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“And, can you tell us what are you dreaming about?” Jin asked her looking into her eyes deeply. " Come on Yunhee. How can we help you if don't tell us? Jimin persuaded Yunhee to tell them. She keeps herself silent. Don’t know whether she want to tell it or not. Everyone was waiting for her to tell them. Then, she felt a hand hold his hand warmly. “ Don’t worry, just tell us. We will listen to you” Taehyung said with his concern voice. A charming and protective voice. A voice that makes Yunhee’s heart melt and beating faster. Yunhee took a deep breath “ Fuhh . Okay . Here it is”. Yunhee decided to tell them. It's just a nightmare right?



Yunhee was running. Runnnig in a dark forest without no one with her. Taehyung! Jimin! Hana! Jin Oppa! Suga oppa! J Hope oppa! Jungkook! Rap Mon oppa! Anyone!  She screamed. She doesn’t know where is everyone. Then she heard steps coming towards her. A calm step but it’s scared her enough. She keeps running. Don’t know where to go and she felt like she had passed the same way since an hour ago. "Why am I running at the same place? God!" she said. But she can’t find anyone and any way to go out. Tired of running, she fell after unconsciously stepped into a small hole. Her left leg was hurt. She felt like she can’t run anymore. Then she heard it again. The steps of a man that she’d been ran away from. She move behind a big tree hiding herself.  She keep herself quiet doesn’t want that man knows she’s there. “ Come out little girl. Come out , come out wherever you are. Come on, you don’t think I can’t find you right?” She heard that man. She was so scared. Her exhausted and scared sweats running down all over her body. She started to panted. “ Come out now little girl. I’d sent all of your friends to peace. Don’t you want to meet them up there? It's only you left now. They are waiting for you”  that man said. “No, he was lying Yunhee. Everyone is still alive. Don’t trust him."She thought to herself. She dragged her knees towards her face and hugged it. But then, no more sound no more voice. She felt weird. Then, she lift her face up to see what happen but what she saw is a face that are looking at her. A man kneeling just in front of her. She felt her blood turn cold. A man with a mask. She can’t run, she can’t scream. She was so shocked. “ I found you” he smirked. She can’t do anything. “Say goodbye” he said. The masked man raised his gun and pointed it to Yunhee’s head. Without any mercy he pulled the trigger *BANG

 Yunhee’s woke up from her nightmare. She was sweating heavily. She felt like it was real. “ What on earth that I’d just dreamt about” she said to herself. Then, she tried to sleep again but she can’t. the nightmare had make her trouble to get into her sleep back. She just kept spinning around her bed until her alarm rang. “ I need to get ready for school” she said.

End of flashback

“ I thought it just happened because I was too tired. But I guessed I’m wrong. That was the dream I dreamt almost e

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this story almost come to the end


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deeejay #1
Chapter 23: A greattttt story and I freaking enjoyed it. Your storylines do give me goosebumps and I'm looking forward for your new stories! Chaiyok!
Chapter 29: wait, she's still in coma? awwww :(
heegrand #3
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 21: well, it was pretty good so far~
hehe update soon ^.^