
Do You Wanna Bet?

A/N Chapter up finally, I spent most of last night typing it - I couldn't stop! Thank you so so much for all the kind comments and subscriptions. I hope you enjoy reading. I won't give the story away but there is a bit of both couple fluffiness in this chapter. :) And I made it slightly longer to make up for the last chapter.

“N-nothing, Minnie, d-don’t worry about it,” Minho stuttered, and cleared his throat. To be honest, Minho and Taemin were a new thing, and have only been dating officially for 10 days. They haven’t even kissed yet, but everyday Minho wakes up and thinks ‘Today might finally be the day I get to kiss Taemin’. He opened the fridge and stuck his head in it looking for some juice, hoping the cold air from the fridge would ease his blushing. He knew Jonghyun was talking about the kissing thing, definitely not ...the ‘no- for a month’ in the bet was mainly for Jonghyun to suffer through, and had only been a week and 3 days since Taemin confessed to Minho. Yep, that right. Taemin was the one who confessed to him. Since when it come to these...matters. Minho was very bashful.

“Oh um...ok.” Taemin replied, he turned to Jonghyun, “Hey hyung, have you seen my brown hoodie anywhere?”

“Ne, I saw Kibum hang it up to dry,”

“Thanks~!” Taemin bounced out the kitchen. Jonghyun heard a very audible sigh from behind him and turned to see Minho closing the fridge door.

“You’ve got to make a move sooner or later, Minho.”

“I...Yeah I know. I just don’t know how. What if he rejects me again?” Minho leant back against the counter and ran his fingers through his thick hair. I know it was ages ago...but I just can’t get that moment out of my head. He felt his heart sink.

“That was before you were dating.” Jonghyun pointed out, raising his eyebrow.

“I guess...but-“

“No, no ‘but’s...hey. If you can get Taemin to kiss you within this month you win the microphone.” Jonghyun challenged him, leaning backwards in the chair so he could see Minho’s upside-down expression. Minho tensed, then looked suspicious.


“Ne.” Jonghyun grinned. Minho loved challenges, since he was very competitive and sporty. And he knew that Minho wouldn’t turn this one down, no matter how embarrassing he found it. And he also knew that Minho wouldn’t be able to do it in within this month, it was already nearing the end of November. Muahaha.

“” Minho grinned back.


Taemin sat on his bed cross-legged reading a comic book that lay in his lap, the only light was a cosy orange one coming from his bedside table lamp. His silky hair draped over his eyes slightly, but he could still see. Minho approached Taemin’s bedroom, noticing that the door was ajar, he pushed it gently and saw Taemin, his heart fluttered. He leant against the doorframe and rested his hands in his pockets watching as Taemin turned the page of the comic book slowly, re-reading the last page. He tilted his head and looked over at Minho.

“Hey Minnie,” Minho greeted him, his voice came out gentle and breathless.

“Hey Minho~,” Taemin smiled at him and stood up to put his comic book back on his bookshelf whilst the other watched him.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Minho asked casually.

“Isn’t it late?” Taemin queried, turning to him.

Minho chuckled, “It’s only seven...and the Christmas lights are all up in the town, I just thought would be nice to see them and spend some time with you.” Wow, Minho didn’t know where that came from, he was usually really embarrassed to say things like that. Taemin looked surprised for a moment, even he knew that was an odd thing for Minho to say, but then his expression softened.

“Yeah that would be ni-wait, WHAT? The Christmas lights are up?! It’s only NOVEMBER!” Taemin outraged cutely, flailing his arms. Minho laughed, making Taemin inwardly melt at the deep sound of it, and held out his hand to his boyfriend. Taemin reached out and slid his hand into Minho’s and entwined their fingers. Minho’s hand was warm from being in his pocket and Taemin enjoyed the feeling of his heat warming his own hand up.

“Your hand is so cold!” Minho exclaimed as if hearing Taemin’s thoughts. He brought Taemin’s hand up to his mouth and breathed out warm air onto it. Taemin’s breath hitched as he felt Minho’s breath on his hand making his hand tingle, it was weird, but nice. Mmmm.

Minho then realised what he was doing and how it was so out of character. Little did he realise that this was just him sub-consciously trying to win by steadily teasing Taemin. That and he was in love. So so in love.

They walked down the stairs together and into the hallway. Minho reached up and took Taemin’s coat and passed it to him before grabbing his own. They released hands so they could put on their coats and do them up. Minho felt empty now he wasn’t holding Taemin, it was as if a big black hole was growing inside his stomach and he frowned. Taemin had the same feeling as he was buttoning his duffel coat up, but he finished quickly and reached out and took Minho’s large hand back in his. They immediately turned smiled at each other.

“Where are you two going?”

They spun around and saw Key, in the hallway with his arms crossed, tapping his foot impatiently waiting for an answer. Ever since Onew broke his mirror earlier today he’d been in a really bad mood.

“Umma we are just going for a walk into town, we won’t be back late,” Taemin replied happily.

“Town? Why? It’s dark out! And it’s so cold!” Key nagged, as if they didn’t already know that.

“To see the Christmas lights...” Minho answered, hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. Jonghyun bounded into the hallway like a puppy and walked up behind Key, putting his hands on Key’s shoulders.

“Come on baby~ Stop interrogating the poor couple,” Jonghyun cooed, steering Key into the living room against his will but since Jonghyun had the muscles, he won. A minute after Jonghyun and Key entered the living room, Onew rushed out still holding the remote for the TV. Anyone in this dorm knew when it was the wrong time to be alone in a room with that couple, and now was one of these moments. Minho grabbed his keys and rattled them before putting them in his coat pocket, and checking that he had his wallet in the other pocket.

“REMOTE,” they heard Key demand from the living room, Onew threw it in from the hallway. There was a high pitched yell from Key followed by Jonghyun cheering that he actually caught it.

“Not that they’ll be needing it,” Onew winked to the couple in the hallway, laughing as he jogged upstairs.

Finally opening the front door, Minho and Taemin stepped out, walked, and got in the elevator. Minho pressed the button for ground floor and felt Taemin move closer, he knew that Taemin hated the feeling in his stomach when they were going down in the elevator. Minho let go of his hand and rested his arm around Taemin’s shoulder, pulling him even closer to him. Taemin clutched at Minho’s coat as they descended.

Urgh.” Taemin groaned at the feeling when the elevator halted and the doors opened. He became aware of Minho’s arm around his shoulder protectively and smiled with genuine happiness, he was safe with his Minho for sure. He slid his arm around Minho’s waist as they walked outside.

“Oooh!” Taemin exclaimed, breathing in.  “Snow!”

The rapper laughed, it has been snowing for the past week, but whenever they came outside while it was snowing Taemin always said that as if it was the first time he had seen it. He was so adorable. Turning right, they began the short walk into the town, joining the crowds of late-night shoppers.


“REMOTE,” Key demanded as Jonghyun sat on the couch next to him. A remote came flying into the room, and Key ducked his head as he squealed. He hated flying objects. Jonghyun laughed and he caught it in his hand.

“I caught it! I caught it!” He cheered jumping off the couch.

“Big deal.” Key glared, crossing his arms and leaning back. Jonghyun turned to him and sat back next to him, scrutinizing his boyfriends face.

What?”  Key snapped.

“Why are you in such a bad mood?” Jonghyun sighed, taking Key’s hand.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” Key snatched his hand back.

“Because I am with my Kibummieee~” Jonghyun sang, taking Key’s hand again. Key snorted. Jonghyun used the remote in his spare hand to turn off the TV, which was just the news anyway. Jonghyun took Key’s other hand with his free hand and leant over giving the grumpy guy a peck on the lips.

“Is it because Onew broke that mirror I got you?” he whispered. Key looked down, but took his hands away from Jonghyun’s and slid them around his boyfriends neck. He pulled Jonghyun into a kiss and Jonghyun happily complied until he felt water touch his cheek. Pulling back, he gasped as he saw tears pouring down Key’s cheeks as he stared at Jonghyun. Jonghyun felt his heart split into a thousand pieces...Key sniffed and rubbed his cheeks with his hands. Jonghyun took Keys wrists and pulled them away.

“Baby...why are you crying?” 

“B-because, *sniff* that mirror was sp-special *sniff* and now it’s g-g-gone,” Key cried, leaning over into Jonghyun’s t-shirt. Jonghyun hugged him and his soft wavy hair.

“Because I gave it to you?” he asked simply, feeling him hiccup from the crying.


“Who needs a silly object when I’m right here, and I’ll always  be,” Jonghyun whispered into his ear, Key’s breathing was more steady now and he nodded, nuzzling into Jonghyun’s neck.

“Mmmm” Jonghyun hummed in appreciation and pulled him into a tighter hug, he fell backwards onto the couch so Key was lying on him, still in his arms.

“Mmmmm,” Key agreed resting his head on Jonghyun’s shoulder and closing his eyes.

 And lying in each other’s arms on the couch, they fell asleep together.

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD