Christmas Eve, Part 1

Do You Wanna Bet?

Jonghyun walked into the bathroom in the morning to see Key fixing his hair in the large mirror, of course already dressed in dark blue skinny jeans and a fashionable white and red stripy t-shirt, he shuffled in beside him to get to the sink and splashed his face with some cold water to wake himself up a bit.

“Merry Christmas Eve~” Key sang in as he stood back and admired his hair handiwork. “Merry Christmas Eve,” Jonghyun sang back and kissed Key’s cheek, though his face was still dripping with the cold water

“YAH! Go dry your face!” Key squealed and threw a towel in his face. “Jeez, if you’ve ruined my make-up...” Key mumbled trailing off as he walked out the bathroom.

“I haven’t,” Jonghyun told him sincerely, Key looked beautiful as always. Jonghyun followed him out the bathroom, but instead of going to Key’s room he found them both walking into his own room.

“Er- Key, can we-“ Jonghyun started, thinking about the safety of the presents whilst Key was in the room. Key noticed the suspicious look on his boyfriend’s face.

“Relax, Dino. I’m just going to dress you, since it’s Christmas Eve and we have loads of photos to take today, and to be honest  when you dress yourself...” he looked at Jonghyun, Jonghyun raised his eyebrow. “” Key finished sounding bemused and he shook his head as he opened Jonghyuns wardrobe. Key stood for a moment with his hands on his hips, looking about the wardrobe for things that ticked all his fashion ‘do’s. Jonghyun smirked, he loved it when Key was being a diva, it was quite funny to watch, even if your were the victim to his fashionable ways. Key then started pulling t-shirts and throwing them on the bed, as well as jackets and jumpers. Jonghyun just stood there by the door in his pyjama bottoms awkwardly as Key went to the bed and began scrutinizing the t-shirts, squinting as he held them up to Jonghyuns direction.

Suddenly Key squealed and ran to the chest of drawers, throwing open the draw that contained all Jonghyun’s trousers. (A/N Or pants or whatever. ^^”)

“Ohmygoshohmygosh! I know the perfect jeans!” He squealed again as he searched through the draw and brought out a pair of baggy dark jeans with dark brown stitching. He threw them at Jonghyun, “Put these on, now.” Jonghyun complied and as soon as he had them on Key looked like he changed his mind about something, and he came over with just a black wife beater.

“This,” he breathed, handing it over to him.

“Just this?” Jonghyun looked at him, and smirked.

“Ne...” Key ogled Jonghyun’s stomach and abs, then he decided to run his hand over them, making a shiver go down Jonghyun’s spine. Jonghyun leant forward and kissed Key gently on the lips with Key’s hand still on his front. Key blushed furiously and pulled away after a minute or two and stumbled backwards a little.

“J-just put it on!” he demanded, attempting to bring back his control.

“Yes yeobo,” Jonghyun grinned as he slipped it on, he walked over and chose a necklace which he always wore with it. He turned around to see Key nodding approvingly. They eyes locked and the atmosphere suddenly turned very serious. What was going on?

“I think...we need to talk,” Key said quietly. What? Jonghyun thought feeling very uncomfortable. What could possibly be this serious?  He frowned.

Key went over to the bed and pushed the clothes to one side, and patted the space next to him. Jonghyun sat down cautiously, frowning at Key in confusion. Key sighed.

“I want you to know something,” Key said looking at the floor, then glancing back up to his boyfriend. Jonghyun was just staring at him with the ‘what?’ expression.

“Just want you to know make me that happiest I have ever been, and I don’t think you realise that. You don’t need to do anything special for me to be happy, you just have to be’re special enough and I know that you love me, I can tell, ok? I can tell by the way we...b-by the way me make love.” Jonghyun raised his head up and looked him in the eye. “And Jonghyun I want you to know that I love you too, exactly the same. And I don’t mind if you can’t say certain things, people are different, because I’m happy anyway...because I have you. So please. Don’t be upset. Please...I don’t need an apology. Because I’m apologising to you. I’m not really upset over it, I swear. I love you. I’m sorry for making you feel like you had to force y-yourself...” Key’s voice broke slightly by the end, but he held back the need to cry. He didn’t want Jonghyun to feel more guilty.

“Kibum...”  Jonghyun whispered. And Key looked up, Jonghyun very rarely called him by his real name, but when he did...there was meaning to it. “Kibum. I love you.” He whispered very quietly. Key couldn’t help it, it was too much, he burst out crying and threw himself into Jonghyuns arms, causing Jonghyun to fall backwards onto the bed, so now they were both lying down.

“Shhh...” Jonghyun soothed him and after a while, Key calmed down and wiped his eyes. “I’m sorry for getting sad over something like that. I guess I’m just sensitive.”

“Yeah, you’re an idiot,” Key mumbled into Jonghyuns vest.

Sensitive,” Jonghyun stressed, laughing. He felt Key chuckle a little.

“One day I’ll tell you everything. Everything little thing I love about you. It’s not that there’s’s that I can’t put it easily into words...” Key rolled out of Jonghyuns arms and onto his back on the bed, Jonghyun lay sideways next to him with his head propped up by his hand, gazing at him.

“No. I don’t need to hear anything. Honestly. I feel selfish.” Key admitted, laying his arms above his head, which resulted in his t-shirt lifting up and stowing a bit of him tummy.

“There’s nothing selfish about wanting to hear why someone loves you the most in the whole wide world.” Jonghyun smiled, and leaned down to kiss him. Key closed his eyes slowly for the kiss, their lips were millimetres apart, their warm breath mixing between them, they were so close and...


Key and Jonghyuns sat up quickly and looked towards the door of Jonghyuns bedroom. But it wasn’t that door...must’ve been the front door.

“HYUUUUUUUNGS~” they heard a loud high pitched squeal, followed by a deep laugh. Jonghyun and Key looked at each other, knowing who it was. Jonghyun stuck his bottom lip out, grumpy that his almost-kiss with Key was interrupted. He wasn’t bothered that they were back, he’d seen them yesterday. They’d only been gone for 2 nights anyway. Key laughed and jumped up. “Come on you, we should go greet them,” he grabbed Jonghyuns hand and led him out the room. “I’ll make it up to you tonight~”Key winked.


“OHMYGOSH!” Taemin jumped full force into Key’s arms, giving him a big bear hug squeeze. Onew stood chatting with Minho whilst Jonghyun walked down the stairs behind Key looking a bit grumpy, but his face lit up when he saw Taemin and his hyungs so happy. Even though Taemin was, at the moment, suffocating his lover.

“!” Key gasped, Jonghyun snuck over and pinched Taemin on the arm, Taemin shrieked and let go and threw himself at Jonghyun but Jonghyun laughed and bent down at the right moment, grabbing and lifting the boy over his shoulder. “Mwo!?”

Jonghyun walked over to Minho, who turned to him with a questionable glance and Onew burst out laughing at the sight of Taemin struggling over Jonghyuns shoulder. Minho held out his arms and Jonghyun basically threw Taemin into them. Key slid his arm around Jonghyuns shoulder.

“You keep him.” Jonghyun said seriously as Minho held Taemin bridal style in the hallway, Taemin was still in wide-eyed shock at being suddenly thrown. They all stood for a moment not saying anything.

Then they all burst out laughing and gathered into a group hug. Christmas Eve felt like it was going to be a good day.

“I love you guys.” Onew laughed into the hug. “You weird, gay, soppy people.” Resulting in him being whacked playfully hard at least four times by his friends.


It was around 3PM and Jonghyun had already taken up all the sofa by laying on it and pigging out on snacks with Onew. Minho was sat on the armchair, reading some book about some sports star that most people would have probably heard of. There was really nothing else to do since Key was spending most of his time chatting with Taemin in the kitchen. Though Jonghyun knew what he would rather be doing, and he was really anticipating tonight. Oh crap. I should really wrap up those presents.

“Hyungs~ Choi-sshi just called, he’s dropping by in a bit,” Key appeared at the doorway. Minho looked up from his book and nodded to show he had been listening.  (A/N Choi-sshi is their manager, not Minho’s dad or anything. XD)

“Urgh.” Key grunted at Jonghyun and Onew, who just continued to stuff their faces with food. He looked around the living room, unfortunately not finding anywhere to sit. And he did not  want to sit on the floor, so he pulled out his phone and started texting with a smirk on his face. Jonghyun watched intently, whilst Onew was too busy watching their Mexicana advert that had appeared on TV and then squealing “Look! It’s me!”

“YAAAAHHHHH!!! A BUG!!!!” they heard Taemin scream a minute later from somewhere in the house. Minho jumped up and ran full speed to wherever Taemin was being attacked by a defenceless bug. Key then took his place in the armchair triumphantly like a Queen who had just won her throne. Good plan.

“Sneaky fox, I see what you did there,” Jonghyun muttered, just earning a pleased grin from Key. Key ran his hand up his own thigh and winked, which sent Jonghyuns mind swirling back to what was planned for tonight.

The doorbell rang and they all looked at each other. Well, when I say that, Jonghyun and Key looked at Onew, who then sighed in defeat and got up lazily and slumped out the room to the front door. Minho and Taemin joined him in the hall.

“Onew! Merry Christmas!” Jonghyun and Key heard their manager laugh from the hallway. “Sorry I can’t stay long I’m really busy, SHINee has got a lot of New Year Schedules piling up!”

They all groaned. Not really looking forward to sleep deprivation again.

“I wanna concert...” Taemin grumbled to no one in particular. The manager just laughed heartily and patted him on the back (a little too hard, earning a death glare from Minho) saying that he’d bring it up in the board room.

Half an hour later and their manager finally left, leaving five similar sized presents for them.

Speaking of presents, Jonghyun needed to wrap Key’s. Jonghyun got up, noticing Key’s eyes following him out the room. Checking that he wasn’t being followed he ran up the stairs leaving his hyungs all sitting in the living room.

But unexpectedly they all turned to Key, grinning.

“What?!” Key demanded.

“So...did he tell you?”

A/N Sorry this is a bit of a stinky chapter, just wanted to set the happy yay mood to it. Anywaaay. Jongkey fluff next chappy...maybe get a bit smexy. But not ty so cool down! XD If you guys want 2min, I'll do a cute 2min christmas eve scene too. :) Comment and subscribe. <3 Also...


Shake it!

Key + Madonna = Awesome

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD