Mission Twenty Seven - Who Pink Arjuna is...

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

It was an empty storage house, not far from the storage house where Kang Heejoon died. In fact, anyone could see the storage house’s ruin from the windows of one of its side. A slim figure was standing by the window while facing outside, looking at the burnt storage house before turning and walking toward a set of monitors then sat on the swivel chair.


It was night and the room had no lights. The only light that luminated the room was coming from the monitors. The monitors were displaying different things. Most of them were displaying rooms but three of them which line-up on the front of the swivel chair were displaying data. The left monitor was displaying some difficult programming language. The middle monitor was displaying data from Park Kyunjong and his late wife while the right monitor was displaying traffic logs.


A scoffing sound was heard, following by the sound of a chair squealing. For a while, the silent fell. But suddenly, a warning message was displaying on the right monitor. The person quickly straightened and typed something on the keyboard. But the warning message didn’t go off. It seemed that someone had sent a virus to destroy the data. It gave frustration.


But then…




The person who was typing stopped when the voice was heard. It was Aegi who said the word. She was pointing her gun to anyone who sat on the chair.


“Put your hands up so I can see it.”


Hands were raised. Aegi walked forward and stopped beside the chair. She took a slight glance to the monitor then scoffed.


“It seems that Kyuri managed to penetrate your firewall,” she said then turned her gaze to the person with a smirk smile on her face. “I guess you have lost your touch…” Aegi then continued, “…Park Jin Eun.”


It was Park Jin Eun who sat on the chair. She was scoffed when she heard Aegi mention her name.


“So you knew.” Park Jin Eun looked at Aegi. “You knew that I planted a virus on KSTF System.”


“Barely know about it before I asked Kyuri to run full scan through the squad system. But you planned it very thoroughly. You spied on Doojoon’s system to know our moves.”


Park Jin Eun smirked.


“As expected from someone who takes the name of Pink Arjuna.”


Jin Eun smirked. “How do you know that I am Pink Arjuna? Just like you said years ago, it’s just a stupid name that was created by Lee Il Ryung for his organization name.”


Aegi smiled because of it. “It’s a stupid name,” Aegi said. “But recently I found that it hides a sentimental meaning. Lee Il Ryung used the name for a reason.” She shrugged. “Probably out of his guilty feeling.”


Jin Eun went silent because of it.


“But I start putting my respect on him.” Aegi paused. “So what is your connection with Lee Il Ryung?”


It seemed that Jin Eun didn’t want to answer the question. But Aegi already expected that she wouldn’t answer the question.


“Okay. It’s fine if you don’t want to answer. But I have a theory.” She paused for a moment. “Lee Il Ryung is your biological father, isn’t it?”


Jin Eun looked surprised for a moment when Aegi said that Lee Il Ryung was her father. But her surprised expression didn’t seem as if she knew the fact for the first time. It seemed that she had known it before and she didn’t expect Aegi to find out about it.


“Along with Jang Hana who is your biological mother.” Aegi continued.


“How do you find out?”


“It caught my suspicion that Jang Hana mentioned that Jung Tae-il is her son when we caught her. So, I was thinking what if Jang Hana is really had a kid. My mother was studying Dementia so I’m familiar with it. Jung Hana’s dementia might make her to forget about her child. But her unconscious state of mind knows that she has a child. It slipped out when she saw Jung Tae-il was being caught. So, I asked my mom to check on it.” Aegi smiled afterward. “Jang Hana indeed ever gave a birth.”


“But it doesn’t prove anything that I’m connected to Lee Il Ryung.”


“It didn’t,” Aegi said. “Until you used Pink Arjuna as your disguise. Like what I have said before, no one will use a ridiculous combination between a girly color and legendary hero unless it has a sentimental meaning. So you took the name because your father was the one who created the name.” She paused for a while. “Well, probably you also use it because you know that I and Doojoon will take the case seriously.”


There was a moment of silence before Jin Eun laughed. “You are incredible, Shin Aegi. No wonder you become the top student back on the academy.” She exhaled and looked back to Aegi. “But you’re right. Lee Il Ryung was my father and Jang Hana is my mother. They were in love but couldn’t be together. When they wanted to elope, my grandparents called the police and told them that Lee Il Ryung was kidnapping their daughter.”


Aegi just stood on her place.


“Then you can guess what happened next. The police caught my father and my mother found that she was pregnant so her parents sent her away to a small village where she gave a birth of me.”


“Then, what about Park Kyunjong?” Aegi asked. “The name was caught my attention because it seemed familiar for me. He was your father, wasn’t he? Not the real one. I guess your mother was forced to marry him, right?”


A smirk appeared on Jin Eun’s lips.


“But I remembered meeting him once when we were at the academy,” Aegi said again. “I remembered about him because he was making a scene back in the academy when he suddenly hit you and yelled at you because you were defying him.”


Jin Eun scoffed. “No wonder why Doojoon likes you so much. You are a clever girl.” She looked back to Aegi. “It was a mistake for him to show up at the academy. I already told him to stay away from my life.”


Aegi went silent for a while. “Why did you kill him?”


“I hate him.”




“He was a good businessman but he was a terrible father.”


“So you killed him slowly by arsenic?”


“He deserved it.”


Aegi went silent for a while. Jin Eun hated her stepfather. It was the motive to kill him. She also realized that Jin Eun might know that Lee Il Ryung was her father when they handled the case three years ago. “Since when did you know that Lee Il Ryung is your real father?”


“Three years ago after he died. I found my mother’s diary. She wrote about Lee Il Ryung a lot.”


“Is that the reason why you left the squad?”


Jin Eun smirked again. “Not only that. I couldn’t stand to look at you and Doojoon.”


Aegi frowned. “So, is this all about Doojoon?” Aegi paused. “You took your father’s nickname and committed crimes just because of Doojoon?”


Jin Eun suddenly stood up as she said, “I did it all because I hate you the most.”


Aegi quickly took a step backward when Jin Eun stood up as a precaution if the girl attacked her. Somehow she knew that she already made Jin Eun angry.


“I hate you because you’re beautiful and smart. I hate you because you’re too perfect. I hate you because you killed my father. And the most of them all, I hate you for having Doojoon.” Jin Eun paused. “And why did I tell Kang Heejoon to kidnap you? It was meant to kill you.”


Aegi just looked at Jin Eun. She looked as if she didn’t believe that Jin Eun had changed so much. She knew that Jin Eun liked Doojoon ever since they were still at the academy. But Jin Eun’s obsession started to fear her.


“You know that I and Doojoon are married, don’t you?”


“That’s why I want to kill you,” Jin Eun said in anger. She then moved to attack Aegi with her spin kick.


Aegi quickly drew her self backward to avoid the kick. But she dropped her weapon on the process since Jin Eun kicked her weapon. Jin Eun attacked Aegi but Aegi defended herself. They fought until Jin Eun managed to hit Aegi and made her moved backward. Aegi quickly prepared her self again. But she saw Jin Eun looked at her weapon that laid on the floor. She could guess that Jin Eun was aiming for her weapon. So, when Jin Eun moved, Aegi moved along and kicked her weapon away. Because of that, Jin Eun attacked Aegi again.


Finally, Jin Eun managed to bring Aegi down as she swiped Aegi’s feet. When Aegi went down, Jin Eun quickly grabbed the weapon. Aegi stood up and froze as she saw the weapon pointed at her.


“I’m improved a lot, ain’t I?”


Aegi didn’t answer as she looked at her opponent. She knew that she needed to snatch the weapon from Jin Eun. She would need to see the chance or at least create one.


“I taught my self martial arts after I left the squad. I studied medical and tactical. I learned many things to enrich my self. I want at least to be as same as you. I was lucky to meet Kang Heejoon. He was my father’s subordinate and he was happily to help me re-building the organization. So I can stand up against you.”


“But you will never win against me.” Aegi raised her gaze to Jin Eun. “Because you have missed something important.”




“You want to know why I know that you’re Pink Arjuna?”


Jin Eun didn’t say anything.


“You might think that Pink Arjuna is just a stupid and random name. It’s tacky but it’s not stupid. I’m actually amazed with your father with this one.”


Aegi paused as she watched Jin Eun expression changed.


“Pink Arjuna wasn’t meant to be the name of Lee Il Ryung’s organization. It was meant for something else. A code name for someone.” Aegi paused. “But the police had made mistake about the name and took it for something else. It was probably because they found partial name from the torn page of Lee Il Ryung’s notebook and thought that the organization name was Pink Arjuna. We found his notebook among Lee Kwang Soo’s possession along with picture of your mother. And I found out that, instead of Pink Arjuna, he actually wrote PINK ARJUNE. Surprisingly, it was taken after your name.”


“How come?”


“Try to take a look at the name for a while and you will see that Pink Arjune is an anagram of your name.” She smiled sarcastically. “You don’t notice about it, do you?” She scoffed. “At the end, it’s your father who put an end to your action.”


It seemed that Jin Eun was surprised to hear the fact. “You must be lying.” Her voice trembled. “You. Must. Be. Lying!” She pointed the gun to Aegi. “It’s must be one of your tactic to distract me.”


“I’m not lying. You were my room mate at the academy so you know me very well. You know that I’m always looking for the truth and never concealing it from those who deserve to know.”


For a while, Jin Eun went silent. She knew that Aegi was right. But she couldn’t believe that it was her father who revealed everything. Furthermore, she was unable to notice about it until Aegi found it and told her. She always knew that Aegi was smart and critical. It was something that Doojoon adored from Aegi and Jin Eun could never defeat. That was why she hated Aegi.


“You better die, Shin Aegi!”


Aegi realized that Jin Eun wanted to shoot. She also realized that she had told Doojoon to shoot whenever he saw a threat. So Aegi quickly dashed toward Jin Eun.


“Jin Eun, don’t!”


Then everything happened so fast. Aegi grabbed Jin Eun’s hands as a bang was heard. Both of the girls went down.


Doojoon raised his gaze from the scope. He didn’t expect Aegi to come to Jin Eun when he released the shoot. Somehow, he was afraid that he shot Aegi instead of Jin Eun. He pressed his communication device on his ear.


“Hyunseung, Yoseob, Moonie, get moved,” He ordered then quickly went down from the rooftop where he waited and saw everything. He quickly came to the storage house.


When he arrived on the room, he saw the girls were lying down on the floor. For a moment, his heart seemed to stop when he saw Aegi lying down on the floor. The thought of her being shot was crossing his mind. He was afraid to lose her.


But then, to his relief, Aegi moved and slowly lifted his body. He exhaled then came to her.




Aegi turned because of the call. She saw Doojoon approaching her. He stopped and grabbed her arm to help her stand up. And when Aegi got to her feet, Doojoon hugged her.


“Thank god that you’re alright,” he said.


On that moment, Moon, Yoseob and Hyunseung came to the room. Moon quickly came to Jin Eun and checked on her. Yoseob quickly turned when he saw blood pool on the floor. Aegi pushed Doojoon slightly and looked at Moon.


“How is she?” Aegi asked.


Moon looked up at Aegi. “She’s gone.”



From Author:

Another update~

Sorry for bad description for this chapter. I dunno whatelse to write. As always, I hope you will enjoy this chapter~ ^^

If you have twitter account, you can add me on @AFFalize_sakura.

Thank you for reading, subscribing or commenting~ Enjoy reading.

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~