He heard everything...

Do You Wanna Bet?


Onew walked into the kitchen and placed down the empty small bowl that Key had had his pretzels in by the sink, since Key begged him to take it for him. He had a feeling it was because Key was avoiding Jonghyuns bad mood. He was planning to as well, but since he was already here he might as well try and communicate with it. Onew heard a painfully long sigh from behind him and turned to see Jonghyun frowning deeply at the floor.

“H-hyung?” he said cautiously. Jonghyun looked up at him with wide puppy eyes then looked down and sighed again. Wow, he’s really is upset. He stood looking at Jonghyun, then averted his gaze around the kitchen as he rubbed his neck with his hand, it was awkward and upsetting for Onew to see one of his friends depressed and he didn’t really know what to do about it. Minho was always more of the comforter in the group...

“It’s just a microphone...” he said quietly, but Jonghyun heard this and looked up at him, obviously irritated. “Y-you shouldn’t take it so s-seriously...” Onew faltered under Jonghyun angry gaze, then watched Jonghyun’s emotions change as he scrunched up his face and looked like he was about to cry. He walked over to his friend and put his arm around his shoulder. Jonghyun sniffed into his hand, trying to hold back his emotions, he was such a cry-baby but it just came naturally to him and he couldn’t help it. He took a deep breath to steady his breathing, and it was comforting with Onew’s hand patting his shoulder. “Let it out, what’s the problem?” Onew encouraged him.

“I-I...it’s ju-just...it’s n-not just about the mic-microphone it’s m-more than that!” he sniffed, and wiped his eyes as he couldn’t control the hot tears that fell from them, he took a few moments to attempt to halt his sobs for a bit, and carried on, “I thought...I thought that if I could get the microphone for him it would make up for...for me being such a lousy boyfriend...he looked so happy when he saw that microphone, and it reflects his personality so much, I mean he’s so beautiful and amazing and...and...f-for some reason I just can’t tell him that. I don’t have the courage. I can’t say it out loud. A-and I know that it makes him sad, because he thinks I don’t think it. But I do. And that microphone...I just wanted him to smile at me like that. I mean, he’s smiled at me before...but this was different, y’know? I can’t explain it. And it just...it’s like an apology to him. Something he wanted so much, something to tell him how sorry I am to him for not being about to say how gorgeous he is, and how much I think of him. All I can say is that I love him. But I can’t tell him why. I don’t understand. I d-don’t know.”  And with that he burst out crying and buried his face into Onew’s t-shirt as Onew hugged him supportively.

Damn, this guy was confused. From what Onew could understand Jonghyun seemed to be able to say ‘I love you’ to Key, but whenever Key had asked ‘Why?’ Jonghyun wouldn’t be able to answer, and obviously Key got irritated and thought that Jonghyun couldn’t think of anything good about him, and then the guilt would eat Jonghyun up, and this present was an apology for that. But now he’s lost the bet to get the present, and couldn’t think of anything else to get Key in the rush. Poor guy.

Onew heard a creak coming from the hallway outside the open kitchen door and eyed it suspiciously, but he immediately knew what it was and smiled to himself. Luckily Jonghyun was too busy sobbing out ‘I don’t know’s ‘I love him’s and ‘I can’t’s to notice the small sound.

“Don’t worry hyung,” he reassured his friend. “I’m sure he knows what you mean.” Jonghyun calmed down considerably, and Onew held him at shoulders length and smiled to him, fortunately getting a small watery smile back. He pulled out some kitchen roll and handed it to his to wipe his eyes and nose.


Key stood with his back pressed to the wall on the left of the kitchen door. He stood with his eyes wide and his hands beside him spread out against the wall behind him. He heard everything, and now he was glad he had followed Onew to the kitchen to see what they would say. He felt a painful twinge in his heart, it felt like it was tearing apart as he heard Jonghyun crying, but he resisted the urge to run into the kitchen and throw his arms around his boyfriend.

He couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t believe Jonghyun was beating himself up over such as small matter. Maybe he just wasn’t into say such romantic things, but to be honest Key didn’t mind, sure he seemed irritated at Jonghyun when he couldn’t answer. Sure, when he saw Minho and Taemin being all romantic and happy he did get a bit jealous, but he could tell that Jonghyun thought all these things towards him. Hell, the fact that Jonghyun had easily surrendered to him and make love to him was proof enough! Aish, and that microphone..? That  was the present? Well sure it would have been nice to have it, but he’d much rather prefer Jonghyun being happy.

And now Jonghyun was crying again because he thought that Key was disappointed in him...which was totally not true! URGH. Key slinked silently back down the hall and made it safely back into the living room without being followed or detected. He sat down and stared at the floor, ignoring the midday news that was droning on the TV and thought again about what he had just heard. He needed to tell Jonghyun what he thought. But how? When? Hmm.


Minho walked into the bedroom pushing a small silver tea trolley in with him. He was amused to find Taemin still sleeping, and it was nearly afternoon. Minho was an early bird, he got up at 8; went jogging for an hour since he knew to area; went to the convenience store to buy a few things; came back to the hotel; power showered; read half the newspaper; and ordered breakfast through room service...and Taemin was still asleep. He abandoned the rattling trolley when Taemin stirred and moved in his sleep and he walked over to Taemin’s side of the beds. He Taemin’s cheek gently but the sleeping boy gave no reaction. So Minho knelt down by the side of the bed and moved his face closer.

“Jagiya~” he whispered into Taemin’s ear, his breath hot. Taemin frowned with his eye’s closed and squatted weakly at the intruder sleepily, but Minho moved away quickly to avoid it. “...come back tomorrow...” Taemin grumbled and turned around, which made Minho grin, so he leant over and pecked the side of Taemin’s half-open lips. But before he could break away Taemin slid his arms around Minho’s neck and pulled him on top of him and joined their lips together in a proper kiss. This took Minho by surprise and he blushed at the position, but he happily complied to the kiss...which seemed to be getting more passionate by the second. They were breathing heavily as Minho broke away and began kissing Taemin’s neck and jaw line, and Taemin moaned softly, he was now fully awake. How could you not be when you have Minho lying on top of you? Best wakeup call ever!

Taemin sniffed, and sat up suddenly, pushing Minho back by the shoulders. Minho sat on his legs and looked at Taemin blankly. Taemin followed the attractive smell and his eye’s fell on the silver tray by the door. “Hyung! Hyung! What’s that?” he bobbed enthusiastically. Minho looked confused at him then turned his head towards the tray.

“YAH! I completely forgot!” Minho ran over to the tray and pushed it towards Taemin’s side of the bed, thank god it still seemed to be hot since the plates were heated up. “Breakfast in bed,” he smiled at Taemin, who took one look at the food and practically drooled, causing Minho to chuckle.

Taemin eyed the delicious food set in front of him on the tray. Hot crepes spread with strawberry jam and sugar, croissants cut in half and oozing with chocolate and a tall glass of his favourite drink of all time, banana milk. Trust Minho to know that he had a sweet tooth in the morning. He looked up at Minho and grinned. “Eat,” Minho nodded to him, standing with his hands in his jean pockets. Damn this boy is adorable. I’d just be happy serving him like this forever.

“Thank you for the food!” Taemin squealed, thinking it polite to thank the people who made it and of course Minho for bringing it, before digging into the delicious food laid before him. Minho sat down in front of him, but Taemin didn’t really notice since he was too busy devouring his breakfast and banana milk.

“So what should we do today?” Minho asked looking at him, as he sat cross-legged on the bed with his elbow on his knee and his chin resting on the palm of his right hand. Taemin shrugged as shoved another bit of crepe into his mouth.

“How about we go shopping,” Minho answered for him. “I have some things I really want to buy,” he smiled. Taemin stopped eating for a second and looked up at Minho.

“Mwo? What are they?” he asked curiously, with the fork halfway in his mouth. Minho shook his head.  “Ani. I can’t tell you, Minnie, it’s a surprise.”

Another one?” Taemin whined playfully, grinning widely before drinking down the last bit of banana milk and his lips of it. Minho laughed and got up from the bed taking the tray and placing it back on the trolley. The maid would get that later. For once he was starting to enjoy being the part of a wealthy family.


Minho puts his hands over Taemin’s eyes and led him around a corner and into a small stuffy store. Uncovering Taemin’s eyes he found that it was actually a jewellery store, decorated from floor to ceiling in the deepest blue colour that just seemed to swallow you whole, and hundreds of pieces of sparkling jewellery and gem stones glinting in black velvet boxes set neatly on shelves and in glass cabinets around the store. He gawped at his tall lover standing next to him, nodding a greeting at the staff in the shop.

“M-Minho hyung? Why are we here?” he stuttered taken aback at all the beautiful twinkling jewellery, it all looked so expensive...Minho turned to him.

“Do you want to buy couple rings?” he asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers.

“Wha? Y-you? Seriously?” Taemin gawped again, but at him.

“Well...I just thought it would be nice since we are boyfriends and all...like making it official that we belong I guess...” Minho looked around awkwardly and then back at Taemin, he suddenly felt really stupid, maybe he was moving to fast? Was Taemin going to reje- suddenly Taemin shrieked and threw his arms around Minho. Minho grinned.

“Oh my, oh my, oh my where are they?” Taemin let go and turned to the staff excitedly, “Where are the couple rings?” he pleaded happily. A man in smart apparel, his dark blue blazer embroidered in the silver logo of the shop, gestured towards the left of the shop. Taemin hurried over and stood until his mouth hung open. Minho shuffled over to his side and looked sensibly at the rings, whereas Taemin didn’t seem to know where to look. But Minho soon helped with that, he pointed at a small box near the back and reached to get it.

“Do you like this?” he asked, holding the box out to Taemin. Taemin looked over at the box Minho was showing him. There was a single ring, quite small in width. It was a light gold colour, enough to make it glow, and the band was studded all the way around with very very small gemstones, in colour order of orange, yellow, orange, yellow. Their colours in SHINee. Them. The ring reminded him of the sunshine, warm and bright and golden. “They’re perfect...” he sighed.

Minho grinned and took the box over to the counter, Taemin following behind. The lady at the counter asked them to hold out their hands and measured their ring fingers, which she guessed was where they were going to wear the rings. She then went to the back room of the store with the box and when she came back she handed them two separate black velvet boxes, one to Taemin and one to Minho.

They bowed and Minho turned Taemin away whilst he paid for them, Taemin didn’t complain, since he knew he was iffy with money it was perhaps better if he didn’t know how much they were. All that mattered really was that it was a symbol of their love for each other.

Minho thanked the people working the shop one again politely as he took Taemin’s hand and led him out the shop. Once they were on the street, which thankfully wasn’t busy. Minho took one of the boxes out of the bag, fortunately the smaller one was marked with a red sticker on the box. Taemin turned to him.

He took Taemin’s hand and Taemin blushed as Minho slid the ‘sunshine’ ring onto his ring finger on his left hand. He took Minho’s ring from its box and did the same, and now it was Minho’s turn to blush. They gazed at the rings on their fingers for a moment, before they looked at each other and burst out laughing. “Thank you,” Taemin told him as he slid his arm around Minho’s waist.

“No, thank you,” Minho laughed as he put his arm around Taemin’s shoulder, it all felt so natural. “Next shop,” he led Taemin down the road and stopped them when they arrived their next destination.

The musical electronics store.

Taemin gawped at him.

A/N Okay, phew, well this sorry for this chapter. I guess I'm just beating around the bush here. Just gonna jump into it next chapter~ I hope you are enjoying reading my story. ^^"" I'm sorry it isn't much of one. Ehe... so yeah. I have nothing to do all day so I might as well start typing the next chapter. Who knows? I may be ready to update this evening/afternoon. :D Comment & subscribe. Makes me happy~

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD