this fic. Thanks to Doojoon's look on their new MV teaser. He's gorgeous there~ *squeals* Okay. don't mind me.

If you have twitter account, please feel free to follow me on @AFFalize_sakura.

Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting to this fic~ I hope you enjoy it~

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~