Christmas Day!

Do You Wanna Bet?

“WAAAKE UUUP!” Taemin squealed, throwing himself head first into Key’s bed, which also contained Jonghyun, and lying in between them as they squirmed and buried their heads into the pillows. Taemin shook Jonghyuns shoulder vigorously. “Hyung it’s CHRISTMAAAAAS!” Taemin giggled. Key groaned loudly and covered his head with his duvet and Jonghyun rubbed his eyes and opened them, only to see a very  excited looking Taemin inches from his face.

“Yeah, we’ll get up in a few minutes Tae and meet you downstairs,” Jonghyun grumbled sleepily. Taemin squeaked in reply and jumped up from the bed, earning another groan from Key. When he left Jonghyun turned to Key’s wrapped up form next to him and pulled down the duvet to reveal Key’s half-asleep face and mussed-up bed hair. Key scrunched up his face from the light hitting his eyelids and Jonghyun chuckled and kissed his cheek lovingly. “Time to get up baby~ It’s Christmas.”

“...turn the light off...” Key growled burying his face into Jonghyuns chest.

“I can’t, it’s the sun, but if I could I would turn the sun off just for you~” Jonghyun sang, wrapping his arms around him.

“So cheesy...too early...” Key moaned, but he reluctantly pushed himself up and sat on the bed, letting his eyes adjust to the light. He turned to see Jonghyun grinning at him.

“I enjoyed last night,” Jonghyun said, winking at him. Key scoffed and glared at him. “Round seven?” Jonghyun offered, scanning his eyes over Key’s bare torso.

“YAH!” Key shrieked, suddenly wide awake, and whacked his arm. “You boy, no! My poor !”  He jumped out of the bed and slipped on some clothes quickly. Jonghyun following and pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as well. They exited the bedroom to see Taemin physically pulling Onew out of his room as Onew clutched onto the doorframe. Onew wasn’t a morning person either.

When they got downstairs Minho was sitting in the living room munching on a piece of toast. Key flopped down on the couch next to him and sighed loudly.

“Just how much sugar did you put in Taemin’s cereal this morning, Minho? He’s running at like, 200 miles per hour,” Key moaned. Minho chuckled to himself. “You should go shower hyung, you reek of ,” he told Key bluntly as he smiled into his bite of toast. Key glared at him and got up, groaning at the pain in his lower back. Jonghyun sure was a passionate beast last night (A/N LOL), it was pure amazing, but  why does it always have to bloody hurt afterwards?


After they hyungs had all showered (so Key and Jonghyun now smelt less of and more of oranges and forest berries) they all sat down for a Christmas dinner. Key had made Taemin wait with the presents until they had all finished eating lunch. So when they all sat down for the lunch that Key had made, Taemin was literally bouncing in his seat. He really  loved presents.

The dinner/lunch was pleasant, well apart from when Onew was literally ravaging the chicken legs.

“Hyung do we have any Lambrini?” Taemin asked excitedly.

“Ha! Like I’m letting you anywhere near champagne.” Key scoffed as he poured some more gravy onto Jonghyuns plate for him.

“It’s not even strong...” Taemin pouted as he poked a bit of carrot with his fork.

“No.” Key said sternly, taking a bite out of a roast potato.

“Ummaaa,” Taemin whined, and Minho chucked quietly at his boyfriends adorableness. Jonghyun turned to Key and smiled.

“Well yeobo, as always your cooking is delicious!” He grinned as he stuffed his face with more of the delicious food.

“Oh, you!” Key giggled bashfully. Onew rolled his eyes.


“By the way, about the bet...I won before you anyway,” Minho casually told Jonghyun as they put their plates into the sink.

“Huh? What?” Jonghyun stopped and looked at him.

“I won before you even lost. If that makes sense,” Minho explained as he stirred a aromatic cup of coffee, he tapped the spoon on the side of the mug before depositing it into the sink of soapy water to join the plates.

“You kissed Taemin?!” he asked incredulously, his eyes wide. Well, this was new. He thought Minho was quite romantically awkward with that type of thing. Oh, Jonghyun couldn’t be more wrong.

“I did,” Minho smiled and took a sip of his coffee, watching for Jonghyuns reaction. Jonghyun just leant against the counter and glared at his suspiciously.

“I don’t believe you.”

Minho swallowed the coffee quickly as he was dangerously close to spitting it out with laughter. When he regained his composure from swallowing a mouthful of the hot bitter he grabbed Jonghyuns wrist and pulled him out the kitchen. Coincidently when they got to the living room Taemin was walking out at the exact moment gawping at them, and that was when Minho let go of Jonghyun and threw his arms around Taemin, kissing deeply into his open mouth. Taemin attempted to pull away at first, embarrassed that they were in front of their hyungs, but then went limp in Minho’s arms. Minho pulled away quickly and grinned. Taemin pulled a disgusted face at him.

BLEGH, YOU TASTE OF COFFEE,” he complained, trying to rid the taste from his mouth. (It’s a well know fact that Taemin despises coffee unless it has five buckets of sugar in it, therefore eliminating all taste of the coffee.)

Minho turned around to see Jonghyun standing there with his mouth wide open in shock. When did that happen?!

“Why didn’t you tell me before I-before I-“

“Before you got stressed over losing?” Minho finished for him. Jonghyun nodded. “Well, don’t kill me, but it was kind of revenge for that prank you pulled on me a while back.” Jonghyun burst out laughing, and Taemin backed away into the living room to join Onew.

“So you’re not mad?” Minho raised his eyebrow sceptically.

“Yeah I-I’m mad but-ahaha-oh god that prank was hilarious!”

“Yeah, not for me.” He growled.

“Yeah yeah, I know, I’m sorry.” Jonghyun sighed, and straightened himself out. “Even?” Jonghyun held out his hand as a peace offering and Minho took it. “Even.”

They stood their awkwardly for a moment until Key slinked downstairs and appeared beside them.

“Is there a bromance or something going on between you two that I don’t know about? Move. I need to get to the living room.” He demanded, they complied but followed him into the living room.

“Merry Christmas~” Onew sang to everyone and no one. “Merry Christmas!” they all returned in their own way as they sat down around the living room together. Taemin squealed and practically dived under the Christmas tree for the presents, he sorted them out between the five before settling himself between Minho’s legs on the floor and resting his back against Minho’s warm chest comfortably.

“I think Key-hyung should open a present first,” Minho grinned and locked eyes with Jonghyun who was also grinning.

“Me? Uh, okay. Which one?” Key said, contemplating the pile of presents at his feet. Taemin caught on what the other hyungs were thinking, and joined in the grinning session whilst Onew and Key just seemed completely oblivious.

“There that one, that badly wrapped one,” Taemin pointed cutely to a scruffy bundle of Christmas wrapping on the floor as Minho kissed his cheek. “Hey!” Jonghyun whined, “It’s doing its job! It’s wrapped up isn’t it?” Key laughed and picked up the package (labelled in marker ‘To Yeobo, Merry Christmas – I love you! Lots and lots of love, your Yeobo xxxxxxxxxxxxx’) and turned it over in his hands. Wasting no time he quickly tore the wrapping paper off the box and stared at the image on it, eyes wide. Completely silent. Everyone was looked at him, wondering what he was thinking. Key slowly opened the box and pulled out the foam, revealing a beautiful, glittering, pink rhinestone, one-of-a-kind...microphone. And it was there. In his lap. Oh. My. God.

“YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” he squealed insanely loud as he threw himself full force on is boyfriend, attacking him with kisses.  Everyone burst out laughing hysterically, now that was what they had been expecting! Jonghyun grinned widely into the kisses, trying to push his lover off him as he laughed. Best reaction ever. He pulled away and his heart nearly stopped when he saw the beautiful happy grin stretched across Key’s face. “You like?” Jonghyun asked.

“I LOVE it! But-“ Key answered.

“But?” Jonghyun interrupted, frowning.

“BUT, I love you more. “ Key smiled again, but this time it was a soft smile, filled purely with love as he sat in his boyfriends arms.

“D’AWWWWW-OWW! What!? I was just saying it was cute! You don’t have to throw things at me!”

“Oh. Onew.”

~*~THE END~*~

A/N Hi. Er. Yes. Well, this was my first fanfiction please don't kill be because of the crap ending

I really didn't know what else to write. XD Oh well. There's your fluff. I'm just eager to go onto writing my second fanfic - which will be better and have more dramamama in it. Comment and what not. 


Thank you for reading and showing some interest in my weird first fanfiction, thank you for the support you and motivation you have given me. :D


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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD