
Do You Wanna Bet?


Jonghyun woke up at Key’s side once again as the white early morning glow streamed in through the window, he turned his head and saw Key’s face close to his. Key looked peaceful and childlike as he slept, his locks were messed about his head in its usual morning routine, his mouth was open slightly but he was a quiet breather. Jonghyun smiled as he scanned Key’s sleeping face and leaned forward to peck his slightly pink-tinted cheek. He sat up as gently as he could so he didn’t wake up his sleeping beauty, it was odd that he was the first awake so he guessed Key must be really tired. As he stood up out of bed he shivered and realised that he was still starch , so he grabbed a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and jeans and slipped them on as silently as he could. He left the room and walked down the stairs, wondering if anyone was awake and he found Onew lazed on the couch in the living room, flicking through channels.

“Mornin’” Onew greeted him with a friendly smile.

“Er...good morning,” he replied sitting down. Jonghyun was  surprised not to see Minho or Taemin anywhere, well more Taemin than Minho since Taemin was an early-bird.

“Have fun last night?” Onew winked. Jonghyun turned to him.

“Y-you know that we...?”

“Yeah, but don’t worry I didn’t hear anything, I had my music in,” he laughed at Jonghyun’s face. How could Onew have prepared if even Jonghyun didn’t know that he was going to give in to Key last night? It’s not like I  planned it to happen...unless...oh no.

“YAH! Where’s Minho and Taemin?” Jonghyun asked him urgently, shaking Onew’s arm, as if this would get him a faster reply. When Onew got over the sudden attack of the question he answered.

“Oh, Minho took him to a hotel last night,”

This confirmed Jonghyun’s thoughts that Minho must have known about it...and that means...He stood up and marched out of the living room and stomped upstairs.

“KIM KIBUM!” he yelled as he stormed into his bedroom to see Key sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Key was tired, but he knew what was going on and he knew Jonghyun would find out, since he was quite sharp. But even in the morning an angry Jonghyun didn’t faze him, hardly anything fazed Key.

“Yes, yeobo?” Key mewled, gazing at the fuming tyrannosaurus-rex in front of him.

“YOU PLANNED IT!” Jonghyun shouted, punching the end-board of his bed, making the bed shake, “I can’t believe  you bloody planned it! And now I’ve lost! And now I can’t...urgh” Jonghyun slumped horizontally face-down across the end of the bed just as Key moved his feet away.

“You knew that I knew that you’d give in to me easily,” Key purred as he stretched his arms upwards and straightened his back. It took a moment for Jonghyun’s mind to process that sentence.

URGH.” He muffled into the duvet and lay like that for a few moments, trying to ignore the horrible feeling of being disappointed in himself.

“Do you...regret it?” Key asked him, Jonghyun turned his head to look at Key, who was now sitting cross-legged on the bed, wearing grey boxers and a white t-shirt and a blank unreadable expression.

“Regret it?! Regret it?!” he outraged. ”Of course I don’t  regret it! I just regret surrendering to you because now I’ve lost!” Jonghyun whined childishly, slumping his face back into the duvet. He heard Key laugh, then felt weight fall on him as Key lay across his back, he could feel Key’s stomach muscles contracting again his back as Key laughed some more. Jonghyun couldn’t stop himself from grinning. “What are you laughing at?” he tried to put on his best serious-voice, but failed. So he turned around so that Key was now lying across his stomach, looking at him with big eyes. That was it. Punishment.


Onew walked out the bathroom, and stopped. He listened. It sounded like someone was drowning a family hysterical monkey’s...or something. He walked to the door of Jonghyun’s room and debated whether to walk in or not. Risky. Very risky.


Onew swung open the door and gasped at the sight.

Though there wasn’t much to gasp at.

The pillows and duvet were scattered across the floor and Jonghyun was mercilessly tickling a squirming Key who was trapped in his grasp on the bed. Key turned to face Onew with a pleading expression, his eyes watering from laughing so hard. Onew sniggered and sauntered over to them, debating whether to stop it, or join in. Key glared at him, knowing what he was thinking. Jonghyun, still straddling Key, just raised his eyebrows at Onew.

So Onew didn’t want to choose between them and risk an early death. So he chose neither and just ambled back out the bedroom, ignoring the curses that Key was trailing after him, followed by loud forced laughter, a “I SWEAR JJONG –AHAHAHA - WHEN I BREAK FREE YOUR ING – AHAHAHAAH - DEAD,” and a “At least I’ll die happy~!”


Taemin collapsed onto the expensive sofa and marvelled at the room as he tried to find his breath back from the sudden kiss. It was the first time Minho had kissed him like that but it was...he liked it. No, I loved it, Taemin thought. Minho walked behind him with the bags and into one of the two doors. After a few seconds Taemin heard the loud sound of something being dragged painful across a wooden floor, so he got up and walking into the room where Minho was. Minho had moved the bedside table and was now pushing one of the single beds towards the middle, it looked like he wanted to join the single beds together.

“M-Minho what are you-“ Taemin began asking, before Minho cut in.

“I don’t want to sleep that far away from you.” Minho paused and looked down, then continued to push the single bed, it was quite a fancy bed so it was also quite heavy. Why did I say that? Now he probably thinks I’m a bloody creep, great, well done Minho.

Minho carried on doubting himself until he felt the bed move forward easier than usual, and he was hardly touching it. He turned and saw Taemin helping push the bed, and gawped, so he’s ok with it? I mean we’ve slept in the same bed before but that was back at the dorm...now we are here alone and it’s...different.

Taemin smiled at him, “Help then~?” he laughed. It didn’t take long until the mattresses were pressed together and the duvets where spread out it. Minho walked out the room whilst Taemin sorted out the pillows. After a few moments Taemin stood up and turned around to find a aromatic cup of tea in front of his face.

“Tea?” Minho asked, as he held out the teacup on the saucer, his other arm behind his back in a butler-like fashion. Taemin smelt the tea and took it gingerly, he then looked at it with a reluctant expression. Minho chuckled quietly at Taemin’s cuteness and leant towards him.

“Don’t you like tea?” he asked.

“N-no I do! I just, it’s really warm in here...I-I’d really prefer an ice lolly or something” he looked up at Minho, ”...a-ah but thank you I-I’m not b-being ungrateful or anything er-“ Taemin stuttered, when Minho took the cup of tea from him with one hand. Minho then revealed the hand that was behind his back, which was holding an ice lolly. Taemin stared at it and then at Minho, who had an amused expression on his face.

“I knew you’d say that,” Minho laughed out, as he handed the now-gleeful Taemin the red ice lolly.

“Where did you get this?” Taemin asked jumping up and down happily as he tore off the plastic, and Minho pointed back towards the main room, “Mini-fridge, there are loads.” Minho took a sip of the tea that Taemin had rejected, oolong with cinnamon and sugar, he nodded to himself, like they always do at Christmas.

“You know me well~” Taemin sang happily as he the ice lolly. Minho grunted an ‘I know’ and walked out the bedroom, Taemin followed, the strawberry flavoured ice lolly innocently. “This is my favourite flavour too~!” he beamed.

Oh god, why did I give him an ice lolly?

A/N Sorry this is a bit of a meaningless chapter. :( But I'm just tryna make the story flow, is it working? Already on the next chapter, so expect a fast update~    I have discovered something guise, as much as I love Key so much (and the other SHINee members yah), I am actually a Taemint. Sorry Lockets~ I still love you~ T_T I do hope you like my story. D: Sorry it's a bit rubbish but comment and subscribe anyway because you'll be making a very lonely Taemint very happy. Like, squealy happy. Okies~ Love from Schmoodle <3 I just came across this and it made me laugh (I believe this actually happened at Taemin's birthday fanmeet,)

Key: Today, we have a game called Taemin's King Game!!
Jonghyun: Taemin is king so he can do anything he wants like call person 1 and person 3 to kiss. You can say "Kibum and Jonghyun kiss", that will be ok too. We will just kiss.
Key gave Jonghyun a "we can't" look while the fans scream.
Taemin: I don't have that kind of interest~

After talking about the kiss, fans noticed that Jonghyun was staring at Key's lips.
Key: Ever since the kiss talk, you keep staring at me! Why do you keep staring at me??
Jonghyun: What, what? Why can't I?

LOL. Jonghyun, your not very sly at keeping your crush a secret~ We all know you like Key~

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD