My Girl

Royal Love Story
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I was lying on my bed, after a tiring day of working in the restaurant… trying hard to sleep, but my mind refused to have a rest… it kept thinking of the past things as well as making up scenarios that not even happening yet. You need to sleep Aya… you have morning class tomorrow! I told myself.

It was weird, usually when my body got really exhausted, I would fall asleep as soon as I put my head down on my pillow but not tonight.

As I was turning my body left to right and to left again, trying to find the best position to sleep, my phone beeped. I looked at the screen and saw that I just received a new text.

From CallMeSoon:    

Sleep yet? I bet you’re not…ㅋㅋㅋ

To CallMeSoon:

Are you a stalker? How did you know I can’t sleep? ㅋㅋㅋ

From CallMeSoon:    

I installed CCTVs in your room… you don’t know? ㅋㅋㅋ
Ya… why you can’t sleep? Thinking of me? ㅋㅋㅋ

To CallMeSoon:

Yeah… I’m thinking of you all the time… how to stop? I can’t stop!! Help me!! S.O.S!!

From CallMeSoon:    

Come here… I’ll help you… how about CPR?

To CallMeSoon:

=__= I’m out… bye…

From CallMeSoon:    

I won!! \o/
Come back Pikachu!

To CallMeSoon:

Yeah yeah you win! Ash!
What do you want actually? I’m about to sleep and you bothered me!

From CallMeSoon:    

You angry? Eeii…how about I sing you a lullaby?

To CallMeSoon:

How can I get angry to you? =__=
what lullaby? Shinee’s song?

From CallMeSoon:    

ㅋㅋㅋhow did you know?

To CallMeSoon:

=__= you’re Kwon Soonyoung aka Shinee’s die hard fanboy! Is there any more reason to not know?

From CallMeSoon:    

You know a lot about me~~ㅋㅋㅋ
YA… the restaurant will be close tomorrow right?

To CallMeSoon:

Yeah… why?

From CallMeSoon:    

I’ve completed the choreo for our project… how about we practice after classes?

To CallMeSoon:

Already? Woah… our performance leader is really great! Indeed!
Ok! ^^

From CallMeSoon:

What great? We only have 1 week to practice! =__=
I don’t know why I took this long to choreograph =__=

To CallMeSoon:

Because you want to do the best… *cheering mode* Kwon Hoshi Kwon Hoshi!! Our star Kwon Hoshi!!

From CallMeSoon:

ㅋㅋㅋ… you know what? It’s very y and there will be a lot of skinships!! You promise before you won’t complain right? *evil laugh*

To CallMeSoon:

*sigh* I don’t know you’re like this =__= *disappointed*

From CallMeSoon:

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ… you sure can’t sleep after this thinking about it right? ㅋㅋㅋ

To CallMeSoon:

Yeah… thanks to you! You just add another thing for my brain to think!

From CallMeSoon:

Ahh… I’m so sleepy… gonna sleep first! Goodnight! Dream of me! Keep thinking about tomorrow! ㅋㅋㅋ

To CallMeSoon:

Have a good sleep and dream of me killing you =__=!ㅋㅋㅋGoodnight!

Strangely I fell asleep as soon as I put my phone down after texting with Soonyoung.


I was eating in the café with my friends from vocal and performance team, as well as Jooeun at lunch time. Actually, I had no classes after lunch hour but I decided to wait until Soonyoung’s classes ended to practice for our dance project together later.

“I heard you guys are working… is it true?” asked Seungkwan out of the blue.

Soonyoung, Jooeun and I nodded to him. “Yeah… in Jooeun’s dad’s restaurant” replied Soonyoung.

“Why? You guys have problems?” asked Jihoon.

All the 3 of us just looking at each other… “Come on we’re friends, aren’t we?” said Jeonghan.

“Err… actually I have financial issue… but don’t worry I’m ok… Jooeun and Soonyoung literally working there to support me… so yeah that’s how it is…” I confessed.

“Really? ahh… why didn’t you tell us earlier? Maybe we can help…” said Joshua.

I shook my head to him “I know you guys are sweet and all but it’s not that bad… so don’t worry…” I reassured them.

“We want to support you too… how about we work there t—” asked Dino.

“No!” Jooeun cut off his words. “You know how hard it was to convince my dad to let me and Soonyoung work there…?” She paused. “And you know how hard my life was when this guy kept begging me all the time asking me to talk to my dad? Not you guys too…” she whined while pointing her index finger to Soonyoung’s direction.

Meanwhile Soonyoung just smiled innocently and nodded to her words as he agreed to all what she was saying.

“Maybe we can help in other things… Aya, just tell us if you need anything ok?” said our sweet gentleman Joshua.

I then nodded to him.

“Oh, Aya… you have no classes after this right? Where will you stay after this?” asked Soonyoung all of sudden.

I shrugged “Library maybe…” I replied.

“I’ll skip my classes…”

“No! You can’t!”

“But I’m worried to let you wait for me alone…”

“There’s nothing to worry about…”

“Eyy… this is so suspicious!” said Seokmin, interrupting out conversation.

I looked at him and raised my brows “What?” I asked.

They all now were looking at me and Soonyoung, who sat next to me. “What?” asked Soonyoung, re-saying my question.

“Eiii… we all understand what Seokmin just saying… how can only you two don’t understand?” asked Minghao.

“Don’t tell me you guys are dating behind us?” asked Jun.

I widened my eyes to him. “Eyy… we’re not…” replied Soonyoung while smiling from ear to ear. “Probably soon…” he added.

I then turned to him and widened my eyes to him after that. “We’re just going to practice for our dance project! FYI!” I said.

“Yeah yeah…. Dance project… They obviously like each other” said Seungkwan, started teasing us.

They all then laughed “That’s so obvious!” added Dino.

“Kids, I support you guys… just go out already you two! Ahh… my ship is back to sail…” said Jeonghan.

“Ahh hyung stop with your ship…” replied Jihoon and laughed.


While waiting for Soonyoung’s classes to end, I decided to have some reading time in the library. I was searching for a novel to read on the bookshelf in the novel section when I bumped into a girl. “Sorry…” I apologized, more like a whisper because we were in the library and I bowed a bit to her after that.

“Tssk…” she hissed and then she smirked to me.

I just ignored it and tried to walk pass her. But she blocked my way by standing in front of me. “I didn’t see you just now and I already apologize…” I said, still talking in my low voice.

She then smirked again. “aish… you’re really an eyesore!  You already apologized? But that’s not enough for me… how?” she replied.

“Then what do you want?”

“Kneel down in front of me or get a slap from me?” she asked like giving me 2 options to choose.

I narrowed my eyes to her “What? Listen; basically, this is not just my fault. We both bumped into each other… and you should apologize to me too…” I argued. 

“Say what?” she giggled. “You never learned a lesson from what happened before?”

“What lesson?” I asked.

She just giggled again, that was when I realized one thing… “Don’t tell me you’re one of them…” I asked. No wonder, I felt like I’ve seen her somewhere before. But seriously I couldn’t recall those girls’ faces.    

She then nodded. “You’re so new here… and you know nothing… I’m your senior… show some respect!” she said.


“Aish… I plan to stop harassing you since you’re already broke up with Seungcheol. But it seems like you ask for more…” she said.

That was when some of other girls came to us and stood behind that girl. “Introducing to you, our group… and you know what? Our group is big… there is more waiting for you outside in this whole faculty… stay safe…” she warned.

But then they came closer to me… and my feet automatically took steps backward… until my back touched the flat surface of the wall, trapping me between the wall and those girls. “Why are you doing this thing to me? What did I do wrong?” I asked.

“You upset one of us… and she still does… she said, she wants to erase you… what should we do?” she asked.

“What did I do to upset her? Who is she?!”

She then smirked. “I don’t even know what you did wrong… maybe your existence alone is a mistake” she replied.

They then came closer and closer. I was so scared that I had no idea of what to do… OMG… should I scream? Scream Aya, scream!! I thought. But my voice couldn’t come out, might be because I was too frightened.

“So you guys plan to bully her here? Wrong place…” a guy voice came from their back.

They immediately turned around and that was when I saw the image of someone I knew. “Hansol…” I uttered his name.

He then took out his phone and recorded a video of them using his phone “What are you doing?!” that girl asked.


“Give us that phone!” the girl said and they tried to seize the phone from Hansol’s hand.

“Get away from me or I click ‘send’ to my police friend?” Hansol warned as those girls kept trying to take his phone from his hand.

Listening to his words, those girls stop trying. “So you girls are the bullies?” he shook his head, like he couldn’t believe it “Ahh… you guys better go now before I lose all my patient…” he s

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exoxo8 #1
I discovered the story just yesterday and it's great! Am I the only one who's #TeamSeungcheol ... lol I wish they ended up together instead as much as I love hosh lol. Still a great story, thanks! :)
Chapter 36: You better treat Sara right Choi Seungcheol
Najatt #3
Chapter 36: to be honest was a pain in my chest, a ride full of emotions... I really wanted #teamSeungcheol but you write it so smoothly that was perfect... *thumbs up*
Chapter 36: Haha. It's alright that Seungcheol didn't end up with Aya, but it was fun reading it. I can't believe Hansol did that! How could he?! But good job! You finished it! Thanks for your hard work!
Whitebread312 #6
Chapter 36: Woah o.O thumbs up (Chuck lol)
Kim_Kristal #7
Chapter 36: I cant believe ut ended T.T
Chapter 36: i'm shock when saw new update of this story marked as completed. woahhhh its beautiful ending. even aya not married with coups atleast coups have new fiancee. my baby vernonnnnnn how loyal you are to coups. i love his character here ugh. beautiful ending for an amazing story. hope i can read your new story with coups in it ㅋㅋㅋ
nastiush310 #9
Chapter 36: I cant believe the story is over already :((((
Thank you so much for this amazing story,easily one of my favorites <33