Sore Loser

Do You Wanna Bet?


A/N H-hello, thank you for looking at my story, ah, more information about the past events will unfold in future chapters, sorry this chapter is so short...tell me what you think. I like fluff, and I may add some 2Min...and of course...some . *blushes* A-ah..yes. ;//.//; p-please comment.

I can break him, Key thought, easy. God. It’s so fun winding him up, he hates losing. As the older rapper sat on his bed flicking through his current book he heard Jonghyun stomping up the stairs and knew that if he left his room now and walked to the bathroom Jonghyun would see him. Feeling an evil plan forming in his mind he sorted out his hair and opened his bedroom door and walked straight across the hallway to the small bathroom opposite, walking a little slower on purpose. Suddenly an idea jumped into his head and he giggled quietly to himself as he reached out and slid open the medicine cabinet that was fixed to the wall.

Urgh. I can’t believeI got myself in this. But it’s ok! I can do it. I CAN. No for a month. Sure. Fine. I’ll show that Minho. I’m not a freaking addict! Jonghyun drudged upstairs hoping to join Onew and Taemin, who were in Onew’s bedroom probably playing on his Xbox, (either that or he was actually shooting Taemin with a rifle whilst laughing manically) and...without seeing Key because if he saw Key...he knew what that Kibum would do and damn how it would work. Key always knew what to do to set him off. It was as if he was inside his bloody mind. Well...he was in a way. Jonghyun was always thinking of him in one way or another.

Jonghyun sighed loudly when he got to the top of the stairs and glanced right quickly before he was about to turn left for Onew’s room, he immediately regretted it. Within the half a second Jonghyun had glanced right he noticed the back of a curved, alluring, black-skinny-jeaned leg going into the bathroom and found himself unconsciously turning to go right. Stepping into the bathroom he saw his lovers slim hand reach into the medicine cabinet and pull out a small blue box. Key peered at Jonghyun with his dark, feline eyes and shook the box he was holding in his hand, making a slight plastic rattling sound snapping Jonghyun out of his trance. Jonghyun leaned his head against the wall with his hands in his dark denim jean pockets and frowned. Was Key in pain or something? Why did he have the aspirin?

“Why do you have that?” he asked, his brows furrowing at the blue box in Key’s hand. The sides of Key’s lipped twitched, but he held back the smile. This is going to go exactly as planned.

“Oh, I have a feeling I’ll be needing it later.” Key purred as he walked towards Jonghyun, where the exit was. What he said wasn’t even the slighted bit suggestive, what’s wrong with getting some aspirin if he maybe had a headache? Except the way he said it made it...well, he knew what Jonghyun would think.

“W-What do you mean?” Jonghyun tried to say, but his voice came out all croaky and small. The singer glanced at his feet for a split moment before raising his eyes back to his boyfriend. I knew it. Key smirked inwardly. At this rate, he’s definitely going to lose! I mean, it’s almost as if Jonghyun thought that a stupid Christmas present was better than having y time with his diva, and this was Key’s revenge.

Key continued towards him and pressed his plump lips to Jonghyun’s cheek quickly before walking straight past Jonghyun and swiftly leaving the bathroom, leaving his sweet cologne still lingering behind him. Jonghyun breathed in sharply still feeling the tingling on his cheek where Key’s lips had made contact. Control. Jonghyun. You have control. Just ignore it. IGNORE IT. Just walk back down to Onew’s room where Onew and Taemin are. You can do it. Control. Breathe.

Taking in a deep breath he stumbled out of the bathroom and straight into Key’s bedroom.

“Wha!? How the HELL did I-?” he mumbled to himself, his eyes wide. What happened to that control he had, like, 2.341 seconds ago?


Jonghyun looked around the bedroom his eyes finally resting on Key, who was lying on his single bed on his back, barefoot, wearing his skin-tight black skinny jeans and a tartan shirt that was completely ed showing his smooth, pale tummy and his flat chest rising up and down slightly as he breathed. He was holding the book he was currently reading above him, Harry Potter or something like that, probably Taemin’s, Jonghyun thought. Key’s head was turned slightly and his chocolately eyes were staring directly into Jonghyun’s. Jonghyun felt his skin getting hotter, and his baggy jeans...weren’t feeling so baggy anymore around a certain area.

I have no control.

Key tore his eyes away from Jonghyun and reached over to his nightstand to claim a pink leather bookmark embroidered with silver patterns, one of the things Jonghyun had given him for his birthday this year, and placed it gently inside the book, shutting it and placing it on the nightstand as he stood up off the bed. He found himself smiling at Jonghyun, and Jonghyun found himself automatically grinning back.

You can’t do this need to get that’s important and you know why!

“You’re going to lose~” Key sang, slinking over to Jonghyun and sliding his arms around Jonghyun’s warm neck. He knew about the bet?...Of course he did. He knows about everything that happens in this dorm. Jonghyun mentally face-palmed. He is the Almighty Key. “No I’m not!” He answered back quickly. Key seemed surprised at the determination in his voice, it was just a Christmas present to himself, hell Key wasn’t even sure what it was...why did Jonghyun want to buy it so badly?

Eye on the prize, Jonghyun, eye on the prize. He tried to picture the microphone in his head, but all he could see was Key clinging seductively to him.

“Then what are you doing right now then?” Key smirked. Jonghyun woke up out of his daydream and realised that he seemed to have his hand..Directly. On. Key’s. .

“OH. Um! I-“ Jonghyun blushed and let go of Key, un-clinging Key’s arms from from his neck and stepping away. Jonghyun cleared his throat and turned his head to the side and brought his hand up to ruffle his own hair. He was aware of Key still standing close to him as he could feel his exasperated breath on his cheek. After a short while he heard an annoyed ‘hmph!’ Jonghyun turned his head to see Key take a few steps back and turn to fix his hair in the mirror, bending over slightly. Great, now Key was angry at him. He watched as Key slowly stood up and placed his hand on his hip, staring off into the distance. Key’s eyes widened, oho...another plan. Kibum you are evil today, and he turned to Jonghyun, his eyes thinning and his grin growing. Only Jonghyun didn’t grin back. . What’s he...oh no. Kibum his lips, and walked closer to Jonghyun, running his hands down his own body and then, without warning he fluttered his eyes and leant his head back and let out the loudest, most noise that he has ever made. Jonghyun nearly fainted on the spot. When Key stopped fake- he looked at Jonghyun and stuck his tongue out. Jonghyun stopped dead, and immediately listened. Key smirked in front of him, listening too. A pair of footsteps pounded out of a room and into the hallway, a high pitched giggle from Taemin and a ‘GO! GO! GO!!!’ from Onew and they bounded down the stairs, away from the bedrooms. Jonghyun groaned in frustration.

“KEY?! What the HELL? Now they think that we...w-we...ah,”

“Yes, baby~?”


And with that, Jonghyun smashed his lips against Key’s neck, pulling him into his arms.

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: cute i liked it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: that was funny and sweet and fluffy and cute and even hot at times(well A LOT)!!!hahaha really loved de jongkey!!! so beautiful, they deserveall the happiness an autor can give them and give ME!!!^_^ sooooooo happpy after reading this amazing story!!!
This was the cutest fluff stort eveeerrrr!!! I loved it
this will be the last spammed comment haha hat is the prank???
Omg reupload the pic on the last second chp again? The redebut one that u say is cute... I trust ur taste by ur stories hahahahaha really wanna see it:)
Ch 13 is amazing... Thi is the best fanfic ive read like seriously^^
Sry for spamming comments.... but it came as I read.... Hah
This is amazing. I love the pictures. Is it like real or u made them? Teach me?? Very very interested !!:) pls n thx. Btw ur story is awesomeeeee
I think a bit of will b good. This is rated after all. Just to show the love:) n more 2 minn plsss I like jongkey too but I love 2 min more^^ thxxx
aww this was so cute, btw the way Key reacted (YAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHA!!!! lol) is exatly how i react when i get a little too happy xD