chapter 13

Please slow down the time for us
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The familiar sound of hospital devices was the first thing Seungri heard when he started waking up. His eye lids were heavy, he could barely open them, and even when they finally fluttered open, he instantly closed them again, startled by the bright light that greeted him.

He knew right away that he was in a hospital, he was used to this feeling far too well. The bright light, the weird beeping, the typical antiseptic stench he came to hate years ago. Yes, he knew it all too well, he didn’t even need to be fully awake.


What he did wonder about though was the reason for being here. Another car accident maybe? He wasn’t sure but his body hurt all over the place as if he was ripped apart. It literally felt like being run over by a truck. Also his throat was extremely dry, crying for water or anything liquid like.

Suddenly Seungri thoughts were interrupted by a gasp coming from his right. Opening his eyes again, groaning, he slightly turned into the direction the sound came from.


„Seungri, you are awake! How are you feeling?! Are you in pain?“ Youngbae practically tripped over his own words.

„I’m-“ Seungri cursed inwardly at his croaking voice. He cleared his voice twice before he tried once again.

„I’m fine, my body hurts a bit…“ still raspy but better than before he pushed the words out painfully.

„Ah right, I’m gonna get a doctor!“ The older suddenly stood up from the ugly plastic chair he previously sat on and quickly walked out of the room.

Great. The small man didn’t even wait for Seungri to ask questions, he just run off like that. He didn’t want to see a doctor right now, he wanted to speak to his friends, he wanted to see familiar faces and talk to them about what happened. Where was Jiyong? 



I love you!



Some blurred pieces of his memory shot up to the front of his mind but nothing gave him an actual picture of what caused his current situation. Also, what was that I love you! about? 


Seungri’s train of thoughts was interrupted yet again when Youngbae returned with the doctor and to the younger’s relief it was Dr. Wang, the man who had treated him since his car accident a few years ago.

„Seunghyun, I see you are awake. How do you feel?“ the old man asked with a warm smile on his lips, the kind that would make you think of him as a grandfather. At least for Seungri it felt like this.

„I don’t know, my body hurts. What happened?“ Seungri didn’t want to talk about his physical state right now, he wanted to know what happened to him.

„Impatient like always I see, some things never change, huh?“ Dr. Wang chuckled but his expression turned serious right after.


„You were on a mission and you’ve been shot seven times in total apparently. If you want to know about the mission itself, then I don’t know about that, you should ask your friends.“

Right, the mission, that allegedly went so well.

„But I can tell you about your wounds, and this is extremely important. You were lucky as you didn’t receive many major injuries but the wound on your right side right under you ribs was rather deep and you lost a lot of blood as well as some inner bleeding. And you were shot in your already damaged leg…“ The doctor paused for a short while and Seungri knew this wasn’t a good sign.

„This wound caused a lot of blood lost too and the damage, this leg already has, worsened through the bullet. Seunghyun, I can’t promise that you will be able to walk again.“


Seungri stared, slowly processing what the older man was trying to tell him. If he wasn’t able to walk he was of no use for the company and he would have to return to his old life.

Please god, no. Not his old life.


„What can be done?“ The maknae asked anxiously, his face scrunched from fear of what might happen.

„We can’t do any more than we have already done. Your last hope is your special ability.“

„My special ability? How so?“ Seungri asked doubtingly. Those news were not soothing in the slightest.

„You can shift your entire body into an animal, it is possible that your ability can help you heal your leg. Shapeshifters have a lot of energy.“

„My ability seldomly ever helped me, why would it help me now all of a sudden?“

„It did help you before or did you think that your leg, which had been shattered in so many pieces, could have been saved otherwise? If we didn’t know you were a shapeshifter we would’ve had to amputate your leg. It’s because of your special power that it cured and you were even able to walk again.“


Seungri could only gape at this statement, no one ever told him about this. He started feeling nauseous at the thought of having his leg amputated. No thanks.

When he looked in Youngbae’s direction to see his reaction the young boy noticed that the older was gone.

„Where is Youngbae hyung?“ He asked the doctor a little confused.

„He wanted to get your friend, I think. Seunghyun, I’m going to increase the painkillers a bit and I will let you rest for a while after that, alright? We will talk later.“



When Dr. Wang left the room Seungri was already deep in his thoughts.

He was shot during their mission. Right, they were supposed to delete some information at the Wong residence and he stood outside and watched over the area at one side of the mansion. Everything went well, Jiyong erased all the information and him and Seunghyun were on their way back when…

When he was shot… many times, many painful times.

There was a gun aimed at his head, there was no way for him to escape, he was practically a dead man at this moment, so how did he manage escape? Why was he still alive? How did he-



Jiyong! Jiyong slowed down the time!



I love you!



I love you?

Did Jiyong say I love you?


No. No, Jiyong had a girlfriend, Seungri even heard him talking to Youngbae about their relationship. He loved her.




Right, the pain was still real, even after being shot seven times, Seungri still felt like the pain his heart was in was way worse.

He wasn’t supposed to be in love. Nobody falls this quickly for someone, right? Then why did it hurt as if he was madly and deeply in love with the other man? It made no sense!


„Seungri!“ yelled the cause of his pain, while stumbling into the room.

„How are you feeling?! Are you in pai-“

„Stop it, Youngbae asked the exact same thing earlier, I’m on morphine so I feel great.“

Jiyong sighed and settled down on the plastic chair with a soft thump.

„I’ve been so worried, maknae… you have no idea. I rushed here as fast as I could when Bae called me and said you woke up.“



The room went quiet and Seungri took his time to analyze the older’s face.

Deep dark circles, red swollen eyes, pale skin… the leader probably didn’t sleep a wink for some time.

„How long have I been out?“

„Over three days…“

„Th-three days?! Are you kidding me?!“

„No…“ Jiyong looked so tired but also incredibly relieved. His lips formed a little genuine smile as he raised his gaze towards the youngest and Seungri blushed, remembering the confession that refused to leave his mind.



„Uhm…“ Seungri started nervously, he wanted to know if he heard correctly that time.

„Err, when you- when you saved me, did you say something to me?“ He asked, surprised at how courageous he was right now.

„When I saved you?“ Something flickered in the leader’s eyes but it quickly disappeared.

„I’m not sure, I think I mostly just screamed at you to stay awake and to not ing leave me.“ Jiyong scratched his chin and looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember the night of the incident. Then he laughed at his own statement, trying to lighten the mood somehow despite the serious topic.

„And… did you say something else?“ Seungri’s hesitation was obvious but he still had to know.

„What do you mean? Do you remember something I don’t? Did I say something important? Because I don’t think I did.“ His expression was oblivious and that’s when it dawned on Seungri.


The I love you! never happened. 

He imagined it or maybe even dreamed of it while being unconscious.


Jiyong noticed how Seungri’s expression fell and turned into a sad frown and instantly stood up.

„What’s wrong, do you feel pain anywhere?“ he asked panicking.

„Yes…“ the blonde answered absentmindedly. His heart was in great pain after all.

„Where?! Should I call the doctor?“ The leader was nearly out of the door when Seungri noticed what he just said.

„Ah no! I meant- no! I’m not in pain!“ He quickly tried to calm the other.

„I’m a little confused, the morphine.“ He pointed at himself to support his conclusion.

„Are you sure?“




It was quiet for a while, none of them uttering a word, only the prominent beeping sounds of the hospital devices could be heard. It was a comfortable silence but Seungri didn’t like the feeling of a quiet hospital room.

„How are Seunghyun hying and Daesung hyung?“

„They are fine, really worried though. They are currently training but they will come by as soon as they are done.“

Seungri hummed in reply, looking forward to seeing those two dorks. 


„Who did attack me?“ The maknae suddenly asked, taking Jiyong by surprise. The latter seemed to contemplate whether to talk about it or not, but in the end he sighed and Seungri knew he would hear what he asked for.

„You were attacked by members of another secret organization. They apparently searched for the information we erased and you happened to be their first target. They have been unknown to us until now but they seem to be rather aggressive, so we need to be careful.“

„They didn’t belong to the Wong family, huh?“

„No. Also due to their sudden intrusion we had to inform specialists to destroy all evidence that we were there. Those bastards ruined everything, but at least we were able to delete the information without getting caught by the Wongs.“

„Is it my fault?“ Seungri asked, not looking at the leader, scared that he was to blame for what happened.

„Your fault?! Are you kidding me? Seungri, you did perfectly well! I can already tell you that YG is very proud of you. Your plan didn’t just work out, you also reacted quickly when you were attacked. You don’t seem to realize but because of you everyone else stayed unharmed and we were able to escape. You saved the situation, Seungri.“


A blinding smile brightened the blonde’s face, leaving the orange haired boy no choice but to join in as he took the younger’s hand into his and squeezed a little in approval.


At least Seungri had something to be proud of now.






Jiyong had been gone for an hour due to a sudden phone call. It seemed urgent and even though Seungri didn’t want to let him go he acted as if he didn’t mind. Jiyong himself seemed too reluctant and hesitated to finally leave, so the maknae didn’t want to add up to that. In the end Jiyong didn’t have a choi

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Chapter 26: Yes I love it
LoveHealsTheBroken #2
And I find myself here yet again!!!???
Tenkaichi2121 #3
Chapter 4: i am in tears reading this... its hormonal things hahaha.. i get easily cried over small things on my period... but i get carried away with your story and this is so sad.... i dont want to feel pitty for Seungri... he fights enough for his own survival... ^0^ i love this boy! and I love your story!
this is amazing... next chaps!
Tenkaichi2121 #4
Chapter 2: omooooo how cute.... off course he gotta be the panda! .... kyaaa i am gonna love this story :)
next chaps!
Chapter 27: So so beautiful
Chapter 26: I really love this story. Thank you^^
Woooow this story is really something!
AlicaLestrange #8
Chapter 26: Awww this story is so cute ;*
Chapter 26: Authornim ㅠㅠㅠ this is so great... I love you now :* But why does the end doesn't feel like the end yet. Can you update it with at least 1 last chapter. Pretty please?
Chapter 26: Aww this story was amazing ❤️ I just loved how overly protective Ji was of RI and the mistery you added to Ji's character. The Fluff was heartwarming, I nearly cried at their first kiss scene that was so god damn beautiful?