
Making You Mine

Jackson hadn't meant what he said to Mark. He was just upset that Mark got upset with him. What was with that guy anyway. He kisses the younger and then gets mad when Jackson tries to get him out of trouble. It doesn't make sense. And what was with the whole bit about 'I should've never like you Ka Ye', Jackson thought. Didn't the Ka Ye still mean that Mark like him? He didn't know. He wanted to find the older and apologize; tell Mark his real feelings. But that seemed close to impossible. The older had so many hiding spots in the school, Jackson would never be able to find him. He'd just have to wait until after to school to deal with all of this.


"Are you sure this is what you want to do? I'm not sure that's the best idea." Mark nodded. He was more than sure. He had seen it happen to his parents before, he knew it would work. Jackson was in the role of Mark's father and Mark was his mother. "Okay, do what you want. Just don't break anymore hearts." Mark chuckled, pushing Youngjae away slightly. Mark knew exactly what he was doing. He was very good at the silent treatment, it was in his genes. Youngjae sighed. He didn't like that the older was fawning over Jackson, but he wouldn't stop Mark. He would never have it in himself to get in the way of Mark's feelings. Sure, he thought Jackson was some what of a jerk and no good for Mark, but the older saw something in the brunette that he didn't. And he could let all the other things pass if and only if he made Mark happy. But he had yet to see that. "Alright, I'll see you later. Tell me how it goes, okay?" Mark nodded again, ready to put his plan into action. 


 At the end of the day, Mark began walking home alone. He told Youngjae that this was part of the plan. He wanted Jackson to come to his side and try to make it up to him. Mark began walking out of the school. He hoped Jackson would find him somewhere on his road home. 

Soon enough the younger came running up to Mark. "Hyung!" The older turned to look in his direction, but continued his walk. Jackson followed behind him. "Hey, are you going say anything?" He didn't. "Okay, I guess I'll do the talking. Um, I have to clean the boys restrooms for a few days because of what happened. It'll be fine. I can handle it." Mark smiled. At least the punishment wasn't that severe. "But that isn't what I was finding you for. I have a few things to say." Jackson walked past the older to stand in front of him. He wanted to be able to look in Mark's eyes to tell him this. The older didn't stop to walking though. He continued around the younger. "Yah! I'm trying to talk here!" Jackson grabbed Mark'still wrist making him stop in place. He pulled the older back, making Mark face him. Mark sighed, narrowing his eyes at the younger. He wasn't mad or anything, but he was playing his role in this real life drama. Jackson blew out short breath. He had been here twice before, not knowing what to say. Mark had never been easy to talk and this was way worse than before. Jackson used to think that an angry Mark was a y Mark. But now it wasn't that simple. Angry Mark meant silent Mark and silent Mark meant thinking Mark and that just wasn't good. The older pulled his wrist from the younger and crossed his arms over his chest, his eyebrow raising. He remembered that his mother used to do this back in America when she was upset with his father. He had learned a lot of facial expressions like this from his mother. "Um, okay. I've said this before. But I don't think you understand." Make me understand Jacks, Mark thought. Jackson sighed. This time around it was going to be a lot harder.

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 20: Awww the ending is so cute! I'm so glad they were able to make it through everything that happened. I feel bad that Jackson had to wash the bathrooms for a few days though. Bambam was such great comic relief throughout. Especially his failed plan that caused Jackson to get smacked instead of kissed. Looking forward to reading more Markson from you~
floralis #2
Chapter 20: As good as the prequel :) thanks a lot
Zico01 #3
Chapter 20: I really liked this story , Good Job :-)
safarisunset #4
Chapter 20: Aww, this has ended so nicely!<3 I really appreciate the fact that you didn't make Mark's stutter completely disappear in the end.
Chapter 20: :((((( it's too sad it ended
Chapter 18: Cute <3 just cute*^*
Chapter 17: I can't believe they're acting like this hahahhahaha poor Youngjae, they love each other, of course they would kiss whenever they want :/
Deminator #8
Chapter 17: XD poor Mark for fainting. This story is just to cute markson man the feels *faints*
Chapter 16: Hahahahhahahhahahahahhaha plz Mark can't be sweeter Hahhahahahaha OMG they're just perfect to each other *-*