"Put some music on loud tonight." ;)

Do You Wanna Bet?

A/N: I know my writing isn't very good but thank you for the comments and keep them coming. :) I like to know if you like it or not.

As Key set his now clean coffee mug onto the draining board he stared off into the distance. I’m kind of glad Minho asked me that...I’ve been missing Jonghyun so much. It’s not even as if we’ve been away from each other...I’m not ually frustrated like Jonghyun is but...I need him. Key dried his hand on the tea towel and smiled to himself, he was looking forward to tonight. He wasn’t even worried about Jonghyun maybe rejecting him, he knew he would at first, but eventually he would give in to Key. Jonghyun could barely look at Key now, and whenever Key turned away he knew Jonghyun was looking at his . He leant back against the counter and stared as the clock, the second hand ticked loudly into the silence, it was almost quarter to seven. A loud click from the hallway caught his attention followed by loud laughter and chatting and the rustling of bags. His hyungs had come back shopping. Minho appeared at the kitchen door and shot Key and questionable glance. Key smirked and winked at him to let him know he was going to go through with their plan, and Minho smiled and turned away from the kitchen only to be suddenly glomped by an over-excited Taemin.

“Hyuuuuung~ We did LOADS of food shopping! AND we got that those REALLY NICE milkshakes that we love!” Taemin squealed, his legs wrapped around Minho’s waist as Minho strolled down the hallway casually as Taemin rambled on about all the shopping that they bought at the big supermarket.

“Hey Taemin...tonight how to you feel about going to a hotel?” Minho asked, a bit nervous about Taemin’s reaction. He wasn’t planning on doing anything like that  and he knew Taemin would take it that way...but he couldn’t find any way of asking without it sounding like he wanted to do that. He felt Taemin’s body tense, and then jump down from around Minho’s waist, though Minho still had his hands on Taemin’s waist. Taemin looked shocked, and he swayed nervously.

“A-ah M-Minho....I-I...I don’t th-think I-not...not now I-“ Taemin stuttered, trying to look anywhere but at Minho’s face. Minho chuckled and turned Taemin’s face towards his, feeling his boyfriends face grow hot under his hand.

“Ani, Minnie. We won’t do anything like that. I promise,” he began, then he gulped, “N-not until you’re ready...I just thought that a hotel might be...different to stay in tonight.” He resisted telling Taemin the real reason.

Without warning Taemin threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly and not letting him go even when Onew squeezed past them in the hallway holding around 20 odd plastic shopping bags, one of which was balanced quite professionally on his head. Minho then felt Taemin’s shoulders rise and fall rapidly and their grip on each other loosened. Minho pulled back quickly to see if his fears were true, and he saw tears slide down Taemin’s angelic face before Taemin lowered his head and covered his face with his hands.

“M-Minnie? What’s wrong? Ah,” Minho leant down, pulling Taemin’s hands away. “Why are you crying? Please, don’t cry! Was it something I said?”

“N-no! It’s just your so n-nice and con-si-si-siderate,” Taemin gasped in between sobs, “I’m just so ha-happy!”

Minho chuckled lighted and Taemin’s soft hair and kissed him on the head. At least he’s not crying because he’s upset...that scared me.

“Don’t scare me like that,” he told him, pulling the boy into his arms once again.


Onew entered the kitchen with two dozen shopping bags and stood there staring at Key with a smile. As soon as Key saw him he let out a cheerful laugh and walked over and took the shopping bag that was half-falling off Onew’s head.

“Annyeong!” Onew greeted him cutely but slighted creeped out by Key’s good mood. He set down as many shopping bags as he could without them falling too hard. He watched as Key set to work taking the bags and lining them on the counters and taking out the contents, organising them to where they should be in his perfect kitchen.



“I should warn you, you will need to put some music and headphones on loud tonight.” Key winked as he bent down to pick up another bag.

Onew’s eyes widened as he knew what he meant by this. Then he sighed and laughed to himself. “Making him loose that bet then?”

“You know about that?”

“Yeah he was telling us about how he wasn’t going to lose in the car, he sounded really determined,” he laughed. Onew was mature, and the oldest, so he didn’t mind being in the dorm, he would just stay in his room with his headphones in. As long as Taemin was out...

“What about Taemin?” he asked worriedly.

“Sorted.” Minho chuckled as stood at the kitchen door, as he couldn’t enter due to the sea of orange plastic bags.

“Good,” replied Key and Onew simultaneously as they all helped unpacking the shopping.


Jonghyun slumped down on the sofa. He couldn’t be bothered to help with unpacking shopping, after all, he was the one that was pushing the shopping trolley around after them the whole time whilst Onew and Taemin ran around the supermarket giggling manically.

He could hear Onew sigh loudly from the hallway as he attempted to pick up all of the shopping bags at once. Jonghyun couldn’t be bothered, not now that he was in a bad mood from the car journey. I don’t think it even crossed Onew’s mind to take multiple trips for the bags. Jonghyun leant back and though about what he said to to his hyungs in the car.

“Key seems angrier than usual, it’s probably because of that stupid bet you guys are doing,”  Onew spoke into the silence. Their manager was driving the car, but they had a adjustable soundproof screen in-between the front seats and the 6 back seats. Jonghyun and Taemin were sitting on opposite sides on the very back seats near the windows, whilst Onew was sitting on the one seat in front of Jonghyun.

“Yeah probably, but if I win it will be worth it,” Jonghyun reassured him.

“Are you sure it’s fair on Key? He’s not upset about it?” Onew asked, looking back at him. He looked concerned.

“Ah...I think he might be...a little...” Jonghyun murmured, looking down then out the window. He tried not to think about it and tried to concentrate on the blur of building passing by. The fact that it may be upsetting Key was upsetting for him but he needed to win that microphone, it would be worth it for how happy Key would be on Christmas.

“I think he misses you,”

“We see each other every day!”

“You know that’s not what I meant,” Onew raised his eyebrow.

“I...yeah...but I’m not going to lose,”

“Is a present really that important...? If this is your relationship at stake?” Taemin turned to him, speaking for the first time since they started this topic. He knew he’d never risk his relationship with Minho for just a mere Christmas present. He could see Jonghyun’s thoughts were conflicting each other by the expressions on his face.

“It would make him so happy...I’m not going to give up and lose, Taemin, I’m not,” Jonghyun stated in determination. Not sure if he was trying to convince them or himself...he was right, it was just a present so why don’t I...no Jonghyun you have to get this, it would make Key happy...since you don’t seem to be enough...Jonghyun frowned and looked at the floor of the car, feeling Taemin’s eyes boring into the side of his head.

“Well, if you’re sure hyung....” mumbled Taemin after a while, turning back to look out the window at all the street lights passing by.

“I’m NOT going to lose. I have control,” he whispered to them, though it sounded more like he was talking to himself.

Onew grunted loudly and faced forward, ignoring the scowl that Jonghyun was sending the back of his head.

Jonghyun sat for a while and thought about what his hyungs said. Maybe his bet was  just really stupid, even if it was just a bit of fun, a month is a long time for this couple, damn you Minho. He heard light quick footsteps dance their way up the stairs and guessed it was Taemin. He could just tell. Then he felt a presence and snapped out of his thoughts to see Key leaning against the doorframe.

“Hey,” Key said softly, scanning his eyes over Jonghyun.

“H-hi,” stuttered Jonghyun, trying to push his past thoughts from his mind. Key looked so beautiful right now it wasn’t that long until his mind went blank from just staring at his boyfriend. He forced himself to pull his eyes away from the attractive view in front of him and picked up the TV remote. He turned the TV on and felt Key sit down on the sofa next to him. Jonghyun shuffled away from Key a little and Key looked at him, obviously hurt by this action. Jonghyun tried to ignore it and focus his attention on the TV but Key continued to stare at him...Couldn’t he even sit near his lover anymore? That’s a bit harsh. But Key wasn’t going to give up, so he shuffled all the way over to Jonghyun until they were so close that their thighs completely touched, side to side. Jonghyun turned his face to Key only to forget that their faces wouldn’t only be an inch apart. He found himself examining Key’s eyes, his beautiful feline chocolate eyes and their dark heavy lashes. His cheekbones and nose...perfectly sculpted and hugged by his glowing skin. And then his eyes reached Key’s lips, and it was like some kind of drug sending his brain into a whirring high...they were so plump and curvy and irresistible...Then Key them. His tongue...Oh for sake! A kiss won’t hurt!

Jonghyun groaned and leaned in, looking at Key dead in the eyes and Key knew exactly what he was thinking from the look in his eyes. Lustful and hungry. At at the same time, they smashed their lips together, enjoying the familiar taste and feeling once again, though it hadn’t been that long since they last kissed. Jonghyun sighed in relief as they fell back onto the sofa. A kiss won’t hurt.

Or so he thought.

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD