The Love From Long Ago


Her morning was quite hectic since she had forgotten that they boys had to go to school. She had to make their breakfast and lunch quickly. While they were eating and playing around a little, she got ready and tried relaxing, hoping all the running around she had done in the morning wouldn't give her too much stress. She got into some comfortable clothes and prepared the boys for school. Ji Hyeon got the boys to school on time, but before she got into the car to leave, the front office lady came running over to her. She was a little out of breath as she said "Excuse me ma'am, but Mr. Jung asked for you to come to his office....personally."

She looked at the woman gratefully, hoping she would be okay and then sighed as she trudged her way back down the school's path. The lady followed behind her and when she got to the front desk, she told her to continue on back. Ji Hyeon knocked on the door of his office, still keeping her manners in line. A deep voice boomed towards the door, "Come in, please." She stepped in, making sure the door wasn't completely closed, just in case she needed to escape.

"Ah, Moon, come in. I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night," he said, standing up from his desk and pulling a chair out. She stood away from him, waiting for him to move away. They stood in the same position for a good 30 seconds before either of them even moved an inch. She decided she might as well sit down; she was pretty tired. Yunho sat back at his desk and folded his hands.

"You looked very nice last night. Actually, beautiful to be exact. I was a bit hurt, though, when you left me with that twerp of a guy," he said cockily. She looked at him with hatred and astonishment, completely taken back by his audacity to call her new boyfriend a 'twerp.'

"But I do want to say this. I hope you don't forget about my love for you, Moon. Ever since I saw you in class on the first day of junior year. Gosh, I wanted to make you fall for me. But you settled for being my friend. I was okay with that, but I wanted more. But after I was released from jail, my goal in life was to become successful and to make you mine finally." he said slowly standing up from his chair, walking over, trying to get behind her. As soon as he passed his desk, she stood up and raised her hand as a warning. 

"Yunho, stop. Don't get any closer. It was your own fault for deciding to stalk me, it was your own fault for throwing yourself into jail. And don't even think about calling my boyfriend a twerp. Because if you do, I will make sure that you never, ever see the light of day again." she almost screamed, her fist shaking in fury.

"But, Moon, baby. You know we were meant to be together. Why don't you just accept it," he said closing the distance between them. He tried leaning down and kissing her, but she dodged, looking at him incredulously. He tried once again and she moved. He suddenly grabbed her face and smashed his lips against hers. She punched his chest, forcing him off of her. She gaped at him and then smacked him, twice. She rubbed with her hand forcefully and spit at his feet, totally disregarding any and all manners. Then she stomped out of his office and out of the school and into her car. She thought to herself as to why she was allowing her boys to go to this school, but she wanted them to get the best education. She huffed as she the engine and drove off.

When she got to work, she was a bit flustered, but she knew she would have to get over it. The store wasn't as busy as usual, but there was one person waiting for her in his seat. She didn't notice him at first, so she just walked into her office. Hoping that there wouldn't be too much commotion, Ji Hyeon took a deep breath and sat in her chair. The minute she thought she found some peace and quiet, there was a knock on her door. She groaned a bit and then said "Come in." Gi Yong opened the door and peeked her head in. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Ugh, not so hot." Ji Hyeon said, rubbing her temples.

"Aw, what's wrong?" Gi Yong asked, pouting as she walked over to Ji Hyeon. Ji Hyeon told her about the morning  she had. Gi Yong sighed and patted her back, soothingly.

"You really do have to be careful, Hyo. I'm pretty worried."

"Mmmm, I know, I know." Ji Hyeon sighed laying her head down on the col wood, hoping it would soothe the little headache she was gaining.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot why I came in here. There is someone special here to see you!" Gi Yong said clapping her hands and skipping out the door. Before Ji Hyeon could call her back, Gi Yong had already closed the door behind her. She was too lazy and tired to move herself, so she just put her head in her hands and stared at her desk. It had papers here and there; but she called it an organized mess. She knew where everything was even if it did look like a mini-tornado swept through. She heard a knock on the door and she looked up and sighed before allowing the person to come in. Gi Yong's head popped in again, but instead of her coming in again, she opened the door wider so another person could come in. The dark cloud over her head lifted as the person she had spent most of her evening with the previous night smiled at her. Ji Hyeon smiled back and Gi Yong allowed Jay to step into the office before closing the door behind her and saying "I'll leave you two alone for now." She looked over to Ji Hyeon and winked before leaving them in her office. She walked over to him and he pulled her in for a hug. She reciprocated and he squeezed her, lifting her off the ground slightly. She giggled as he put her down again, letting her be the judge as to what to do next.

"How are you?" he whispered while he held onto her waist still. She shrugged, the dark cloud starting to come back. He pouted, trying to let his cuteness make her happy. She smiled, resisting the urge to pinch his now chubby cheeks.

"How about we go out? Maybe hang out at the mall?" he asked her, thinking of ways to get her to smile again. She looked at the ground, thinking about it, before she jumped up and gasped. "That's a great idea actually. I need to get the boys some jackets. You can help me if you want." she said, remembering that it was starting to get a bit colder. Ji Hyeon went to Gi Yong's office to tell her that she was leaving. 

"Okay, you two. Don't have too much fun now!" Gi Yong said like an old woman, getting an eye-roll from Ji Hyeon and a chuckle from Jay. Ji Hyeon and Jay walked out to the parking lot, before hopping into her car and heading for the mall. On her way there she remembered the question she had asked Jay before Yunho ruined the entire evening. 

"Oh,  remember yesterday when I was talking about 2PM? I think you were going to say something about them," she said as she turned into the large parking lot. 

"Yeah. Uh, actually I used to work with them. But, I was wondering more about what you wanted to know about them?" Jay said as they got out of the car and started walking. 

"Well, I saw their pictures and sometimes when I look at my boys, they look so similar. But I'm not sure if I am just imagining things," Ji Hyeon said, a bit sad. She was thinking that if she told whoever was looking for them that she had them, they would take the boys away. Argh, I'm just being selfish.

Jay saw her sad face and intertwined their hands. "How about I come over later this evening and we'll see how it goes, okay?" he said, swinging their hands. She smiled in agreement and they went off to the kids section of the department store to get their clothes. After a few hours of shopping around, Ji Hyeon and Jay headed back to the cafe. She looked at her watch to see that it was already time to go and pick up the boys. 

"So, I'll see you later this evening, around 8," Jay said as he unbuckled his seat belt. Ji Hyeon smiled and said, "Yup, see you then." Before Jay got out of the car, he quickly pecked Ji Hyeon on the lips before stepping out and crossing the street. Ji Hyeon rested her head on the steering wheel, smiling with glee. Then she remembered the boys and headed their way. 

When she got to the schoo, the boys were chatting with some friends. She stepped out of the car to see the boys waving to their friends and running over to her. She smiled as they hugged her and jumped into the car. Ji Hyeon strapped them in and listened to their stories on their way home. Once they got into the apartment, the boys sprinted to their rooms and changed, before coming back out and starting their homework. I wonder why they are so hyper. 

She started getting their dinner ready and once she was done, she realized it was later than she thought. The boys had finished their homework and were now watching a show on the TV. Ji Hyeon called them over and they sat down to eat. They sat in silence, but whenever she would look at one of the boys, they would flash her a great big smile. When they were done, she took their dishes to the sink, with Wooyoung following behind her. The rest of the boys went to the TV.  While she was washing the dishes, Wooyoung was swinging his legs on the counter. He was watching her peacefully thinking about her beauty and compassion. 

"Mommy, I need to tell you som----" Wooyoung had started but was cut off by knocking at the door. Ji Hyeon dried her hands and picked Wooyoung from the counter. 

"You can tell me once this person leaves, okay hun?" Ji Hyeon said as she placed him down, lovingly his cheek. Wooyoung nodded and gripped her hand as she stood up. They walked over to the door together and Ji Hyeon unlocked the door. Jay had his back turned, but when he saw the light pouring out  of the room, he turned around.

He smiled at Ji Hyeon, but then he looked next to her and his eyes nearly rolled out of his head.




Oh, midterms, how you frustate me....Anyway, thank you for reading!!! And thank you to my 11 subscribers!!!!!!!! You guys are the bestests....or should I say HOTTESTS! (hohohoho i made a funny) I am currently starting my other story, I believe it will be a one-shot type deal...thing...so....Please continue to support me and don't forget: Comment and Subscribe!!!   (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づヾ (tee hee, ain't it cute?)

P.S. I didn't know Yunho had a mole..... (•ิ_•ิ)?  

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^