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“ Why are you doing this?” Taehyung trying to control his anger. “ Why do you think?” he asked Taehyung back. “If this is about your cheating girlfriend for damn five years ago, I tell you, I’m not the  one who kissed her! She is cheating on you! What is your problem?!” Taehyung exploded. He can’t hold it anymore. “ I don’t care! You took everything away from me!” Yunho will never admit that Taehyung is not guilty in this. “ Are you crazy? You are doing this just because that one girl who never loved you?” “ It’s not only about her. You took everything Kim Taehyung! Even my parents always talking how cool you are and keep telling that I’m no more than useless. It’s better that I never been born. How was I supposed to feel?!” Yunho ball his fist. They don’t say any words. “ But It’s okay, I’ve already send them to a better place.” Yunho laughed. “ Wait, what do you mean? Did you just said that you kill your parents?” Taehyung asked shocked with what he had heard. “ Well, I just give them what they want. A better life without a useless son like me” Yunho laughed again. Yunho has been out of his mind. He is crazy. Jimin and Suga try to make a move towards Yunhee but stop when they saw a gun pointed to Yunhee’s head.  “Try if you dare”. He smirked. “Okay, okay. Just calm down” Suga take a few step back so do Jimin. Rap Monster can’t do anything as he is holding a weak Jungkook.

To see that Yunho is kind of ditract with soething else, Taehyung make an action to kick the gun at Yunho’s hand and the gun flew away to the other side of the room. With that move, he grabbed Yunho by his collar and pushed him hardly to the ground. Yunho Jimin and Suga moved towards Yunhee who is getting paler. While Taehyung and Yunho keep struggling with each other. The three other guy check Yunhee. “ Yunhee- ah. Wake up.” Jimin give a light slapped to her cheek. But her pale face make them worried and Yunhee’s body seems to getting colder. They tried to wake Yunhee’s up but she doesn’t show any respond.

“I thought you were my best friend” Taehyung said. He never see this coming. “ Best friend? I don’t need any traitor like you to be my best friend!” Yunho said and pushed Taehyung away from him. Taehyung fall and hit his back at the ground. Yunho rushed towards the gun that have been kicked by Taehyung earlier. Without hesitating he take the gun and aim it towards Taehyung. “Wait, we can talk about this” Taehyung try to calm him down. Jimin was holding Yunhee. “What are you doing Yunho?” Suga panicked.  “Put that
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this story almost come to the end


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deeejay #1
Chapter 23: A greattttt story and I freaking enjoyed it. Your storylines do give me goosebumps and I'm looking forward for your new stories! Chaiyok!
Chapter 29: wait, she's still in coma? awwww :(
heegrand #3
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 21: well, it was pretty good so far~
hehe update soon ^.^