Pests should be exterminated

Let's play pretend

Soonyoung banged his head against the table. Multiple times. 

"Soonyoung, stop it. You're going to get more stupid."

"Kill me Seokmin."

"Tempting. But that would mean I'd have to take over your paperwork. I'll kill you after you finish them."

"I ing hate you. ARGH!"

"What the hell? Having Jihoon withdrawals?"

"It's Director Lee to you. And yes."

"On second thought, I can do the paperwork. So die!"
Soonyoung's team, or Team A were now going through the most dreaded time of the month, hell week. And this time, they were working with a client that was extra prickly and . Soonyoung wanted to kill himself. The client had just called in demanding the entire idea be scrapped, new one to be made ASAP. This would have been fine, except that the final proposal was due that week. And thus, here he was, sitting in his office, pulling his hair out trying to come up with something that would please the bastard. Seeing how his brainstorming bore no fruits for the past hour, he decided that a break in the lounge would give his heavy head some time to clear. Plus, he may be able to catch sight of Jihoon in his office if he was lucky. 
Jihoon was not in his office. This caused the taller to pout further, bitter from not having laid eyes on the other ever since he left his apartment on Saturday night. But his frown was immediately turned upside down when Soonyoung spotted Jihoon sitting in their department's lounge. Soonyoung instantly made his way towards him. Wrapping his arms around his waist, he leaned his head onto Jihoon's shoulders. 

"My client is ing out to kill me. I feel like I'm almost bursting at the seams."


"God. A man has his limits you know. There's only so much I can do."

Jihoon set his mug down on the table and placed his hands over Soonyoung's. 

"Why? Why is the sky the limit when there are footprints on the moon?" 

Soonyoung paused. The warmth from Jihoon's hands coursing through his body. 

"The next step is always going to be harder Soonyoung. Remember the days before you became director? Seemed like they were impossible then, but now you scoff at the memory. The struggle you go through today helps you to develop the strength for tomorrow."

Soonyoung lifted his head from Jihoon's shoulder. Wise Jihoon was a rare sight. Especially when he was being as nice as now. "Wow. Who are you and where is the grumpy Jihoon that I know. What did you do to him?!" 

"Shut up you idiot. Don't make me regret this moment."

Soonyoung chuckled into Jihoon's shoulders. "Thanks. I really needed that wake up call. I'm going back to the drawing board. Start from square one."

"That's the spirit!"

"Oh, and enjoy the matcha babe." Soonyoung grins as he exits the lounge. 

Jihoon blushes and turns back to his mug of piping hot matcha milk. ing Soonyoung. 

The moment Soonyoung's hit his chair, Jihoon's words rung in his head. At times like these, he was glad that the other had the same job as him. Jihoon understood his pain perfectly. Reason being that he faced the exact same difficulties. The two were able to exchange pointers and tips and they always motivated the other to keep at it. Simply put, great teamwork. It was like as if Jihoon brought out the best in him. Soonyoung grabbed at his pen, bringing its cap to his mouth. He chewed on the pen cover (a very bad habit he had whenever he was putting his thinking cap on). Slowly, he started penning down ideas and catch-phrases. 
Soonyoung rubbed at his eyes as he lifted his head. He had spent the night in his office (as usual), but on the bright side, he was finally satisfied with the new idea that had hit him at 3:36am. He stretched out his arms, stopping mid action when he caught sight of a small pack of sandwiches. 'Eat something.' Was written neatly on a pink post-it. Soonyoung smiled as he happily tore at the wrapper of the sandwich. The morning could not get any sweeter than it already was. 
Soonyoung was right in that aspect. The morning did not get any sweeter, instead, it turned sour real quick. He had just finished a meeting with his team, briefing them on the new idea, assigning roles and jobs. As he was leaving the office to buy lunch for everyone, he noticed Jihoon leave the building as well, Kim Mingyu's arm placed snugly on the shorter's shoulders. Pausing in his steps, Soonyoung swiftly took cover behind a pillar, watching the two men enter the ramen restaurant opposite the office. lunch. work! Soonyoung (as stealthily as he could) followed the two and entered the same restaurant, hands trying their best to shield his face. He took a seat three tables away from his targets, holding the menu up high, peeking over it. 

"Why so free today Minggu?"

"Just wanted to see you hyung." Mingyu replied, handing Jihoon a menu. 

Accepting the menu, Jihoon rolled his eyes. "Well then you're treating today."

Mingyu laughed, conceding straight away, "Only if you treat the next time," eliciting a scoff from the smaller and a middle finger. 

After placing their orders, Mingyu sat with his chin on his palm, staring at the other. 

"Is there something on my face or did my handsomeness hypnotise you."


"Mmmhmm? Coherent sentences. C'mon, repeat after me, my name is Minggu and I'm an idiot."

Mingyu allowed a gentle smile to adorn his face, hands patting the smaller's head. "I'm glad that you still call me Minggu. Just like old times."

Throwing the pieces of plastic that he tore from his chopstick wrapper, Jihoon commented nonchalantly. "What else am I supposed to call you then. Idiot? ? Minggu is me being polite."

"As always, the gentleman."

Soonyoung was blatantly eavesdropping. He could hear bits and pieces of their conversation, Mingyu's voice booming through the restaurant. Just like old times. That statement irked him. That meant that Jihoon and the tall idiot had a history together. Something he didn't have. He and Jihoon had a past, but not to the extent of labeling it as history. 

"Sir? Sir...? Are you ready to place your order? Sir!"

"What! Will you just lower your damn volume?!" Soonyoung silently screamed. The two almost turned towards his direction. 

Letting out a huff, he turned his head to the stunned waiter, pointing to the menu. "I'll take this."

Nodding his head, the waiter scurried away. Soonyoung returned his gaze to them. Their food had just arrived and he watches as Mingyu poured tea and offered it to Jihoon, before pouring his own drink. Mingyu passed Jihoon the chilli flakes without the other asking, Jihoon accepting it happily, mouthing something along the lines of 'you remembered?'. Soonyoung hears Mingyu's reply. 'I could never forget anything about you hyung.' He almost puked. Just then, the waiter returns with Soonyoung's bowl of ramen, placing it in front of the Director. Soonyoung could only stare dumbly at his bowl. Large, juicy oysters were placed atop a steaming bowl of ramen noodles. He double checks the image that he pointed at when ordering, cursing under his breath. 'Juicy oysters with chewy noodles cooked to perfection. Currently on promotion!' Written in large characters on the front page of the menu. He sighs and pushes the bowl toward the waiter, "Could I get this for takeaway? Thanks."

The waiter could only nod in response, carrying out Soonyoung's request. Soonyoung could not decide what was worse, finding out that Mingyu had such deep history with his man or ordering oysters when that was the only shellfish he could not eat. The only thing that Soonyoung managed to decide on was that he had seen enough. The hour he had put off from work just to watch Jihoon and the giant was a rash and idiotic decision. Soonyoung had to remind himself that it was hell week and that he still had a ton of work to finish before he tore away from the scene three tables away from him. He left the restaurant, heart heavy and hand heavy with a stupid bowl of oyster ramen. 
"Here. Eat up Seokmin." Soonyoung muttered as he pushed past the said male to enter his office. 

"What? Just one bowl? You were supposed to get five! Soonyoung!"
Jihoon his lips as he wiped his entire bowl of ramen clean. "So how's Wonwoo?"

Mingyu sputtered. "What? How would I know!"

Jihoon giggled as he watched a blush bloom on Mingyu's face, "Wonwoo works in your company Minggu. I haven't seen him since university. The least you could do is to update me. ."

"Wonwoo is fine. He's really suited for Operations."

"That's because he's so organised and ."

Mingyu scoffed. "Exactly."

Jihoon continued to prod, poking his finger into Mingyu's cheeks. "And the two of you?"

"Wh-what are you tal-talking about hyung!"

"Is that a stutter I hear? A little birdie told me that an idiot I know has a major crush on Wonwoo." Jihoon smirked. Watching a flustered Mingyu was as hilarious as watching a stand up comedy. 

"That isn't it..."

"I thought I was your favourite hyung. You even can't tell me?" Jihoon gasped, mock expression of hurt on his face. 

Mingyu raised his hands defensively, waving them, "You are my favourite hyung! Wonwoo... He's.. I don't know. I don't think he likes me like that."

Clicking his tongue, Jihoon flicked Mingyu on his forehead. "Don't be stupid Minggu. Open your eyes. Wonwoo is crazy for you."

Rubbing his forehead and pouting, Mingyu pulled out his wallet and headed to the cashier to settle the bill. "If anyone should open their eyes, it should be you hyung."
Soonyoung rubbed at his temples. He has been working non-stop for the past ten hours and it was currently midnight. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he drew in a deep breath. Everyone else had called it a night, leaving his office as the only source of light. A knock on his glass door pulled him back to reality, his eyes meeting Jihoon's as he entered the room. 

"Hey," Jihoon greeted. 

Soonyoung grunted in reply, still bitter about his date with the distasteful giant. 

"Woah. Someone is a little angsty. Which is understandable since its hell week. How are you holding up?"

Soonyoung scoffed, "What's with the sudden concern?"

Jihoon paused in his tracks, side-eyeing the other. "You're being hostile. What's your problem."

"Why don't you just hang out with Director Kim all day Lee."

Soonyoung's comment plucked at Jihoon's patience. "Look what's your problem with me meeting Mingyu."

"Nothing." Soonyoung shrugged. 

"What the . As much as I'm pissed right now, I did come in to pass you this," Jihoon slammed a pack of kimbap on Soonyoung's table. "eat something at least." 

Without saying anything else that he might regret, Jihoon walked out of Soonyoung's office. 

Soonyoung groaned and got up from his seat, chasing after the smaller. "Jihoon! Stop! Wait!"

Soonyoung took hold of the other's wrist, pulling Jihoon to face him. "It has been a bad day. Sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Jihoon sighed and nodded. "It's fine. I know what you mean. I got mad at you the other time too. I guess we're even now."

Soonyoung smiled and placed his palm on Jihoon's cheeks, "Lend me your shoulder for a while okay?" And without waiting for a reply, the taller pulled the other into his arms as he brought his head to rest on the smaller's shoulders. 

Jihoon smiled and ran his fingers through Soonyoung's hair, whispering into his ear,  "You have worked hard today."

Soonyoung hugged the other even tighter and just breathed in his scent. Jihoon smelt of vanilla and cacao nibs. Sweet yet bitter. "Mmm... You smell so good."

Jihoon deadpans, "I smell of sweat and pent up angst. Hell week is definitely getting to you."


"What are you a dog? Stop nuzzling your nose into my neck Soonyoung!" Jihoon chuckled as he pushed Soonyoung's head away. 

Making grabby hands for Jihoon's head, Soonyoung whined, "Aww babe! C'mon!!"

"Erhem. Gentlemen. If you wish to flirt and have a good , do it at home and not in the office. Anyway Jihoon, I'm going home now. Have fun." Seungkwan who had popped his head into Team A's office promptly disappeared, leaving behind a blushing Jihoon and a smirking Soonyoung. 

"I could use a good ." 

"Ergh shut up Soonyoung before I hit you where it matters."

Laughing, Soonyoung covered his jewels with his hands, backing away from Jihoon. "I'm just kidding babe, please don't hurt me."

"Just get back to work. I'm leaving." Jihoon muttered before exiting Team A's office. 

"Bye babe!" Soonyoung cried out as he watched Jihoon waving back as he left. 

Soonyoung felt better already. Hell week was indeed getting to him, but with Jihoon by his side, he felt that he could get through anything. Now all that was left was to find out how to get rid of this pest also known as Kim Mingyu. 

Authors note:
Hey everyone! I managed to churn out a chapter! Yay! I apologize if the story seems draggy but I'm still thinking about how I want the story to progress. I'm writing the story as I go so I literally pen down what comes to my mind. 

Initially, I wanted Mingyu to add some spice to the already complicated relationship of Soonhoon but it was too overwhelming. I can't deal with a love square Hahha. But I love jigyu. 
Hope y'all liked the chapter!

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Chapter 26: Hope Jihoon just end his just friend thing by now X(
Chapter 26: Aww~ Seungcheolie~~
I hope he meets Jeonghan, or Doyoon, or someone else kkk~ He deserves it for being too nice for SoonHoon :')
Nice to know Seungcheol and Soonyoung are getting along~
And thank you for updating, Author nim! ^^
Chapter 26: Woooow
Seungcheol is so wise
finally no more depressed SoonHoon hahahah
svt_jicheol #4
Chapter 26: More jicheol please ㅠ.ㅠ heol hahaha
Chapter 25: but i really want to see cheol confess to jihoon ㅠㅠ but i want jihoon for soonyoung lol i hate myself
minhoflamingcharisma #6
Chapter 26: I was craving for leader-line interaction and then this came to me <(‾︶‾)>
I love leader-line so much ❤❤❤

But i can see thus happening irl and i can totally imagine cheol doing that ㅠ.ㅠ
soolips #7
Chapter 26: Cheol why u so kind?ㅠㅠ You are the best-est friend ever!
iLawlix_ #8
Chapter 26: awww seungcheol :') soonhoon making progress and i hope they get bck tgt D:
redbreeze3 #9
Chapter 26: Seungcheol really has a big heart..please let him happy too, let him meet someone who trully loves him >.<

And soonhoon made some progress..yaayyy