Before the First Rush

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels


- Shin Aegi -


Another morning had arrived. When I got in to the base, I saw Junhyung was there already, along with Dongwoon, Yoseob, Hyunseung, Gikwang, Kyuri and Moon. So, I was the last one to arrive there. I smiled at them and greeted them. The team members were there already.




They replied me randomly. Kyuri even gave me her usual bright smile. But somehow I felt that something was off about Kyuri. She looked a little bit awkward.


Even though I could ask, I chose to ignore it. I looked at Yoseob.


"Where's Doojoon?" I asked Yoseob. I knew that Doojoon loves to arrive early at the office.


Yoseob straightened his body. "He's still at the interrogation room. Last night, Detective Im joined for the interrogation."


I just nodded and put my bag on the empty table. I leaned back to the table and crossed my hands across my chest. I looked at Yoseob.


"And what do you think about Yoo Im Taek?" I asked him.


"Until I went away, he still hasn't cracked up. He's a hard guy to handle." Yoseob said.


I smiled with his answer. "Be ready for more investigations." I looked at the clock. "We only have 40 hours to find evidence for keeping Yoo Im Taek in prison."


"Why?" Dongwoon asked.


"Yoo Im Taek is a loyal and fearless guy. He won't sell off Kang Heejoon that easily. We're lucky to catch him. But I don't think we can get any information or confessions from him. So we need more to hold him."


"But we already catch him." Hyunseung said.


"Yes, for questioning his relation with Kang Heejoon." I said. "But not for his crime. We only got 48 hours to keep someone in custody with assumption that he's guilty without any evidences. We still don't have anything to hold him."


"But how do you know that Yoo Im Taek won't talk?" Junhyung asked me.


I smiled at him. "I learned criminal psychology while I was the academy." I paused. “But even with my knowledge now, it’s still not enough to keep him longer in the interrogation room.”


"So what we need to do now?" Dongwoon asked.


Just when I wanted to reply Dongwoon's question, the base door opened and Doojoon entered with frustration look.



- Park Kyuri -


I couldn't help but to look at Doojoon and Unnie when Doojoon entered the base with frustration look. He came toward the table where Unnie was leaned on then slammed the folder that he brought on his hand to the table. Doojoon rested his hands on the table as he hung his head down.


"He doesn't talk?" Unnie guessed.


Doojoon raised his gaze to Unnie and replied, "Yes." He paused. "I questioned him over the night and he doesn't talk about anything related to Kang Heejoon or their business. He talked about something else instead."


Unnie gave him ‘I-told-you-so’ look.


Doojoon released a sigh and straightened up his body. “Do whatever you can, Aegi. We need to pin down this guy.” He paused. “And do it fast.”


“Okay.” Unnie replied rhythmically then lowered her hands and straightened up her body. She looked at us with serious look on her face. Somehow we all knew that it was the time to get serious.


“Let’s re-analyze again our cases.” Unnie said. “Hyunseung, find something that connect Yoo Im Taek with the illegal arms business.” She looked at Moon. “Moon, use your brother to get more info. Bring him here would be great.”


“Okay.” Moon said.


“Junhyung, go and get some info about what kind of business that Yoo Im Taek owns from the night club. Probably they know something. His money must be coming from somewhere.”


“Yes, ma’am.” Junhyung replied.


“Gikwang, find more about the substance that poisoned Yoseob’s hospital case. I need to know what kind of drug was that to get it related to Yoo Im Taek. If it’s some kind of illegal drug, try to cross-check it to the drug database that we had and see whether it’s related to Kang Heejoon and Yoo Im Taek or not. You can ask for Kyuri’s help.”


Gikwang nodded.


“Dongwoon and Kyuri, find information about this Yoo Im Taek. About his family, his background, his business and all. I want to know everything about him.”


“Yes.” Dongwoon said.


“Like what I have said before, we only have 37 hours to find evidences for keeping Yoo Im Taek. So, I want you all to work fast.” Unnie looked at me and Moon. “Moon, Kyuri, you know how the rules.”


I nodded.


Unnie looked at Yoseob. “Yoseob, get back to the board. We need to analyze the case again.”


Yoseob nodded.


Finally, Unnie turned to Doojoon. Somehow I was anticipating something from them. But Unnie gave her usual cynical look and said, “And you.” She paused as she looked at Doojoon. “Get some rest. You will only hold us down with your condition right now.”


And somehow my hope was crushed and I felt a little disappointed to hear that. But Doojoon seemed not to complain about Unnie’s order to him.


“So, now…” She clapped her hands. “Go.”


And it was the sign for us to work. I stood up from the chair and walked toward the computer room.


I knew Dongwoon was following me because he asked, “What rules?”


I took a quick glance at him. “I’ll tell you later.”



- Yoon Doojoon -


I looked all the members started moving to work on their own cases right after Aegi clapped her hand and ordered them to go. Junhyung stood up from his chair and went out. Dongwoon and Kyuri were back to the computer room. Hyunseung went back to his own chair while Moon turned to call someone on her phone. Yoseob walked toward the small meeting room. I looked at Aegi who took her bag and wanted to go to her own room.




She stopped and turned to look at me.




She smiled. “You’re welcome. Try to get some sleep, okay. You can join me and Yoseob later.”


I just nodded and Aegi turned to walk to her room. I took the case file that I brought earlier and went to my own room. I came into my office room and put the case file on the desk. I sat at the sofa and rested my elbows at my knees as I touched the bridge of my nose. Aegi was right. I needed to have some rest and sleep. I felt very tired.


At the moment like this, I was thankful to work with Aegi’s team. At least, Aegi knew what she had to do without me telling her what she needed to do. Somehow I thought that it was kinda convenience to have her at my team.


I laid my self down on the sofa and closed my eyes. I let my self being drown to deep slumber since I needed it. I didn’t want to be bothered by my work for now.



From Author:

Update~ Surprised?? ^^

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~