
The Love From Long Ago


With a questioning glance before turning the receiver on, he calmly said, "Attention, passengers, this is your head flight attendant speaking. If there are any doctors or surgeons on this flight, could you please report to the head of the business cabin. Any doctors or surgeons, please come to first class cabin. Thank you!" In a matter of seconds, two men came to the front of the cabin, wondering what was going on. The plane was still on the tarmac and the moon was shining through the window. Conveniently one of the men was a doctor, whose name was Siwon, and the other a surgeon, whose name was Daesung. Ji Hyeon quickly ran back to her seat to see a hunched over Erica, grabbing onto the seat handle for dear life. Gingerly helping her up and wrapping a blanket around Erica, she brought her to the front of the plane to the doctors. "Please help her. There seems to be something in her shoulder and I know this is going to be hard to believe but it's glowing." Erica bit her lip hard, drawing blood as she fell to the ground, holding onto the seat next to her. Siwon slowly unraveled the blanket and pulled off the tank top she was wearing. Seeing her only in her bra, Daesung blushed slightly, watching as the doctor asked for Erica's permission to take off the bra strap. Slowly he removed the bra strap, revealing to the four people surrounding Erica, a glowing orange light.


"It changed color. It was only green when I saw it," Ji Hyeon said quietly as the doctor turned to the flight attendant. "Do you have any sharp objects, preferably knives? Do you also have any painkillers or morphine?" The attendant looked at him with blank face, before an old lady piped up behind him, "I have some morphine! Do you need it now?" Siwon looked grateful as she pulled out three bottles of the substance and some needles , leaving the attendant with a shocked face. He came up to her after the doctor got what he needed and said, "Ma'am you know, it is illegal to have those substances on a plane."


"Oh hush up, sonny. Live a little." she said as she sat back down, giggling at his bewildered face. "Sir, do you have any knives or scissors?" Siwon asked again, getting the morphine ready. The flight attendant ran over to the storage area, looking around before stopping and pulling out a couple of steak knives and a pair of scissors. Cleaning them quickly and walking back as safely as possible, he held them out for Daesung to take them away.


"These are clean?" he asked over his shoulder, to receive a small yes. By this time, they had reclined a chair so that it was a bed and put blankets underneath and on top of Erica, leaving her shoulder exposed. She was sweating heavily and keeping her pain inwards, so that she wouldn't disturb the passengers. Ji Hyeon was next to her, wiping her sweat away and rubbing her hand. Bruce was watching from his seat tentatively, silently hoping there wouldn't be too much blood. The glowing light had become red-orange as Erica's pain increased, causing Ji Hyeon to worry more.


The feeling of having a knife go into skin is quite a strange feeling. Most people would say its extremely painful, but not if you're on painkillers. Siwon made sure there was enough morphine going through Erica's system as Daesung expertly cut at the glowing light. Pulling back the skin, everyone who could see it gasped at the ominous device. Under her skin was a tracking device, that was slowly becoming more and more red. Taking the scissors and using them as impromptu claws, he gingerly pulled out the device, watching as Erica's shoulders slumped. He and Ji Hyeon gasped in wonder seeing a needle-like protrusion extending from the bottom of the device. Siwon and the flight attendant, whose name was Daehyun, got towels from the storage place and cleaned up the wound. Daehyun rushed back there to find a first aid kit, giving it to Daesung. He took a small plastic bag and threw the device in, watching as the light grew dim.


Quickly and expertly, Daesung stitched Erica up, cleaning the wound and work site nicely. Erica was mumbling something to Ji Hyeon as she started to doze off. "She says 'Thank you all so much. I don't know how I could repay you.'" They all nodded with understanding as Ji Hyeon carefully put Erica’s clothes back on for her. Daesung stepped up and asked "Where is her seat?" Ji Hyeon showed him the way and said the window seat, watching as Daesung placed her down with the utmost care, making sure that she was sleeping on the not injured shoulder. "Thank you so much," Ji Hyeon said as she started to tear up, receiving a gentle hug from him.


As everything calmed down, Ji Hyeon went back to her seat to hear over the intercom, "Good evening everyone! This is your captain speaking. On behalf of Seoul Air, I'd like to welcome you to flight 314, destination: Seoul. We should be arriving there by..." Ji Hyeon tuned out the rest of the announcement as she pulled a blanket over Erica. As she did that, she looked onto the tarmac to see a few men come running out of the special entrance they had come from. One of them looked eerily familiar and then it clicked; Junsu. She saw him throw down his phone in frustration, pushing a TSA agent off of him as the plane moved away from the gate. Looking behind Junsu, she saw Yunho looking at the moon, which was soon covered by passing clouds. 


The flight back home was quite enjoyable. Ji Hyeon made another new friend, Daehyun. He was actually older than he looked and quite friendly. Erica, after she woke up, also made a new friend or boyfriend as Ji Hyeon stated. She told Erica about how he had blushed when he was operating on her. Erica just rolled her eyes at the insane idea, but would look back to see him staring at the back of her seat. Ji Hyeon would have this smug look on her face when Erica turned around, finally making Erica say, "Alright, fine. I'll go talk to him." Ji Hyeon smiled brightly as Erica moved past her and went back to his seat. She watched as Daesung let her sit beside him, no questions asked. Turning around Ji Hyeon laughed to herself before taking a nap.


"How's your shoulder?" Daesung asked, watching as she moved around a little. "Feels great actually. I honestly don't know how I could ever repay you," she said with sincerity. John just shook his head before sticking his hand out, "Hi, I'm Kang Daesung. What's your name?" Erica smiled brightly, grabbing his hand and shaking. "Erica Spradley" she said as her smile became bright. Throughout the ride, Daesung and Erica laughed and cried, sharing a special bond. When he saw that she was falling asleep, he got and switched places with her so that her shoulder would be fine. He laid her head onto his shoulder as he put his head on top of hers. Within seconds, he had fallen asleep, dreaming of a life with this new girl.


When Erica awoke, she felt something moving next to her head. Slowly rising, she saw that she was on top of Daesung's chest, which felt extremely built. He was still sleeping, so carefully she pulled away and got out of her seat, going back to her original seat. There she was met with a smug Ji Hyeon, who was enjoying the on flight meal. "Hey there, sleepy head. How was the nap? Was it soft and warm?" Ji Hyeon teased, getting a warning glance from Erica. When she was finally sitting down, Erica broke into a great big smile. "He's so sweet, Ji Hyeon," she said as she squished her face together. "I should ask for his number," she decided, but was cut off by the pilot. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We are approaching Seoul as we speak, probably arriving there in an hour. I thank you for joining me on this flight to Seoul and I hope you have a wonderful time there." With that, Bruce came behind the girls and told them that they just had to stay near him again and they will be able to get home safely.  They nodded before squealing in excitement. Erica got up and looked over Ji Hyeon, searching for something.


"What are you looking for?" Ji Hyeon asked. "I'm looking for the people who helped me. I want to thank them before we have to buckle up for landing." Ji Hyeon nodded before showing her where the doctor and the old woman were, watching as Erica went over and thanked the both of them, hugging them dearly. When Erica was on her way back, she hugged Daehyun, surprising him slightly but reciprocating the hug. Done with her gratitude-fest, she went back to her seat, to see a questioning Ji Hyeon. "What about Daesung?" Erica's eyes shot open as she almost forgot about her new friend. Just as she was about to go thank him, the seatbelt light came on. Erica frowned slightly as she thought about how he must have felt. 'I'm sorry, Daesung.' pouting in her seat, but smiling at the fond memories that they made.


Ji Hyeon and Erica stayed near Bruce as they went through another special entrance, getting smiles the entire way. When they were getting their luggages, Erica grabbed her bag that had the cute pumps in it, following behind Ji Hyeon. But she was stopped when she heard her name being called, seeing Daesung jogging towards them. Ji Hyeon watched with glee as they shared some inside jokes, before hearing, "Well, I don't have much on me but I was going to stay with Ji Hyeon."


"How about you stay with me, if you and Ji Hyeon are okay with it?" John asked, with absolute hope in his eyes. Ji Hyeon automatically agreed, before the attention was back on Erica. She looked at Ji Hyeon and Bruce before looking John in the eyes and saying, "If I'm not too much of a burden, then I would love to stay with you." Daesung smiled with all his might before hugging Erica, making sure that he didn't touch her shoulder. When he released her from his cocoon of a hug, Erica turned back to Ji Hyeon, squealing before hugging her. Ji Hyeon pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, writing her number as Erica hugged Bruce. Erica walked back over to Daesung, who was watching her with adoration in his eyes.


"Where do you live?" Ji Hyeon asked John, smiling as he said the condo complex only a few blocks from her own. "Is it okay if we drop them off before we take them home?" Ji Hyeon asked Bruce, who agreed without a thought. Walking towards the awaiting limo, the group loaded their things in the back before jumping in and riding off. In half an hour, they pulled up to Daesung's condo, giving each other final hugs.


"As soon as you get a phone, I want you to call me okay?" Ji Hyeon said as she looked Erica straight in the eyes. Erica nodded and said, "Yes ma'am!" They both smiled and waved as the limo pulled away, Ji Hyeon smiling as she saw Erica and her new friend smiling at each other before walking into the building. 

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^