Minho did what a Minho does.

Do You Wanna Bet?


A/N It's hard to type when your big fluffy cat is fast asleep in your arms, I haven't proof-read this yet so I am very sorry for any mistakes. ^^;; I hope you like it, please comment, and thank you if you have commented. :D Here's some 2Min.

“OH NO!” Taemin gasped, jumping up and down with his hand on his head whilst the shoppers weaved around him, giving Taemin weird glances but he didn’t care.

“What? What?” Minho laughed, stopping and turning to him surprised at Taemin’s sudden outcry.

“I forgot my hat! And it’s snowing!” Taemin stomped, “And now my heads going to get cold!...It’s not funny!

Minho took Taemin’s hand and pulled him towards one of the shops that he recognised.

“Minho what are you-?” Taemin squealed as Minho let him into the shop and to the back.

“How about this one?” Minho immediately picked up a red beanie hat with earflaps and a white pattern embroidered across the brim, he knew Taemin’s style off by heart. He remembered seeing a few times and thinking ‘Taemin would like that,’ he was going to get it for another one of Taemin’s Christmas presents but well...it seemed a good idea just to get it now.

“WOW! That’s so cute ooo~” Taemin took the hat from Minho and felt that material between his hands.

“I’ll buy it for you Taemin,” Minho told him, reaching into his coat pocket for his wallet.

“What? No! I don’t need one now I was only-“ Taemin gasped again, looking up at Minho with big eyes, that seemed to shine from the fluorescent shop lights.

“I’m going to buy it for you,” Minho grinned, taking the hat from Taemin, and walking towards the cashier. Taemin clutched at his coat unsuccessfully trying to pull Minho back. “This hat please,”

“Sure,” the cashier cooed scanning the barcode from the label and taking the money, she eyed the boys warmly and smiled, thinking at how cute they were together.

“Minhooo~ but it’s expensive,” Taemin whined, looking worriedly at the money she was now putting in the cash register.

“Nah, I was going to get it for you anyway,” he chuckled, snapping the label off the hat and throwing it lightly into the bin behind the desk. He turned to Taemin and his boyfriend hair before sliding the hat onto his head, it fitted perfectly. Taemin looked up at Minho, his eyes smiling. He’s so...aish...Why is he so romantic?  Taemin sighed happily.

“It looks good,” the cashier girl giggled.

“Of course it does,” replied Minho, not taking his eyes off Taemin, “Everything looks good on Minnie~”

Taemin blushed and tried to hide his face with his hands, but Minho just took his hand away and held it.

“C’mon, I want to tell you something,” he led Taemin out of the shop and they both breathed in sharply, taking in the sudden change of temperature from the cosy shop heat to the icy winter air. Minho held him close as they manoeuvred through the bustle of late night shoppers. They stopped at an music electrical store window and Minho pointed at something. “There,”

Taemin peered closer at the window, raising his hand to his forehead to stop the snowflakes from catching on his long eyelashes. He saw something pink and glittery sitting on a stand at the side of the display.

“Hey it’s that microphone that me and Key saw in that catalogue!” He laughed.

“Yeah, didn’t you say you wanted it?” Minho asked, leaning over to look in the window display as well, Taemin turned his head to Minho with a confused expression.

“Well...it’s nice but, ah, I’m more of a dancer. I like things that are more sentimental...It’s more something Key-hyung would love...”  Taemin told him, looking slightly concerned at how Minho would react, because it seemed as if Minho wanted to buy it for him.

“Ahh, I hoped you’d say that!” Minho smiled, everything is going to plan!  He pulled Taemin into a tight hug.

“Mwo? What do you mean?” Taemin queried, surprised at the random hug but he hugged back anyway. Minho laughed and Taemin felt Minho’s chest move against his neck, making him blush. They were very close... Minho pulled away but took Taemin’s hand again instead, he just couldn’t let go of this boy! What’s he doing to me?

“Well, I’ll tell you a secret,” he winked, if Taemin had cat ears they would’ve shot up at this, he loved secrets!

“Well when I was shopping with Jonghyun looking for Christmas presents we saw this microphone and well remembered that you and Key both wanted it...but we both wanted to buy it and there’s only one, you see, because it’s one of a kind but I thought that Key would like it more than you, no offence,” he chuckled, “so I thought I’d play a little game with Jonghyun without him knowing, as a sort of revenge for him playing that prank on me a few weeks ago-“

“-yeah that was mean!” Taemin agreed nodding his head, intently listening to the story. Minho laughed again, Taemin was just so cute.

“Yeah, so I made a bet with him, and I told him if he won then he got the buy the microphone,”  Minho scoffed, trying to control his laughter again.

“So what does he need to do to win?” Taemin raised one eyebrow.

“Not have with Key for a month,”

They both cringed, looking at each other and then doubled over laughing. They laughed for about 5 minutes until they were at a loss of air and tears were forming in their eyes, the cold air stinging their red cheeks. Once again passerby’s gave them strange glances as they walked past. I supposed they did look pretty weird, doubled over laughing their lungs out in front of a music electronics store in the snow.

“That...ahaa...that - that’s good,” Taemin breathed, standing up straight and wiping his eyes on his coat sleeve. Minho was clutching at his chest trying to steady his breathing, after a few seconds they had both calmed down and were back to casually holding hands in the street.

“I was wondering why we were seeing more of them, turns out they had less to do!” Taemin giggled pulling Minho away from the shop, it must have looked funny since they had been standing there for ages. They walked down the town and into a park in the centre. They both took in a deep breath as they look in the sight before them. The park was lit up with thousands of lights, twirled daintily around the tree branches and small glittery lights shining out of the ponds, the water bouncing the light in all directions prettily. And in the middle of the park was a giant fir tree, decorated from head to toe in lights, snow, and multicoloured coloured ribbons waving softly in the breeze.

“It’s beautiful...” sighed Taemin staring at the Christmas tree in awe, his mouth parted slighting making is breath visible in front of him.

“Yeah...” agreed Minho, but he wasn’t looking at the tree, he was looking at Taemin. Taemin turned his head when he noticed that his boyfriend was looking at him.

“Hey, thank you for the hat,” Taemin smiled patting his beanie hat. “My head was going to get cold otherwise.”

“My head isn’t cold!” Minho grinned, shaking his hair like a dog, sending snowflakes everywhere.

“YAHH!” Taemin cried as he ducked out of the way, “Yes but you have thick hair, it’s like a permanent hat!”

Taemin watched as more snowflakes flew down and rested on Minho’s dark hair, his eyes were slightly watery because of the icy wind and his cheeks were tinted pink, and he was smiling down at Taemin like it was the best moment in his life. Taemin knew right then exactly what he wanted to do. Taemin moved closer to him and noticed Minho eyeing him in confusion. Only when Taemin’s cold hand pressed gently to Minho’s cheek did Minho realise what Taemin was doing. He looked shocked, then noticed the blush on Taemin’s cheeks and slid his arms around his waist. Minho moved his head closer to Taemin’s until he felt the dancers breath on his lips. He watched as his cute boyfriend closed his eyes, and he savoured the moment as he gazed at his face lovingly. Finally he closed his eyes as well and slowly, but surely their lips touched, they were warm despite the weather.

They stood there for a few moments, wrapped in each other’s warmth and love, their hearts beating a thousand beats a minute. This was their first kiss, and it felt incredible. They tightened their arms around each other as they went in for a deeper kiss, tasting the sweetness and a few seconds later they parted mouths, taking in much needed oxygen. Smiling at each other they embraced, happy with themselves and each other. Then Minho remembered...wait...this means...I won. Minho chuckled and lifted Taemin off his feet, swinging him around as Taemin laughed out. Setting Taemin down he looked into his dark eyes.

“Tae, can we...keep that a secret, for now?” he asked, Taemin looked confused but nodded.

“Oh ok, sure,” he answered, if Minho wanted it to be a secret, there was bound to be a good reason behind it. Minho took his hand and they headed for home back through the shoppers, just smiling to themselves, not being able to get the kiss they just shared out of their heads.


“Yes, Minho?”

“I’m in love with you...so much.” Minho told him, but looking straight ahead.

Taemin looked surprised at the confession, but squeezed Minho’s hand gently and smiled with his eyes.

“Ditto!” He laughed, staring at his boyfriend as the snow fell peacefully around them on the dimly lit, now quiet street.

Oh, Minho...

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD