First date?

Let's play pretend

Monday came again too quickly. Whoever thought 2 days of rest in a week was enough was a ing retard. It was 10:30am when Jihoon was sitting in his chair, going through his latest draft for a project when Seungkwan knocked on his office door and poked his head in. 

"Jihoon? Director Kwon says he needs to talk to you."

Not looking up from his files, Jihoon muttered dismissively, "Tell him I'm extremely busy right now. We can talk sometime else."

"Director Lee, I don't suppose I need to book an appointment before I can talk to you." Soonyoung burst through the door, leaving Seingkwan stumbling in front of him, trying to regain his balance. 

Sigh. What did I do to deserve such a bad case of Monday blues. "Yes Director Kwon? Thanks Seungkwan, you may leave."

The moment the door closed, Soonyoung sat on the seat in front of Jihoon's desk. 

"I need to talk to you alone."

"We are alone. In my office. You blind?"

Soonyoung rolled his eyes and gestured to the glass walls of the office. Every single head outside was staring in at the two men, curious gaze piercing. What was more impressive was Seungkwan, whose face was literally shmushed against the door, trying to eavesdrop. 

"Point taken." Jihoon grabbed a small device, and with a click of a button, the blinds around the office flew closed. Now they were truly alone. 

"Now talk." Jihoon pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a huge swig of coffee from his mug.

"My dad has asked me to invite you to come meet the family. This Sunday."

Jihoon choked. Choked was an understatement to be exact. He downright sputtered, coffee spilling everywhere on his desk. Great, I'm going to need Chan to get me another copy of the draft. Again. 

"Damn it Lee. You're a ing klutz!" Soonyoung leapt out of his seat, grabbing tissues from the box on the desk, helping to wipe the mess.

"What did you say?!!"

"I said that you're a damn klutz."

"No, before that."

"Damn it?"

"Your family!"

"Oh right. Yeah. They want to meet you. The whole fam-bam. We have to get our stories straight is what I'm trying to say."

Jihoon wiped the remaining coffee stains at his mouth. "And you want to discuss it here? Now?"

Soonyoung tapped his fingers on the table,"The top questions that would be asked would be our first date. My mum has a thing for lovey-dovey first date shenanigans. So in spirit of trying to keep this as 'real' as possible, I was thinking,"

"Yeah? Spit it out Director Kwon."

"We should go on a first date. To keep the lie as organic as possible. This Wednesday."

Jihoon frowned. "It's a work day Director Kwon."

Soonyoung shrugged as he made his way to leave the office, having accomplished his task. "Take a break, a day off. You and your caffeine laden soul needs it."



Jihoon picked up his phone and looked at the newly received text on his phone. What does the monkey want now? He opened the text box and read Soonyoung's message. 

I'll pick you up tomorrow at 9.

Isn't 9 too early? Plus I can drive you know.

No no. I'll pick you up. Send me your address.

Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. 

Don't bail on me Lee. 

God, what kind of person do you think I am. 

Do you really want me to answer that?

No. Don't. 

Good night Jihoon. 

Good night.


Jihoon could not believe what was happening. He was up at 8:30am, and no, it was not because of work. It was because of a date. A 'first date' if he was trying to be technical. He is supposedly at the prime of his career! There should not be time to take a day off for a damn date! But it was ironic that he was doing this whole thing in order to save his career. What an absolute mess. 


Soonyoung pulled up into the car park and unfastened his seat belt. Jihoon followed along and stepped out of the car. 

"The mall? Is this your mum's idea of a lovey-dovey first date?"

Soonyoung rolled his eyes, "Nope, it's mine."

"Then you're ing unromantic."

Soonyoung fell into step beside Jihoon as they made their way to enter the mall. Jihoon's eyebrows raising to the high heavens when he felt Soonyoung's arms wrapping around his waist. Slightly alarmed, he turned his head to Soonyoung, shooting daggers with his eyes. 

Soonyoung chuckled,"I'm just playing the part of a boyfriend. In case you didn't realise, we are trying to deceive the whole of South Korea and not just my family."



Soonyoung and Jihoon entered a cafe and sat in one of the window booths. Jihoon scrambled to get away from his arms, body feeling slightly cold now that Soonyoung was not smack next to him. But who was Jihoon kidding? He was a cold-blooded man. That warmth was really not necessary. 

"I'll place the orders for our drinks okay?"

"I want a black, thanks."

"I'll see what I can do."

And with that, Soonyoung walked up to the counter, eyes glossing over the menu overhead. 

"What would you like to have today sir?" The counter girl beamed, a little too happy to be normal. 

"Hmm, I'll have a caramel frappe and a decaf flat white."

"And your names please?"

"Soonyoung for the caramel, and for the flat white,"


Soonyoung sat opposite Jihoon in the booth. Eyes never leaving his face. Jihoon was too busy staring out the glass window to notice. Did Jihoon always look this good? Or was it the clothes. Yeah, I must be bored of seeing him in suits and ties. He's just Jihoon. Uptight and Jihoon. 

"Quit staring Director Kwon."

"What? I was not staring," Soonyoung was broken from his reverie. "the look of stupid on your face was just too eye catching."

The younger rolled his eyes and shook his head, just as the waiter came in with their drinks. 

"Caramel frappe for Soonyoung and a decaf flat white for fairy."

Soonyoung smirked, almost ready to burst into laughter. Jihoon looked like he was going to combust. 

"Well this is mine, and this here is for, fairy."

"Enjoy your drinks." The waiter giggled.

Jihoon looked absolutely mortified. "Fairy? Fairy?! And I asked for a black!"

"We are not even at the office. No caffeine for today! And you're my fairy." Soonyoung winked greasily. 

"I can't function without coffee Kwon." Jihoon seethed. 

"You'll survive."

"Oh yeah? Cos I know you sure ain't surviving when I get my hands on you. You little !" Jihoon swore as he reached over the table, hands making grabs for Soonyoung's neck. 

"There there little one! Calm down! Woah ! Jihoo- wait!"


Soonyoung pouted. Hands weakly rubbing his neck, red marks starting to fade. "You're addicted Jihoon."

"I wouldn't call it an addiction. It's more of a healthy dependence."

"Right. You almost killed me when I didn't give you coffee. I swear you need to find an alternative. One that does not cause the withdrawal effects. You get ing grumpy."

"Find me one then, Director Kwon." Jihoon ends the conversation with a roll of the eyes, mock in his tone.


"Stop what?" Jihoon bites back.

"It's Soonyoung. I can't have you calling me Director Kwon in front of my mother."

Soonyoung looked straight into Jihoon's eyes. Suddenly serious. Jihoon paused to think. He pursed his lips and sighs, defeated, the man had a point. No matter how revolting it was. "Fine, Soon-. Soonyou-"

Soonyoung chuckles. "Awkward?"


"Pet names work too you know. Like babe, or sweetie, honey, y, darling-"

"How about face? Fits you to a T."

"We'll just work on Soonyoung."

"We could do that."

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Chapter 26: Hope Jihoon just end his just friend thing by now X(
Chapter 26: Aww~ Seungcheolie~~
I hope he meets Jeonghan, or Doyoon, or someone else kkk~ He deserves it for being too nice for SoonHoon :')
Nice to know Seungcheol and Soonyoung are getting along~
And thank you for updating, Author nim! ^^
Chapter 26: Woooow
Seungcheol is so wise
finally no more depressed SoonHoon hahahah
svt_jicheol #4
Chapter 26: More jicheol please ㅠ.ㅠ heol hahaha
Chapter 25: but i really want to see cheol confess to jihoon ㅠㅠ but i want jihoon for soonyoung lol i hate myself
minhoflamingcharisma #6
Chapter 26: I was craving for leader-line interaction and then this came to me <(‾︶‾)>
I love leader-line so much ❤❤❤

But i can see thus happening irl and i can totally imagine cheol doing that ㅠ.ㅠ
soolips #7
Chapter 26: Cheol why u so kind?ㅠㅠ You are the best-est friend ever!
iLawlix_ #8
Chapter 26: awww seungcheol :') soonhoon making progress and i hope they get bck tgt D:
redbreeze3 #9
Chapter 26: Seungcheol really has a big heart..please let him happy too, let him meet someone who trully loves him >.<

And soonhoon made some progress..yaayyy