The Queen Hotel

Do You Wanna Bet?

Jonghyun collapsed back onto the bed, still panting and tried to wipe away the sweat on his face with his hands. Key lay on the bed beside him and pulled the duvet out from under them, and threw it over them. They lay quiet for a moment, just listening to each other’s heavy breathing gradually calming down. They were both exhausted as it was now nearly the early hours of the morning but it was worth it. Key turned to face Jonghyun, who was spread out on his back with his eyes closed, but he wasn’t sleeping. He shuffled over and lay his head onto Jonghyun’s arm and snuggled into his chest. Jonghyun stirred and opened one eye, and turned to Key so he could snuggle him back.

“” Key whispered, still slightly shaking. “That was...” he didn’t even bother to finish his sentence. There was no need.

“I know, “ Jonghyun grinned into Key’s wavy hair, it was amazing,but he couldn’t stop himself from frowning as he remembered something...and he felt a growth of guilt deep in his stomach. He pushed it away as he felt his sleepiness ooze over him and quietly pull him into peaceful unconsciousness. He’d think about it tomorrow.



Minho shut the door to the flat and Taemin turned to him as he put on his beanie hat (the one Minho got him), looking kind of confused.


“Yeah?” Minho murmured as he struggled to put his scarf on since his hands were busy holding the bags. Taemin chuckled silently and reached up to wrap the scarf neatly around Minho’s neck for him. He aligned it how he wanted and looked Minho in the eyes.

“Why are we going to a hotel? If it’s not for...” He looked away at the last part and blushed, taking his bag from Minho’s hand.

“Ah! I can’t tell you!” Minho replied quickly. He could  tell him, he just didn’t really want to.                    

“Why?” Taemin looked shocked.

“Well...” Minho cleared his throat, maybe he could think of an excuse? He looked at Taemin who was now looking up at him expectantly, and he looked so adorable. Minho groaned. “Fine! Because Key and Jonghyun are going to have . And probably a lot of it.” He face palmed.

“MWO?!” Taemin jumped back, and looked at the door to their flat incredulously.  “B-but the bet?! Jonghyun he s-said...WHAT?!” he stuttered. He was so confused it was unreal, well, until Minho took his hand, then suddenly all his confusion just...vanished.

“Yeah, believe me it’s all part of a plan, I’ll tell you soon, just not now,” he  winked at Taemin and lead him towards the elevator, when they got in he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend again, as he always did whilst they were in the elevator. He never forgot that Taemin didn’t like the feeling of going down in one, and Taemin didn’t even have to ask to be held now.

“Oooh which hotel are we staying at?” Taemin sang curiously, swinging their joined hands when they stepped out. Minho didn’t reply, but when he asked again Minho laughed and said “It’s a surprise.”

After a 20 minute journey in the car, Taemin stepped out and gawped at the incredible building standing in front of him. It stood tall and the front was held up by  four strong marble pillars which had dozens of twinkly Christmas lights twirled around them. The small garden front was adorned with faux rose bushes covered in the recently set snow and a small precious willow tree (also decorated in delicate lights) that was gently swaying it’s branches in the breeze, and the heated fountain sent the beautiful sound of running water echoing off the building. The hotel front was loud with cheery people chatting and laughing as they exited and entered various Christmas dinners booked at the hotel, children in hats and mittens ran through the snow playing tag and giggling whilst waiting for their parents. Minho walked around the car with their bags and gave the keys to an smiling Valet who then bowed and got in the car.

“M-Minho...this place...” Taemin stuttered. Minho laughed and started up the path with the bags. Taemin stood for a moment still staring in awe at the beautiful scenery before him. It was all so...he wanted to say upper class but it had more beauty than that. It looked as if it was built more for sentimental reasons, like a dedication to love or something equally cheesy, than for expensive money reasons.

“Hurry up then Minnie-yah!” Minho called, Taemin noticed that he was almost at the door and ran after him.

The front doors where half frosted glass and let out a cosy orange glow from the lobby and one was being held open by the doorman, a few people were coming out but they waited from Minho and Taemin to enter first, who then bow a respectful thank you. Taemin didn’t even care that he and Minho were just in casual winter clothes whilst others where in evening attire. The inside was gorgeous too, as expected, with gold framed walls with white flowered wallpaper, a deep wine-red carpet and a giant chandelier that made Taemin nervous when he stood underneath it, and the whole room smelt like spiced vanilla and cinnamon. Minho put their bags down by the counter and the girl around their age behind the counter stood up and smiled.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to The Queen Hotel! Do you have a booking, sir?” she bowed, the look she gave Minho annoyed Taemin a bit.

“Ah, yes, I have a booking under Choi.”

The girl typed it on her computer and their booking came up. “Here it is! Choi Minho-sshi. Two nights, is that correct.” Two nights? Taemin turned to Minho, maybe it’s wrong?

“Yes, that’s right,” he answered, he turned to Taemin and laughed at the look on his face. The girl checked the computer again then froze, and looked at Minho, then back at the computer. hung open as she looked back at Minho.

“Wait a minute, sir! I’m sorry for my asking but are you the  Choi Minho? As in the son of the Choi family than run the hotel?”

No this had to be some kind of mistake, Taemin looked at Minho expectantly as he shuffled his feet.

“” Minho looked at Taemin then down at the counter, he looked sort of ashamed... “Yes. That’s me.” Taemin’s eyes widened. What...what was he talking about...

“Wow! It’s nice to finally meet you, sir!” She turned and opened a small box on the wall, away from all the other key’s that were hanging up in rows a bit higher up. “Here’s your key for your room, have a nice stay!” She handed Minho the large key and bowed. Taemin was still trying to process the information he just heard...this place...Minho’s family...his he really that rich? He knew he was wealthy but this...

“Come on,” Minho beckoned him looking back, he looked kind of sad. Taemin followed him up some stairs and through a maze of warm coloured hallways until he stood outside the door with a gold plaque with the number ‘703’ carved into it. Minho put the bags down and turned to Taemin, and threw his arms around him. Taemin was taken by surprise and his beanie hat almost fell of his head, but his leant back and returned the hug. There was something up, but he didn’t want to seem too pushy and ask, it was the sort of thing that you just wait for them to tell you.

“I’m sorry for not telling you about this...” Minho whispered, and Taemin realised he didn’t really know anything about Minho’s past or family, he didn’t seem to want to talk about it whenever he asked him.

“It’s ok, hyung, really. This place is the best,” Taemin told back, they pecked each other on the lips slowly before they broke the hug. Minho still had a hold on Taemin, and he looked at the plaque on the door.

“This is my room. I used to stay here with my brother since we were here a lot while our parents were doing business.” Minho looked at the floor and sniffed, and he gripped Taemin tighter.

“When I was twelve my older brother got seriously ill whilst we were here, and my parent came to pick him up and take him to the hospital...” he stopped and sighed heavily, feeling Taemin’s soft caress on his upper arm comforting him, he waited a few moments before carrying on. “But my brother never made it out the hospital alive.” Minho voice shook a bit and he breathed in. Taemin looked at him, and kissed him on the cheek. Minho turned his gaze and locked eyes with Taemin. Taemin thought he could stare into Minho’s deep brown eyes forever, and felt himself melting in his arms just from the look.

“I..I just...Taemin...y-you won’t leave me like they did...will you?” Minho held onto Taemin with one arm and unlocked the door with the other, not breaking their gaze.

“Never, Minho. Never. Don’t even think that.” Taemin’s tone was serious. Minho smiled faintly and pulled them both into the room, pushing the bags in with his foot. When the door closed behind them they immediately locked lips in a warm passionate kiss, before they could even see the room.

A/N: Oh my..what have I done? I have made 2Min passionate! Oh noooo.

Sorry for the bit of sadness guys, just thought I'd spice it up a bit.

Story seemed to be getting boring and meaningless but hey-ho. ^^'

think it was all the Yiruma I was listening to whilst writing this. I'm already going to start on the next chapter now. Please don't hesitate to comment, they give me a lot of motivation! I'm sorry I don't answer comments at the moment since I don't know what to say apart from a thousand thank you's. :') Tell me what you think! I imagine the hotel to decorated a bit like this:


Doesn't it look so cosy and christmassy? :D Awwh. And here's a cute 2Min gif: Why not. 

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD