chapter 3

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The four grown up men just couldn’t process what was happening at the moment.

The fifth member of their somehow undercover group just turned into a baby panda in front of their very eyes.

After a long stretched silence Seungri looked up to the disbelieving eyes of his new teammates and felt more embarrassed if that was even possible. Somehow even as a panda he had his pouting expression and that was what triggered the inevitable.

Loud squealing was heard in the giant living room taking the chubby animal by surprise.

„Oh my god! This can’t be real!“ Big Seunghyun screamed while clapping like a seal.

„This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!“ Daesung agreed with the biggest possible smile.

Youngbae could only shake his head in amazement, he really didn’t expect this to happen.

Seungri was afraid to look at the leader. What if he was disappointed in him? Turning into a animal like this was not of help for the group at all. Despite being cute it didn’t bring any advantages. He didn’t want to be called cute either, they were treating him as if he really was just an animal and not human anymore and it felt just so wrong. Also whenever he turned into panda he tended to behave like a scared baby and that was even worse. 

Of course right now, pressured by the situation, that’s exactly happened. 

He squirmed around uncomfortably, letting out little scared squeals and tried to get from the sofa but Youngbae held him back and put him to his original spot on the soft cushion.

Again giggles and phrases like „how cute“ or „this is too adorable, I can die in peace now“ were thrown at little Seungri until suddenly Jiyong stood up.

„Stop it! Now!“ He glared at the other three seriously.

„You are scaring him, don’t you see? Be a little more mindful, will you.“

He turned to Seungri with gentle eyes and picked him up into his arms. 

„I don’t exactly know what happened or when and how you will turn back, but I will bring you to a bedroom first, so you can rest a bit from those punks, hm? You probably want to have some time alone now.“ He gave a warm smile and ignored the protest behind him as he left the living room and walked to one of the bedrooms on the left side.


When he entered he sat the baby panda down on the kingsized bed.

„Should I leave?“ Jiyong asked but the little animal shook his head. Seungri figured if he wanted to somehow bond with the leader, now would be a good time and it would definitely get awkward if Seungri didn’t tell him what this was all about immediately after turning back to human.

Jiyong sat next to the youngest and his head absentmindedly. Feeling total bliss by that simple act then Seungri did something he would probably regret forever.


He crawled on the olders lap.


He couldn’t believe what the he was doing, he didn’t do it on purpose. While he had control over this small body most of the time sometimes he just did weird things against his will.

Like he did just now. 

And he wasn’t the only one shocked as Jiyong himself looked rather surprised and froze in his movement.

„Uhm, I guess this happens when you turn into this form?“ 

Seungri has never been so humiliated in his entire life. Why must those things always happen to him? He should have just told them about his ‚ability‘. Now he totally messed up, he creeped the gorgeous man out in just a few minutes. Well done Lee Seunghyun, well done.


Surprisingly though he felt a hand playing with fluffy fur and when he looked up, the leader looked at him rather fondly.

„You sure are insecure about this ability of yours, huh? Don’t worry, you got selected for a reason. You are of importance for our team or else Yang Hyung-suk wouldn’t have chosen you.“ Another lovely smile later Seungri felt the soothing feeling inside his chest that told him he could finally turn back now.

He crawled from others lap to avoid an extremely awkward situation and for the second time this day a bright light appeared before the young male was back to his human form.

His eyes fluttered open and when he looked to the side Jiyong stared at him in awe, something Seungri has never seen before. At least not if it involved himself.

„That’s pretty awesome you know? I have never seen a shapeshifter before.“

Right, shapeshifter was the fancy way of calling a human being that was able to turn into an animal.

„I can only turn into a panda though…“ Seungri stated with a sigh.

„I think you don’t understand, Seungri. For you it might seem like nothing special but just think about it. Youngbae for example has extra strength and Seunghyun can see better than normal humans. They have attributes, that are strongly developed. But you can change your whole body completely. You turn from a human into an animal, the differences between both forms are so extreme that the energy you need is beyond what the others can even imagine. That’s why shapeshifters are so rare. Even if people have the ability to shift their form they often don’t have enough strength and energy to actually turn.“

The student listened as he was told about his special power. He never knew about this but he was also never taught. People avoided to talk about this topic in general and he had no parents to teach him about it.

„That’s nice to hear but that doesn’t change the fact that turning into a panda wont be helpful for you at all. I will probably just be a hinderance for you guys.“

„I really don’t think so. First of all as I said your ability is awesome just as it is. But having such an amount of energy as you do means, that the possibility of developing another one is really big. Just keep trying and with the training we get maybe some day you will find out about a new power.“ Jiyong had an excited expression, as if it was himself he was talking about himself.

„Thank you, hyung.“ Seungri gave him an honest smile. Never once in his life has he felt good about being able to turn in that fluffy little ball but Jiyong gave him hope instead of making him feel worthless.

Said one stood up and held out a hand for Seungri to take.

„Wanna go back to the others? Maybe you can tell us a few more details about you.“

Seungri reached out and excepted the hand gladly.



„So, how does this whole thing work anyway?“ Seunghyun motioned at Seungri, moving his arm in circles.

„You mean me turning? I can’t exactly explain it but I close my eyes and when I concentrate, instead of the usual darkness you see when your eyes are closed I see balls of light in different seizes flying around. I collect them, kind of them in, uh, that sounded weird, umm“

The others erupt in laughter at the youngest adorableness.

„Err, anyway, when I have collected enough they will explode with a lot of strength and my body starts turning.“

„Aaaah, maybe that’s the light we saw.“ Daesung noticed.

„Yeah, what you saw there was the energy I needed for the process.“

„That’s unusual though, right? Normally the amount of energy needed is so small, that you can’t even see it.“ Youngbae added. „You really are a shapeshifter after all. That’s quite astonishing, it’s my first time meeting one too, you know, and to think that you are in our team.“

Seungri blushed slightly at the compliment and glanced over at Jiyong who gave him a reassuring smile as if telling him I told you so.

„And how do you turn back? Because earlier I noticed that it took some time for you to change back to your human form.“ The orange haired man asked with wonder in his eyes. 

„I do, of course, need energy but I actually need more of it than for the first turning, since the human body needs more to begin with. In order to turn back I have to feel secure and safe but in my animal form I tend to get scared rather easily and as you could see I can’t control my behavior to a hundred percent. Every now and then instincts come through. That’s why sometimes I can’t turn back because I’m sacred.“

„Ah, so that’s why you looked so intimidated. Your animal instincts told you to. “ Daesung concluded with his eyebrows raised.


„Actually, when I first saw you I thought you kind of looked like a panda with those dark circles under your eyes.“ The leader said chuckling „But don’t worry, you are still handsome.“ he added with a wink and Youngbae hit the back of his head in amusement.

„Guys, let’s go out for dinner and after that we have to decide who gets the single rooms and who has to share the room with someone else.“






It was already 11pm when the five men came back home after having dinner at an old traditional korean restaurant.

Seungri couldn’t quite grasp on the fact that he was now living with four incredibly kind guys in a huge dorm, where even the small bathroom was as big as his whole apartment.

When all of them went out for dinner he tried to convince the others that he would go somewhere else to eat, after all he didn’t have any money to spare. But they insisted for him to come along and  after noticing that Seungri didn’t like it when people payed for him, they told him he could just pay them back when he earned enough money. So Seungri wrote down what he ate and how expensive it was to make sure he would remember it.


„I think Youngbae and Jiyong should share a room, they’ve known each other the longest.“ Seunghyun started as soon as they walked through the front door and kicked his shoes of.

„Hell no! No way!“ Jiyong protested immediately „Bae kicks in his sleep like a madman, he moves around to much in general. Poor future wife by the way.“

„ you too, who is it that clings to others like his life depends on it, you little ?“ Youngbae grumbled in annoyance.

„Okay, well maybe the two younge

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Chapter 26: Yes I love it
LoveHealsTheBroken #2
And I find myself here yet again!!!???
Tenkaichi2121 #3
Chapter 4: i am in tears reading this... its hormonal things hahaha.. i get easily cried over small things on my period... but i get carried away with your story and this is so sad.... i dont want to feel pitty for Seungri... he fights enough for his own survival... ^0^ i love this boy! and I love your story!
this is amazing... next chaps!
Tenkaichi2121 #4
Chapter 2: omooooo how cute.... off course he gotta be the panda! .... kyaaa i am gonna love this story :)
next chaps!
Chapter 27: So so beautiful
Chapter 26: I really love this story. Thank you^^
Woooow this story is really something!
AlicaLestrange #8
Chapter 26: Awww this story is so cute ;*
Chapter 26: Authornim ㅠㅠㅠ this is so great... I love you now :* But why does the end doesn't feel like the end yet. Can you update it with at least 1 last chapter. Pretty please?
Chapter 26: Aww this story was amazing ❤️ I just loved how overly protective Ji was of RI and the mistery you added to Ji's character. The Fluff was heartwarming, I nearly cried at their first kiss scene that was so god damn beautiful?