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It is a very tiring day for Kim Yunhee as she had an overnight yesterday doing her project. “Kim Yunhee! Are you sleeping in my class?! A loud voice comes from Mr Park Heesan, her science teacher. Her eyes which is previously closed tightly suddenly wide opened as soon as she heard a yelling sound from a very familiar voice. “Kim Yunhee, Im talking to you! Don’t you sleep last night?!” Mr park Heesan asked her again. “I’m sorry Mr Park, I had an overnight yesterday for my project” she apologized. “ Well, that is not my problem. 1 hour of detention class at 3 p.m! Make sure you’ll not sleeping again in my class.” Mr Park Heesan is known as the most fierce teacher in BigHit High school. “Neh Mr Park” she sighed.

After 30 minutes,




“Okay kids, I’ll end up our class here. Please complete your task and send it the day after tomorrow”. Mr Park Heesan gave his “must words” every time after class. Yes, he will give them task everytime after his class.”Nehh” Everyone nodded and started to pack their things and belongings. “Miss Kim Yunhee don’t forget your detention” he reminded her. “Alright Mr Park” she answered.

Suddenly a two boys and a girl appeared at the class door. “Yunhee!!” Jong Hana, her bestfriend run and hugged her followed by Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin which is also her best friend. each of them are from different class. Yunhee hugged her back. “Yunhee-ah, lets go home!” Jong hana is known as a bright and cheerful girl. She is Park jimin’s girlfriend and also Jong Hosoek’s sister. “I’m sorry guys, but I need to go to detention class” she make a pity face. “Why? What did you do?” Jimin asked her concernedly. “ Well, I’m actually kind of slept during his class. I’m too tired from yesterday project.” She said. “Yaaa, I’ve told you too get some sleep yesterday right? This stubborn kid!” Taehyung ruffled her hair. She just laughed. “So, you’re not coming?” Hana asked her while holding her hands. “ I will but I’ll be a bit late. I need to go. See you guys at usual pla

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this story almost come to the end


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deeejay #1
Chapter 23: A greattttt story and I freaking enjoyed it. Your storylines do give me goosebumps and I'm looking forward for your new stories! Chaiyok!
Chapter 29: wait, she's still in coma? awwww :(
heegrand #3
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Chapter 21: well, it was pretty good so far~
hehe update soon ^.^