
Making You Mine

"Come on, Youngjae. Pick up." Jackson had never seen Mark like this. Come to think of it, he had never seen anyone look like this. He didn't know people's eyes could roll back so far. 

"Hello?" Thank god.

"Youngjae, it's Mark. Something's wrong with him." Jackson held Mark's slightly limp body in his arms. He had no idea what to do and he was kind of freaking out.

"What do you mean? What happened? What did you do?" Why was Youngjae blaming him? He didn't even know what happened.

"I didn't do anything. I was just apologizing and telling him how I felt. And all of a sudden he dropped. I-I called an ambulance, but I don't know what to do. Youngjae, I'm scared." The younger had never heard Jackson sound like this. "Can you just meet me at the hospital and bring his mother. Thanks." Jackson hung up without waiting for a response. He looked down at Mark. "Please be okay. Please be okay."


Jackson paced in front of Mark's room. What had happened to him? The doctor soon came out and Jackson stopped in his frantic track making. "How is he?" The doctor, Dr. Ji, smiled slightly.

"He is stable. According to his medical records attacks like these used to be common. Panic attacks can lead to lack of breath. And that's exactly what happened. He wasn't getting enough oxygen and caused himself to pass out. You did the right thing. Many people don't know what to do in your situation. If you hadn't of gotten him here in the right amount of time, his condition been a lot worse." Jackson sighed. At least he was okay.

"Can I see him?" Dr. Ji nodded, gesturing to the door. The younger bowed quickly to the older before running into Mark's room.

Jackson looked down at the Mark. His eyes were open slightly and he was staring off in the distance. "Hyung? Are you okay?" Mark looked in the younger's direction.

"K-Ka Ye. What-t h-happened?" The younger sighed, walking closer to the bed.

"You had another attack and collapsed. Don't worry though, you're alright." Mark smile slightly.

"If l-l-liking y-you puts me i-i-in the hosp-pital, I'll h-have to st-tart liking y-y-you more." Jackson shook his head.

"I don't think I would be able to handle that." The younger sat down in a chair next to the bed. He leaned close to Mark. "How about we just try to stay out of this place. I'll just take care of you instead." Mark looked over at Jackson. The younger was smiling broadly. Mark couldn't help himself. Jackson always made him want to, but he didn't think he could do it. The older just opened up and laughed. He laughed for the first time in years. And it was all because of Jackson. 


Annyeong Haseyo! I decided to stop the every two days thing. I'm just going to update whenever I think the time is the best. Well, I hope you enjoy. Kamsahaminda! Annyeong!

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 20: Awww the ending is so cute! I'm so glad they were able to make it through everything that happened. I feel bad that Jackson had to wash the bathrooms for a few days though. Bambam was such great comic relief throughout. Especially his failed plan that caused Jackson to get smacked instead of kissed. Looking forward to reading more Markson from you~
floralis #2
Chapter 20: As good as the prequel :) thanks a lot
Zico01 #3
Chapter 20: I really liked this story , Good Job :-)
safarisunset #4
Chapter 20: Aww, this has ended so nicely!<3 I really appreciate the fact that you didn't make Mark's stutter completely disappear in the end.
Chapter 20: :((((( it's too sad it ended
Chapter 18: Cute <3 just cute*^*
Chapter 17: I can't believe they're acting like this hahahhahaha poor Youngjae, they love each other, of course they would kiss whenever they want :/
Deminator #8
Chapter 17: XD poor Mark for fainting. This story is just to cute markson man the feels *faints*
Chapter 16: Hahahahhahahhahahahahhaha plz Mark can't be sweeter Hahhahahahaha OMG they're just perfect to each other *-*