[Insert appropriate title for chapter here]

Do You Wanna Bet?

A/N: YUP there is more 2Min....I don't know why. But there is going to be A LOT of Jongkey in Chapter 7 so please be patient Jongkey shippers. :) Thank you for being so patient, I hope the storyline isn't boring you yet.

Minho and Taemin shuffled back into their dorm, hissing as the heat stung at their warm hands. They removed their coats and shoes, patting the snow off them and putting them in the coat closet. Taemin reluctantly took off his hat and lay it on a radiator to dry since the snow had all melted in it. He clicked on the hallway light slowly so it didn’t click too loud and Minho checked his watch, it was only 10:48pm yet the whole dorm was fast asleep! Well it’s was quiet so he guessed they were. He walked quietly into the living room, stopping in the doorframe and blocking some of that light that was coming from the hallway. He sighed at what he saw.

Taemin peered in from behind him, “Awww...” he whispered “That’s so cute.” He gazed at the couple that were fast asleep on the sofa, clutching at each other in their sleep, Jonghyun letting out soft snores and Key partly lying on him snuggled into his chest. Key’s eyes looked a bit red so he must have cried, but Jonghyun probably comforted him, unless he was the cause of Key’s crying then he would...actually yeah, he would still comfort him.

“I don’t understand why they can’t just go upstairs to sleep,” Minho sighed, grabbing a blanket that was lying folded up on the side of the armchair. He walked over and lay the blanket on them, since he didn’t want them to get ill or anything. Taemin tiptoed in and placed a soft kiss on Jonghyun and Key’s cheeks trying not to wake them up. He looked up and Minho who pouted and stuck his lips out, tapping them with his index finger. Taemin jumped up to peck Minho on the lips softly but Minho grabbed Taemin’s head unexpectedly and kissed deeper, sliding his tongue over his lips. Taemin gasped loudly into the kiss and they both froze and turned their heads to the two on the couch. The couple shuffled a bit in their sleep but didn’t wake up, thankfully. Minho cautiously took Taemin’s hands and led his out of the living room and upstairs, he stopped at the top of the stairs and pecked Taemin on the forehead before parting and turning right to go to his room. Only to find the boy following him. He turned around to find Taemin’s wide brown orbs staring up at him.

“Minnie, ah, you want to sleep in my bed tonight?” he questioned, slightly embarrassed at what he said, but it was the only reason he could think of as to why Taemin did not just go to his own room. Not that he minded Taemin coming with him, he was so tired he didn’t really think of how he felt parting with him for the night, but his boyfriend obviously didn’t want to so he took his hand and shuffled into his room. Minho opened his drawers to find something to sleep in, and he peeled off his top. I guess his self-esteem faded with the tiredness as well. I feel so tired so suddenly, Minho thought leaning on the dresser, maybe it’s the relief, maybe it’s because now I don’t have to worry about when I’m going to kiss Taemin...Oh god...I can’t believe I kissed Taemin!

Oh god oh god oh god, Taemin shuddered, scanning his eyes over Minho’s . It was so masculine and built...his broad shoulders...the toned skin...he was so...Taemin whacked himself on the head. Why did he follow Minho in here? Well, I guess it was just because he didn’t want to part with him. Unlike how Minho looked Taemin didn’t feel tired at all but he just wanted to be with him.

“Here,” Minho chucked Taemin one of his t-shirts, guessing that he didn’t really want to go back into the dark hallways to retrieve his own pyjamas. Taemin caught it and held it up, just simple white t-shirt with a pattern that looked like multi-coloured paint splatters. He could smell it from here, but it wasn’t a disgusting smell like sporty sweat or anything, it was Minho’s smell, it hard to describe...but it was a warm smell that made him feel safe.

(A/N I was so tempted to say Minho smelt of carrots or something weird, but I resisted.  XD)

Taemin turned around and took off his own t-shirt to replace it with Minho’s, he could hear Minho ping his trousers and sliding them off and sliding some pyjama bottoms on from the other side of the room. He could also hear Minho breathing huskily from drowsiness and he felt his face heat up from blushing. Minho climbed into bed just as Taemin was pulling off his own skinny jeans and Taemin watched as Minho’s dark hair nestled against the white pillows as he shut his eyes. The younger boy walked over to the other side of the bed, since it was a queen-size bed (a tiny bit smaller than a double). Minho opened his sleepy eyes and gasped slightly as he took in the sight of Taemin standing by the bed in his t-shirt that almost covered his boxers completely – which was way  too big for him, it was like a dress...and it also exposed one of his smooth shoulders...and his legs were bare too...- Minho sighed at reached his arms out to Taemin, inviting him in and Taemin gladly accepted and was pulled into his arms and under the duvet. Only his body tensed when he felt the warmth radiating unnaturally strong from Minho and felt Minho’s bare skin against his hand. Minho sleeps topless.

Oh my god.

I’m in his arms. And he’s topless.He blushed ferociously and felt like he should pull away, but he didn’t want to...Minho...How am I going to sleep?

He snuggled up to Minho, feeling his chest against his hands and leaning his ear to Minho’s heart, feeling it beating only a few inches away. This...he says he loves me with his. He felt Minho’s warm breath on his head and a small snore. Minho must have really been tired, since he was already fast asleep. Taemin kissed Minho’s chest directly his heart and closed his eyes. You don’t know how much I love you Minho...not yet. I can’t tell you those exact words yet.


The light poured down into the bedroom through the white curtains, lighting up its deep blue walls gently as the sun rose higher. Minho felt the sun shining down onto his face and rubbed his eyes with his hands before opening them and blinking a few times to adjust to the light. He looked down from the ceiling to find Taemin’s peaceful face inches from his. Taemin’s skin glowed beautifully in the morning light and his dark eyelashes stood out against his pale smooth skin, his hair had become wavy during the night and it was sprawled about the pillow and across his forehead and his puffy lips were slightly parted letting out his warm breath and whispered snores.

Minho smiled to himself and brushed the hair away from Taemin’s forehead, his thoughts completely pure and full of love for this boy. Until his eyes gazed down and he noticed that the large shirt that Taemin had borrowed was showing a generous amount of his shoulder...Minho gulped and reluctantly pulled himself back to reality as he looked at the time on his alarm clock, trying not to think too much about the fact that he just slept in the same bed as his Minnie.

He got up from the bed slowly and Taemin fidgeted slightly under the white duvet turning to lie on his back and parting his lips a little more. Minho gazed at his sleeping boyfriend as he pulled out a long sleeved t-shirt from his t-shirt drawer and then grabbing some denim skinny jeans. He continued gazing as he slipped them on and turned for a split second to brush his long hair in front of the mirror, finally he opened the door to the bedroom and slipped out closing it a little behind him. He smelt bacon frying downstairs and figured Key was awake and cooking since he never let anyone near the kitchen apart from him, but that was good since he needed to talk to Key. Alone.

Jogging downstairs he walked into the kitchen only to be surprised that it was in fact Jonghyun and Onew that were awake and attempting to make food.

“You know is Key sees you-“ Minho began, maybe they forgot?

“He’ll scratch our eyeballs out for messing up his perfect kitchen...yeah we know,” Onew laughed, turning over at least 6 pieces of bacon whilst Jonghyun stared in confusion at the egg he was holding in his hand and back at the measuring jug. Minho leant against the fridge in amusement as he watched Jonghyun struggle, it was so entertaining.  Jonghyun then took one egg and mercilessly beat it against the side of the jug with a bit too much force, smashing it and spilling the egg all over the counter. Minho burst out laughing as Jonghyun panicked and tried to catch the egg that was oozing over the edge of the counter with his hands begging for someone to help him. Onew tutted at him mockingly as he held onto the handle of the grill, but as he looked away at Jonghyun some fat hissed off one of the pieces of bacon and straight onto Onew’s hand. Naturally Onew yelled and jerked his hand away, still holding onto the grill, which resulted in all but one piece of bacon slide off and onto the floor. Minho was double over in a huge laughing fit which eased then struck back when he took another glance at his Hyung’s faces. This is why Key never let them in the kitchen.

Speaking of Key...

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU LOT THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH MY KITCHEN?!”shrieked Key, his hair still messed up from his sleep and still dressed in this clothes from yesterday. He shot the angriest glare he could to them, making them all freeze in position. Key stormed into the room grabbing a towel and kitchen roll and saving the poor egg from the counter and Jonghyun’s hands. He reached out and grabbed the grill from Onew and pushed it back to where it should be and in one swift movement he swiped all the pieces of bacon up from the floor and dumped them on the counter wrapped in kitchen roll. He then turned to the culprits, or should he say...victims?

“Well? ANSWER ME,” Key demanded tapping his foot like he did when he was frustrated. There was a cringe-worthy silence surrounding the kitchen.

“W-we thought we would make a nice breakfast for everyone,” Jonghyun attempted with a scared puppy look in his eyes. Key growled and turned to Minho who was snickering to himself by the fridge. “YOU what are you  laughing at?”

Minho stopped laughing and raised his hands in surrender, “I didn’t do it,” he said defensively, “I just came in a few moments before you!” Key’s eyes narrowed and pierced straight into Minho’s. After a long silence Key spoke.

“Ok I believe you,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You are excused from my punishment.” Jonghyun and Onew’s eye widened in fear and they turned to Minho, pleading for help with their eyes. Minho laughed.

“Thank you Key, oh and I need to speak to you after...if that’s ok.”

“Sure,” Key said, not taking his eyes off his victims, as he took a wooden spoon from a pot and patted it on his hand evilly, “Now my slaves have to clean the whole kitchen,” he told them simply. Now there was nothing  worse than cleaning when Key was supervising you. Minho laughed as he saw them hang their heads as if they were being told off by a strict teacher for eating glue, or something weird like that. Well, Key was only in the living room, so they should’ve seen it coming. As Minho exited the kitchen he saw Taemin skipping happily down the stairs, now dressed in some dancer three-quarter lengths that show his shins and a stripy black and white top that sort of made Minho’s eyes go a bit funny. (A/N if you have seen the dance version of Lucifer, my beautiful shawols, I think you know what I mean. XD) He blinked a few times then grinned at Taemin, and when Taemin saw him he blushed a little and grinned back. He wanted to go and kiss Minho so badly but he remembered that Minho asked him to keep their little kisses secret for now, the other hyungs could possibly be lurking around, so he resisted.

But Minho knew that they others were too busy being punished by Key in the kitchen (oo-err) and they wouldn’t be out for a while. So he lifted Taemin in his arms and gave him a soft kiss, much to Taemin’s surprise.

When they broke away Minho set him down and grinned harder.

“G-good morning~” Taemin squeaked.


“So what did you want to talk to me about Minho-hyung?” asked Key as he sat on the other side of the couch holding a cup of strong coffee. He seemed to have calmed down now, Minho though, ah good.

“Well, ah...I don’t really know how to phrase it... It may seem a bit weird...but I need you to do a favour for me...” Minho trailed off as he fiddled with his hands in his lap. Key nodded to encourage him on.

“Just say it.”

“Can you...seduce Jonghyun...please?” Minho asked nervously. Key was unfortunately taking a sip of his coffee as he said this and ended up breathing the liquid instead in shock. He sat of a moment coughing as Minho patted him on the back.

Can I?!” Key scoffed. “Of course I can. I’m Key.” Ok, well, Minho was expecting that answer. He’s such a Diva.

“But...will you?” Minho asked.

“Well he seems bent on the idea of not doing anything like that so he can win whatever you’ve freakin’ been betting about, so I’ve been patient, he seems to really want to win,” Key told his, clutching his mug and sipping at it whilst looking over at Minho.

“That’s why he should lose...” Minho told him, a glint in his eye. Key knew this glint very well. Key liked this glint.

“Why?” He smirked, he sensed trouble and he was eager for it.

“It would be fun to see him panic about it, and it’s kind of like a revenge for me. You know, for that prank he did.” Minho told him, as he chuckled to himself.

“I like revenge” Key sighed sweetly at the word and looked off into the distance as if remembering a nice memory. “Go on then, so why should I do it ? What’s in it for me?”

“Well there’s the obvious pleasure to doing it,” Minho smirked as Key went red and picked up his coffee to take another sip, looking away, “I can’t tell you why, but it will all be worth it for you if he does. I guarantee it.” Key eyed him, a zillion thoughts aligning themselves in his head. But he stuck out his hand and Minho took it and they shook professionally.

“Deal.” Answered Key seriously, though a smirk playing at his lips. “This week is getting interesting...”

“Nice  doing business with you.” Minho laughed.

A/N: Oh myyy there are a LOT of Lockets here. :D 

I told you I would write a longer chapter! 2,589 words! PHEW that's a lot for me.

Tomorrow is my last day of school this year before Christmas, the head-teacher always does a big Christmas speech assembly about how awesome he is and all 2,800 students have to all squish in the sports hall. And that floor makes my bum hurt. ;A; But last year he was listing things that shouldn't be linked with Christmas or some stupidities and when 'Alcohol' came up the whole of Y10 and Y11 and all the sixthformers (basically everyone aged 14-18) started laughing and cheering manically (immature, but so hilarious) then the Head exploded and started shouting really angry it was so scary~~ the silence after was the worse thing ever...still makes me cringe... I thought all the first years were going to start crying. I wanted to go hug them. ;__; HE LOOKS LIKE A POTATO. AN EVIL POTATO.

So I am not looking forward to tomorrow. But at least I have a half day so that mean more updating. Yey, ;D I hope you like my chapter.

Keep commenting and subscribing! I love you all! And your comments are very uplifting. The more comments the more I will write. :) Long comments are good, but I won't be greedy, just thank your for reading~

Even you silent readers, yes you. THANK YOU. :D

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD