New Mission

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Yoon Doojoon -




I yelled to the top of my lungs to release my frustration anger while the girl that stood in the front of me just rolled her eyes in bored attitude.


“You were breaking in without any thoughts. You were risking my men’s lives there.”


“But there are no casualties from our side, right?”


I looked at her in disbelieve. How can she speak so calmly like that?


“One mistake and you can ruin the whole mission, you know.”


“But it’s not happened. Not in my calculation.”


“Your calculation?” I stepped forward to be closer to her. “But it’s my case. You have no authorities to step in like that.”


“But you requested for back-up and I am that back-up. And the most important part that the hostage is safe and the money are intact. We caught the bad guy. End of discussion.”


Oh gosh, this girl is making me speechless and driving me insane at the same time.


In case you were wondering who the beautiful girl who stood with defying look in the front on me was, well, her name was Shin Aegi. She was a leader of one of the elite special force squad teams just like me. But this girl was not just an ordinary leader. She was one of the top and talented leaders that I should say I envied.


She was not just beautiful. She was smart too. You could imagine her as a perfect girl with fair skin, long black hair that she tied partly today, good slender body behind the blue police uniform that we used now and natural beauty. But in the most of the time, she was getting on my nerves since she always pissed me off by stepping in to my team’s missions in which I must to say that she had taken care of it better than I did. So yeah, basically I had to say that she had stepped on my pride over and over again.




The voice broke up us up and made me realized that we were not alone on the room. I took a step backward and lowered my gaze before I looked at the man that sat on behind the desk.


He was Mr. Hong, the Commander of the Special Force where I, she and the rest of our team members joined. He sighed heavily with our arguments. It wasn’t the first time he had seen me argued with Aegi. In the matter of fact, probably he had seen me argued in the most of my time with Aegi ever since we were joining this Special Force.


He turned his look on Aegi. “Doojoon is right. You’re too reckless, Aegi. You can cause any casualties on our side and put the mission on the line.”


I gave her an ‘I am right’ look. “See?”


But then…


“But without Aegi’s help, your team won’t succeed.”


I looked at Mr. Hong in disbelieve look.


“If you waited any longer, the little girl’s life might be in danger.”


I looked back at Aegi, trying to ask for explanation. She curved her lips to give me a fake smile, feeling victorious against me.


“Asthma. She was having a breathing trouble when I rescued her.” She said. “That was why I rushed to the scene. If you waited another minutes, she would be choking to death. Next time, please check on the hostage medical background too.”


I opened my mouth but couldn’t find anything to say. I didn’t know how I could miss the information.


“How’s the kid, Aegi?” Mr. Hong asked her.


“She’s fine now.” I heard her replying Mr. Hong.


“Good.” He said then looked at the brown folder on his desk. “Then the mission is cleared.” He looked up to both of us. “But I need you two to take care of this mission.” He shifted the brown folder toward us.


“Two?” I asked as Aegi leaned forward to take the brown folder. I saw her stopped as she took the folder and looked at me. “Do you mean my team with her team?”


“Yes. This case just came to my desk from the Interpol’s headquarter this morning. I need my best teams that I have on Special Force to handle the case. And both of you are my best teams.”


“So you expect us to team up?” I asked again.


“Is there any problem with that?”


I exhaled softly as I heard her calm voice asking me the question. I turned my gaze to look at her. She was reading the information from the folder. But she shifted her gaze to me.




But I really wanted to tell her that she and her unfriendly attitude toward me was the problem.


I looked back to Mr. Hong. “Give me the access to the necessary information. I’ll brief my team soon.” I looked at Aegi and took the folder from her hands. “And you’ll come with me along with your team.”


But then, Aegi took back the folder. “You’re not my boss. So don’t tell me what I have to do.” She said then turned to walk away.


I heaved a sigh again as I saw Aegi walked out from the room. I didn’t know how I would survive to work along with her. I turned to Mr. Hong.


“Can you give me the copy of the files? She took the case file. So, how can I study it to brief my members?”


Mr. Hong smiled. “I know you will ask it.” He said then took out another case file from his drawer and put it on his desk.


I took the case file and opened it. “If you already know about it, then why are you asking me to work with her?” I asked him as I read the case file.


“I have told you already. You and Aegi are my two best teams that I have on this division.” He leaned back. “Anyway, why do you seem to hate her when you two have long history together?”


I looked at Mr. Hong. “I’m not the one who always tries to pick the fight.” I looked back to the file. “She does.”


“But you’re always being the first to raise the heat.”


I released a sigh. “Whatever.” I closed the file and turned to face Mr. Hong. “I’ll be going now.” I bowed and turned then walked toward the door.


“Work well with Aegi, will you? I’ll be expecting good news from you.”


I exhaled again because of his words before I walked out from the room.


Shin Aegi, you’ll see later. I won’t let my self defeated by you again.



From Author:


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~