
Royal Love Story
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Seungcheol POV

I was staring at the orange sky and the still water of the Han River, sitting at the same spot I used to sit with Aya… trying hard to clear up my messy mind. Then I rested my elbows against my laps and looked at the ring on my palm, is it really the end for us? I thought.   

As much as I want her to come back, thinking that she was in love with Hoshi and not me, and her hurtful words earlier made me have a second thought about us. So, you choose him… there no use of keeping this ring anymore… should I throw it away? I thought.

I stood up and walked closer to the river… staring at the river for a moment before I put up my hand, ready to throw the ring into the river… but… I stopped. As much as my mind urged me to throw it away, my heart wanted me to keep it with me so badly.

I sighed. I failed to do so. Why? Why is it so hard? I thought. “Arghhhhhhhhh…” I screamed as loud as I could to the river. I knew people were looking at me strangely but who cares? They didn’t even know what I went through, they didn’t even know how my feeling inside…

I rested my forehead on my hand on the railing, before I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from my back. I was stunned by that, but I smiled as the image of Aya back hugging me came into my mind.

I turned around excitedly, just to hug her back but as I turned around I found it wasn’t her… it was someone that I already forget instead. “Why you’re here?” I asked.

She then hugged me, buried her face onto my chest. “I miss you, oppa…” she replied.  

I sighed. “How did know I’m here?” I asked and pulled her away from me.

“I always know…” she replied.

I looked at her eyes; they were shining because tears were welled up in her eyes. “I heard about you and Aya… and I know you’re hurting… that’s why I come… you need me, oppa…” she added.

She then leaned out and kissed me. I kissed her back, I didn’t know why… might be because I just feel like I want to… but… I didn’t feel a thing while kissing her. It didn’t feel like before…

I broke the kiss and saw she was smiling from ear to ear “I really miss your kiss, oppa…” she said and tried to kiss me again… but I turned around instead.

And I left her there, without saying a word, straight to my car and drove away right away. 

Why? why? why? Even when I kissed another girl I kept thinking of you, Aya? I thought.


I was sitting in the bathtub, trying to relax my muscle after a long karaoke session I had with my friends as well as to relax my mind. What a long day I have… I thought.

That was when my mind filled with Seungcheol again. I shook my head to get rid of the thought. I should tell Mia about this… but… I don’t think I can go home after this… Dad must be extremely angry. First I left home and now I broke the engagement with Seungcheol. It’s either I will be a dead meat or he will force me out from the castle. I sighed. Or maybe he’ll force me to marry another prince that I don’t even know… I sighed again.

Should I keep it from Mia too? She sure wants me to go back to Dusan… but… I have no money to live in here… I sighed again. I have to work… I have to get a job… I nodded to my own suggestion.

I went out to the living room to find Uncle Jungsoo who was just arrived home. “You haven’t slept yet, honey?” asked him as he saw me.

I shook my head to his question. “How’s work?” I asked.

“Ahh… so many customers today… we’re so busy but it’s a good thing!” he replied with a sweet smile.

“Oh…” I nodded to him.

He was about to leave to his room “Uncle…” I called him.

He then stopped and turned around to face me “yes, honey?” he asked.

“Errr… do you think you need more workers in your restaurant?” I asked.

He raised his brows “Why? You have anyone to suggest?” he asked.

I bit my lower lip and gulped hard “if it’s ok… I want to try to work there… I know I have no experience but I’m a fast learner!” I replied.

He then widened his eyes “What happen? You have problem with money? I can give you…” he replied.

I shook my head to him; I didn’t want to trouble anyone with my problem. “I-I need experience… I’m so curious of what it feels like…” I made an excuse.

He then nodded to me “If you insist, ok… you can come anytime to start…” he replied.

I smiled widely to his reply “Thank you, uncle Jungsoo!” I said and gave him a hug. “I will start tomorrow!” I added since tomorrow is Saturday and I had no classes.


I woke up early, as usual… and sat on the couch in the living room to wait for Uncle Jungsoo to go to his restaurant together.

It was my first day to experience the working life and it also the first time I would go to Uncle Jungsoo’s restaurant… I felt nervous and excited at the same time.

After he finished taking his breakfast, he drove me to his restaurant. “Welcome to my restaurant!” he said as we both entered a quite big restaurant, like a 3 stars restaurant.

“So, here we sell noodles… only noodles but all types of Korean noodles…” he started to explain. “My specialty when I worked in castle before…” he added.

“Oh…” I replied. I was so nervous because I didn’t know about noodles at all.

He then laughed “Don’t worry, you don’t have to enter the kitchen… how about being a waitress?” he said like he could read my mind.

I smiled and nodded happily to him as a reply.

“Ok, I’ll introduce you to your team leader. Come…” he invited me to the staff room. 

As soon as we entered the room, I saw there were around 4 female workers inside. They were all bowed to Uncle Jungsoo “Joora-sshi” he called.

A female worker in waitress’ outfit came to us. I looked at her nametag; there was ‘Team Leader (timjang)’ word above her name ‘Baek Joora’. “Yes, Mr.Song?” she asked.

“Here’s my niece, Shin Aya… she will start working here today. Please help her with her work” he explained and introduced me to her.

“I will, sir” she replied.

“So, Aya… This is Baek Joora, your team leader. I’ll leave you here with her, she will show you what to do. If you need me, you can find me in the kitchen” he told me.

I just nodded and smiled to him and he left the room after that.

“Aya-sshi…” my team leader called me. From her voice, I could tell she’s a strict person.

“Yes, Joora-sshi” I replied and turned to her.

“Call me Timjang-nim” she said.

“Yes, Timjang-nim” I replied.

“I’ll introduce you to other workers, come…” she said.

I followed her to the others aka my new colleagues; they were 3 girls and 2 guys in total. After the ice-breaking session finished, she then brought me my waitress outfit.

As I finished changing into my new outfit, she then explained my job scope and showed me what to do and how to do my job.

“Shin Aya-sshi… I know you’re our boss’ niece, but if you make any mistakes I won’t hesitate to scold you… I’ll treat you like your other fellow coworkers” she informed.

“I understand, Timjang-nim” I replied.

Soonyoung POV

I woke up late, as usual since it was weekend. After taking breakfast and washed up, I went next door. As I entered the house, I found no one inside. “Where is everyone? Ahh… Jooeun must be still asleep…” I said.

Then I went straight to Aya’s room. As I turned the doorknob, I smiled when I found the door wasn’t locked from inside. “Aya… I’m here~” I said as I opened the door.

But, no one was inside when I got into the

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exoxo8 #1
I discovered the story just yesterday and it's great! Am I the only one who's #TeamSeungcheol ... lol I wish they ended up together instead as much as I love hosh lol. Still a great story, thanks! :)
Chapter 36: You better treat Sara right Choi Seungcheol
Najatt #3
Chapter 36: to be honest was a pain in my chest, a ride full of emotions... I really wanted #teamSeungcheol but you write it so smoothly that was perfect... *thumbs up*
Chapter 36: Haha. It's alright that Seungcheol didn't end up with Aya, but it was fun reading it. I can't believe Hansol did that! How could he?! But good job! You finished it! Thanks for your hard work!
Whitebread312 #6
Chapter 36: Woah o.O thumbs up (Chuck lol)
Kim_Kristal #7
Chapter 36: I cant believe ut ended T.T
Chapter 36: i'm shock when saw new update of this story marked as completed. woahhhh its beautiful ending. even aya not married with coups atleast coups have new fiancee. my baby vernonnnnnn how loyal you are to coups. i love his character here ugh. beautiful ending for an amazing story. hope i can read your new story with coups in it ㅋㅋㅋ
nastiush310 #9
Chapter 36: I cant believe the story is over already :((((
Thank you so much for this amazing story,easily one of my favorites <33