
Making You Mine

"Are you serious? He didn't?" Jinyoung sounded like a girl, listening to gossip. Mark nodded. He wouldn't make something like this up. Jackson had really tried to kiss him. "What did you do?"

"I-I didn't-t-t do anything. M-My mom c-c-called for m-me before I c-c-could." The older was sitting in of Jinyoung, going through the younger's paper work. Jinyoung kept all his work very organized but today he was cleaning something out. 

"That's crazy. I've known Jackson for awhile now and he never seem the type. Maybe he has crazy feelings for you. He wouldn't do that without a reason." He moved over to the stack of paper next to his desk. "Ah, here's Yugeom's sheet. I need to get this back to him." Mark smiled slightly. This had always been Jinyoung's dream. it was what he wanted to go to school for. "And I have to fill more of yours out. The school needs it before the next quarter." He turned to the open door and yelled, "Jaebumie! Come here!" 

"D-Do you a-a-always call h-him like that?" Mark moved the stack over. The younger smile at him.

"Of course I do. What else would I call him?" Mark didn't have the time to respond. The younger's boyfriend walked into his room. 

"What?" The dark haired boy spoke. Jinyoung moved to the door, holding his arms out for the older. 

"You do remember what we talked about right?" He wrapped his arm around Jaebum's waist. The older sighed. 

"Yes. I remember."

"And what was it?" Jinyoung smiled slightly. He liked how his coaching skills didn't just reach his 'students' but his boyfriend as well.

"Trying to sound less grumpy around you. And giving off a caring vibe." The younger patted Jaebum's stomach.

"Exactly." He moved away from his boyfriend to pick up a stack of paper. He handed the stack to Jaebum. "The two blue ones on top are for you. You need more work. And the rest go in the big file cabnet in the basement. Now please, a smile and a cheerful parting jesture." Jaebum narrowed his eyes and turned to the oldest. 

"How do you put up with him, hyung?" Mark chuckled.

"I-I-I should b-b-be ask-king y-you that, Mr. I-Im P-P-Park Jaebum." The younger rolled his eyes. Ever since the two had started talking, per Jinyoung's request, the older has gotten a lot more sassy towards Jaebum. Something he had never known about Mark. 

"Ignore him Jaebumie. Now, go on. A smile and a cheerful parting jesture." Jaebum sighed before forcing out a smile. It was more of a grimace. 

"You two have a nice day." He spoke through gritted teeth. Jinyoung gave the older a quick kiss. 

"It needs work, but it'll do for now. Good bye." Mark smiled at their interation. He would never understand how those two fit together so perfectly. But he guessed that it didn't matter seeing as how they were still together. Jinyoung turned back to the older as soon as Jaebum was out of the room. "Mr. Im Park Jaebum? Really?" The older nodded with a chuckle. It was the first thing he could think of. "Okay, well what about you. Mr. Yi-En Wang."

"Yah! D-Don't s-s-say that. N-Nothig-g-g e-e-even hap-ppened-d-d. I-I d-d-don't-t-t even l-l-like K-K-Ka Ye l-l-like t-that." Jinyoung smirked, picking up a notepad and a pen. He began writing something down. "H-Hey what-t-t are y-you writing down?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that you're stutter got progessively worse after I said that. And how you used Jackson's birth name, indicating that either something did happen or you like Jackson. I'll have to look into that during our next session hyung. Mark groaned. Why did he have to open his mouth?

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 20: Awww the ending is so cute! I'm so glad they were able to make it through everything that happened. I feel bad that Jackson had to wash the bathrooms for a few days though. Bambam was such great comic relief throughout. Especially his failed plan that caused Jackson to get smacked instead of kissed. Looking forward to reading more Markson from you~
floralis #2
Chapter 20: As good as the prequel :) thanks a lot
Zico01 #3
Chapter 20: I really liked this story , Good Job :-)
safarisunset #4
Chapter 20: Aww, this has ended so nicely!<3 I really appreciate the fact that you didn't make Mark's stutter completely disappear in the end.
Chapter 20: :((((( it's too sad it ended
Chapter 18: Cute <3 just cute*^*
Chapter 17: I can't believe they're acting like this hahahhahaha poor Youngjae, they love each other, of course they would kiss whenever they want :/
Deminator #8
Chapter 17: XD poor Mark for fainting. This story is just to cute markson man the feels *faints*
Chapter 16: Hahahahhahahhahahahahhaha plz Mark can't be sweeter Hahhahahahaha OMG they're just perfect to each other *-*