
Making You Mine

If anyone had looked at the two right now it would look like a scene from some drama, but this was real life. If the younger messed this up there would be no happy ending. Nothing would ever be solved that easily. Jackson ran his hands through his hair. "Okay, Mark hyung. I've been meaning to tell you something. I like you. Like, I really like you. Way more than I'd like to admit out loud. I've liked you since we started to become friends, but now it's way more than the start. All those things I've said, I never meant. I would never say those things if I wasn't mentally freaking out about you. If I wasn't thinking about you all the time, if I wasn't running over crazy scenarios in my head. I wasn't thinking clearly and I really want to make it up to you." Jackson walked closer to the older. He pulled Mark closer to him. "Hyung I want to be yours and I want you to be mine." Jackson closed the distance between the two, placing his lips on the older's. He wrapped his arms around Mark, pulling him even closer if that was even possible. Mark wrapped his arms around the younger's waist. He had been waiting for a kiss like this. It wasn't anything like the first one. This one was deep and full of meaning. Jackson meant what he had said and he wanted Mark to feel it. The two pulled away, breathing heavily. Mark looked away from the younger. His heart was pounding loud in his ears. He can't believe his plan worked. Well, it was more of an excuse than a plan. He hadn't meant for Jackson to kiss him. He had only planned for the younger's feelings to spewed out. But this was so much better. "Hyung, can you..." Mark had heard enough out of Jackson. He pulled the younger in for another quick kiss.

"Y-Yes, Ka Ye." The older spoke softly before pushing his lips onto Jackson's once more. They didn't care that they were in public. They had spent so much time getting to this point that it no longer mattered what everyone else would think. It didn't matter that Youngjae didn't like Jackson all that much, it didn't matter that Jinyoung wanted Mark to take everything a step further and choose someone he hadn't even talk to before. It didn't matter that BamBam's plan didn't work, it didn't matter that Yugeom had said things that he shouldn't have, it didn't matter that Jaebum made jokes about Jackson falling head over heels for the older. All of those things didn't matter. What really mattered what was happening now and how they felt. And they felt a lot of things in that moment, but they were not aware of what was slowly happening.

"Mark? Mark!"

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 20: Awww the ending is so cute! I'm so glad they were able to make it through everything that happened. I feel bad that Jackson had to wash the bathrooms for a few days though. Bambam was such great comic relief throughout. Especially his failed plan that caused Jackson to get smacked instead of kissed. Looking forward to reading more Markson from you~
floralis #2
Chapter 20: As good as the prequel :) thanks a lot
Zico01 #3
Chapter 20: I really liked this story , Good Job :-)
safarisunset #4
Chapter 20: Aww, this has ended so nicely!<3 I really appreciate the fact that you didn't make Mark's stutter completely disappear in the end.
Chapter 20: :((((( it's too sad it ended
Chapter 18: Cute <3 just cute*^*
Chapter 17: I can't believe they're acting like this hahahhahaha poor Youngjae, they love each other, of course they would kiss whenever they want :/
Deminator #8
Chapter 17: XD poor Mark for fainting. This story is just to cute markson man the feels *faints*
Chapter 16: Hahahahhahahhahahahahhaha plz Mark can't be sweeter Hahhahahahaha OMG they're just perfect to each other *-*