New Tasks

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Yoon Doojoon -

When I came back from the lunch break and almost reached the base, I saw Aegi coming from the opposite’s direction. I was surprised to see her there since I thought she was having lunch with Jin Eun. She was reading the case file and didn’t notice that I was in the front of her. But then, she diverted her gaze from the case file and saw me. Her expression immediately changed and she stopped. I could see that she rolled her eyes.

“I thought you’re having lunch with Jin Eun.” I said to her as we walked together.

“I’m not going.” She said.

I looked at her. “Why?”

“I just don’t want to.” She said. “Besides, I still have many works to do.”

I just released a sigh to hear her. “Why can’t you take a break for a while, Aegi?” I sighed.

“I won’t.” She paused. “Not until this case solved.”

“But since when you became this workaholic type?” I asked her. “You were used not to be like this.”

She looked at me. “No need to worry about me.” She said.

But then, she turned and stopped as a middle age man came toward us. I didn’t need to see her face to know that she was surprised to see that man was in here. This man was dressed on police’s uniform and with high level rank on his badge. His hair was black with white hair on some parts. His face was showing his wisdom. Even though he looked older than I used to remember, he still looked as handsome as he used to be. He also had this grand charisma around him and it made me straightened my body in respect. His name was Shin Seungkyung. And…

“A-appa.” Aegi said.

That was right. He was Shin Aegi’s father. Or probably I should say that he was my father-in-law. And, yeah, Aegi was coming from Police’s family. Her father was a Head Chief on Interpol and Aegi had two brothers who were also a police officer and a doctor. Her mother was a doctor too. So I never wondered why Aegi was an expert on Medical and Forensic field.

Shin Seungkyung stopped in the front of her daughter. His gaze went to me. So, I bowed at him politely. Even though he was my father-in-law, he was also my superintendent. But then, he was ignoring me. His gaze went back to Aegi.

“So… I heard that you’re taking care of Kang Heejoon’s case.”


“But you lost his trusted man.”

Aegi dropped her gaze because of those words. I couldn't blame her. Her father's words seemed to judge her. But I felt bad with Aegi somehow. I looked back at Shin Seungkyung.

"I'm sorry if I might sound rude, Sir. But allow me to speak."

Shin Seungkyung looked at me. Of course he would recognize me for either as his daughter’s ex-boyfriend or as one of the KSTF Team Leaders.

"It was beyond our prediction that Yoo Im Taek would be killed by his gank members. But Aegi and also our team members are working really hard for this case. Aegi and even some of our members haven't sleep since yesterday. As a team leader, I'm proud of them. And I assure you that we will solve this case." I paused. "Both of me and Aegi will solve this case."

Shin Seungkyung smiled. "You seem to have much confident, Yoon Doojoon." He paused. "Alright. I'll see what you can do for this case." He took a glance to Aegi. "I hope you won't let me down."

"We won't." I answered him even though I knew that he meant those words for Aegi.

He just nodded then looked back at Aegi for a while before he went off.

I exhaled in relief when he had left. Somehow I was sure that Aegi would feel relieved too.

“Wah, your dad is no kidding.” I said as I leaned my back on the wall. "I always become nervous whenever I see him."

I looked at Aegi. She was smirking cynically on me.

“And I had to face him everyday of my life while I was younger.” She said as she sighed.

“I’ve told you to stay with me at that time.”

But then she was glaring at me with her death glare. So I just gave her a big smile. Then, she turned her gaze to her front and took a deep breath.

“But I can assure you…” She looked back at me in the confident way that I always knew from her. “…we will solve this case.” She said with arrogant and confidence look.

Then she turned and walked toward our base. Somehow, even though she was looking at me with that arrogant and confidence look, I felt relief. Probably it was because I knew that Aegi had returned to normal. I smiled then walked to follow her.

- Jang Hyunseung -

I was looking at the team members one by one. When I was looking at them, somehow I felt that there were some tension happened between them. Probably I would rule Gikwang out it. But then, I felt something had happened between Moon and Junhyung, also between Dongwoon, Kyuri and Yoseob.

Junhyung was sitting on his own chair. But I noticed that he was stealing glances toward Moon for some times. Meanwhile, Yoseob was looking at Dongwoon who was talking and joking around with Kyuri then he seemed to feel uncomfortable with them and gazed down.

I leaned forward as I rested my arms on my desk then tilted my head because I was confused. What’s wrong with them?

“What’s wrong with them?” I blurted out the question that I had on my mind.

I could hear that Gikwang stopped playing with his basket ball.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

I turned my gaze to see him. “Don’t you notice?”

But Gikwang gave me his stupid look and tilted his head. I never stopped wondering why Gikwang could do so well with those medicine and forensic things when he was so slow with human’s relation. I clicked my tongue.

“Come closer.” I told him.

He put down the ball and moved closer to me. I looked back to my other friends.

“Do you notice the atmosphere feels different between them?” I told Gikwang. “Junhyung seems to have something to talk with Moonie. And look at Yoseob.” I paused as I looked at him. “Does he look troubled with Dongwoon and Kyuri-ah?”

“Ah…” Gikwang seemed to be understood. Then he turned his gaze at me. “What do you think has happened between them?”

Omo, I can’t believe with this guy’s brain. I wouldn’t ask him if I knew the answer.

“Ya~ I wouldn’t ask you if I know.” I complained to Gikwang.

But then, the sliding doors opened and Aegi walked in with Doojoon following her. Both of them were walking to the table on the center of the room, making us looking at them. Aegi put down the folders that she brought with her and raised her gaze to see us. From her look, I knew that she would say something to us.

- Park Kyuri -

Aegi unnie was looking at each member. I knew that she would say something to us. She always did that whenever she wanted to start her briefing session.

“As you know…” She said then rested her hands on the table. “…we have lost our only way to Kang Heejoon.” She paused. “I know it will be hard for us up ahead. But, it doesn’t mean that our case is closed.”

She straightened her body and folded her hands across her chest.

“The Illegal Arms case, Serial murder case and also the Hospital case are still on. I’m sure these cases would bring us to Kang Heejoon.”

Aegi unnie turned her gaze to Junhyung.

“Yong Junhyung, I’ll put you to help Hyunseung and Moonie to investigate this illegal arms case. I believe that you can find something with that seducing technique that you have.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Junhyung replied her.

“Try to find out more about this Pink Arjuna. Moon’s brother can help. But try to put him out of the danger.”

“Yae.” Junhyung replied unnie again.

Then Aegi unnie looked at me. It made me straightened my body automatically. I knew that she would give a case to me.

“Both of you and Dongwoon were running background check on that house. Am I right?”

“Yes, we were.” I replied her.

“What did you find?”

I looked at Dongwoon. Dongwoon was giving me a signal to explain our findings. I pouted my lips because of him. He knew that I never did public presentation well enough. He was my childhood friend after all. Yet, he asked me to do this.

My gaze went to Yoseob who was over Dongwoon’s shoulders. He dropped his gaze when I looked at him. But I caught a strange look on his eyes before he gazed down. I just released a sigh then looked back to Aegi unnie.

“The house was owned by a woman who called Jang Hana. Then I was trying to find out more about her. But, somehow since 20 years ago, she disappeared. There’s no record about her since that time.”

I saw Yoon Doojoon looking at Aegi after I finished my words.

“20 years are a long time. Even if she was murdered, the case is expired already.” Yoon Doojoon said to Aegi unnie.

“I know.” Aegi unnie replied him.


Both of Unnie and Yoon Doojoon were looking back at me.

“I can’t find any connection between Jang Hana and Yoo Im Taek either.” I added.

Unnie went silent for a while then she exhaled. “Try to find more about this Jang Hana and the people around her.” She paused. “Even to the slightest relation that she had would be fine. Both of you can do field investigation for it.”

I could hear Dongwoon chuckled in excitement.

“Yae.” I replied her.

“Gikwang and Yoseob…” She turned to look at the two guys that she mentioned. “I want you both to handle the serial killer and find our missing examiner.”

Unnie exhaled again and lowered her hands. “When you find him, try to bring him in and interrogate him. Probably, he can be our key to Kang Heejoon.” She looked at the case folder in the front of her. “I guess that’s it for today.”

“Pardon me.” I heard Gikwang said. He had made all the eyes went to him. “But what about Park Kyunjong?”

I looked back to Unnie, expecting for her answer.

“I’ll put his case on hold.”


It seemed that Unnie had made Yoon Doojoon surprised too. He quickly looked at Unnie when Unnie said that she would put the case on hold. Unnie turned to look at him.

“I don’t think the case is related to Kang Heejoon.”

I noticed that Yoon Doojoon seemed wanting to ask more. But Unnie turned her look to us.

“You all can go now.” Unnie told us.

I saw that everyone were standing up and went away to take care their own case. But I still looked at Unnie. I noticed that Yoon Doojoon seemed wanting to talk more with her. But Unnie had turned and left to her own room. Yoon Doojoon exhaled as he hung his head. Probably, same as me, he had noticed that Unnie seemed to be troubled and burdened by something.


The call distracted me. I turned and saw Dongwoon giving me signal to go.

“Come on.”

“Ah, okay.” I told him. I looked back to Yoon Doojoon once more before I turned to follow Dongwoon. But then, I was excited to know that Yoon Doojoon was worrying about Aegi Unnie. At least, I knew that, deep down inside, both of them were actually still cared at each other.

Ah, how wonderful to have someone that cared about you so much.




From Author:


Sorry for taking so long to update this new chapter~ My life is bouncing back and fro between real life and writing scripts for fics. And I entered semi-hiatus mode because of it. But I hope the next update won't be long~ ^^

Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting to this fic~ I hope you enjoy it~

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~