First Conversation

The Love From Long Ago


"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he said in a surprisingly grown up voice. She stared at him for a while, and then sighed starting her story, "When I was a student in high school, there was a new student in our grade. I thought it would be nice to talk him so I went over to his desk and introduced myself. He seemed completely normal, a bit shy of course. Truthfully, he was really handsome.  We only had one class together, but soon after he transferred into another one of my classes. By the end of the month, we had all of the same classes. We started hanging out after school, but I realized that he wouldn't go home straight after we finished hanging out. One night, when he had been following me, he had fallen asleep. The next morning, I saw him lying there. I knew that he was scary because he had a notebook with him.  

"I told my teacher and he talked to him with a policeman at my school. He got in a lot of trouble and had to stay out of school for a while, but by the time he could come back was finished, it was the end of the school year. I was afraid that he would stalk me over summer, but thank goodness, he didn't. But my senior year was the worst, because the stalking became worse. One evening, somehow he had gotten into my room and slept in my bed, with me in it. The next morning, he had left a note saying that he enjoyed the night. Another time, when I returned home, I found a box sitting in my room. Normally when I got a package, I had to wait for my mom so we could open it together. But the box said open immediately, so I did. What I found inside really shook me up. There were a bunch of pictures of me sleeping and doing other things. There was also a big teddy bear with his face on it and my face where the heart would be. After I got that gift, I threw it away and the next day, I went straight to the Principal's office and told him all about it. Since he was old enough, he was sent to jail and I haven't seen him until this morning." When she finished her story, she realized her face was in Junsu's hands. Once again with those deep eyes he stared straight into hers.

"It's okay, Mommy. You don't have to cry anymore. I'll be there to protect you." he said slowly. The next thing he did really made her wonder if he was a eight-year-old. He slowly tilted her head forward and gently kissed it. She was shocked, of course, but she just patted his head. She could see a bit of sadness and admiration in his eyes, but before she could ask about it, the doorbell rang. She rose up from her seat, their eyes were still connected until she turned to head for the door. She looked through the peephole to see a panicked Gi Yong. She opened the door to get embraced in a great rush.

"I'm so sorry it took me so long to get here." Gi Yong gasped as she almost strangled her best friend alive. "It's okay, really." she said, prying Gi Yong's arms from her neck. "I just smacked some sense into him and told him to leave me alone." she explained.

"Wait, how did he find you?." Gi Yong asked, still breathless.

"Did you run here or something?" Ji Hyeon asked, worried and amused.

"Don't change the subject. Answer the question." she said finally able to catch her breath. "Well, he's the Principal of the boys' new school and I had to meet with him in order to get them registered."

"Woah, who would let him near any children?" she said a little jokingly. For that she got a light slap on the shoulder. Then Ji Hyeon turned to Junsu and asked him softly "Could you please go to room. GiGi and I need to talk, but I'll make sure to tuck you in okay?"

He nodded before saying good night to GiGi. Then Ji Hyeon and Gi Yong dived into their conversation. Ji Hyeon told her every detail of the office encounter and Gi Yong responded with praise then some advice. She took the advice and thanked Gi Yong before ushering her out of the apartment. She promised she would be at work tomorrow. She sighed and shook her head when she closed her door. Then she walked over to Junsu's and Taecyeon's room. She gently knocked before entering. Taecyeon was fast asleep, but she knew Junsu was still up. So she walked over to his side of the bed and sure enough, his eyes were half closed, looking out the window. 

"Hey there, sweetie." she said quietly, patting his head soothingly. "I'm sorry I kissed you Mommy. I didn't mean to." he said shyly.

"Aw, honey, it's okay, really. I was just surprised at how mature you acted. Here, how about I give you a kiss so we are equal?" but before he could protest, she leant down and kissed his forehead softly, as he did for her. He blushed furiously and hid in his blankets. She giggled and said "Good night, hun." He mumbled something under the blanket that sounded like good night.

She chuckled as she went to her room. Nichkhun and Wooyoung were already asleep but Junho and Chansung were awake talking to each other. They were just talking about how excited they were to start school and something else that Ji Hyeon couldn’t decipher. She quickly changed into her own pajamas then climbed into bed with them. "So how does it feel to know you will be starting school." she asked, looking at both of them with her head propped up on her hand.

"I'm so excited!" Chansung shouted happily. "Yeah, me too." Junho piped in.

"Well, I'm glad, but you guys still have to get your rest." she said yawning. "Mommy, you're more tired than we are." Chansung said as a matter of fact, but he started cuddling into her. She looked over at Junho and he was fast asleep. Just as she was about to say that she wasn't the only one who was tired, she heard some soft snoring under her ear. When she looked down, she saw that Chansung was asleep also. She sighed as she also started to fall asleep.

The next day was full of excited shuffling and nervous mumbling. Ji Hyeon had to get the boys some breakfast and get their lunches ready. I am definitely going to have to do that the night before. They were all really jumpy and wanted to get in the car as quickly as they could. While they were eating their breakfast, she took her shower. She didn't really understand how they could be so hyped up, but she was happy they were happy. She also couldn’t get out of her head that website that said ‘2PM was missing.’Once she was done, she threw on a flannel shirt, some comfy jeans and some sneakers. She had to get back to work so that Gi Yong wasn't chewing her up. When she came out of her room, the boys were all lined at the door, with their backpacks and lunchbags in tow. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys as they headed out the door. When she got them in the car, they drove off to school. The boys were singing a song that she hadn't heard of, but she found it catchy. The minute they arrived in the school parking lot, the boys were trying to get out of their car seats. She laughed at how they twisted and contorted themselves. Once they became frustrated with the seats, she unbuckled them.  She kind of expected them to run into the building as soon as she took them out of the car, but they stood behind her as she took Chansung out lastly.

She squatted down to their level before they made their way into school. "Now you guys, I know you are really excited. But I want you know that I'm very happy for you and I hope you have a great day, okay." Taecyeon was the first to hug her surprisingly "Thank you, Mommy." they each took their turns hugging her before she gently pushed them away. They turned back to wave at her before they went into the school. She stood there for a few extra moments, but she felt a pair of eyes on her. When she looked a little to her left, she saw Yunho standing there, a haughty smirk on his face.

She turned around to shake off the dirty feeling that even his eyes gave her. She got into her car quickly, smiling a bit that her boys were in school now. She drove to work, getting their only 10 minutes after she dropped them off. When she got there, almost everyone was there and so were the early bird customers. Taking their orders and handing them off to Gi Yong brought Ji Hyeon back to reality. She felt as if nothing in her life had been thrown off-kilter. After a few more customers and the rest of her employees came in, she retreated to her office. She stayed in there for a good three hours before she realized she needed a break. At some point during her three hour work time, she looked up the band 2PM. She was shocked to see the amount of photos and information that was posted on the internet about them. She clicked on one of the photos, looking closely at the picture. Their faces were so eerily familiar, but she couldn’t stop staring at how handsome they were. Deciding she didn’t want to burn her eye sockets, she pushed back from the table. Gently cracking her back, she stood up and looked out her office window, to the store.

There he stood in all his perfectness. His eyes scanning the menu above, his neck muscles being displayed for the world to see. His fashion sense was impeccable, he had on a nice collared shirt underneath a grey v-neck sweater, with dark jeans. Man, he looks good. Just as she finished admiring his graceful body, he looked through the window. Of course, having the reflexes of a cat, she dodged his view, but bumped her head on the table.

"Ow." she pouted as she crawled over to the door. She remembered how Gi had told her about a guy who had an 'awesome' Mohawk and tattoos going doing his neck; she wanted to make sure this was the guy she was talking about and not some scary biker dude. So she stealthily crept into the hallway without being noticed by him and dashed into the kitchen. In the far corner was Gi working on the cake that had been ordered yesterday. Being the amazing culinary artist and baker she was, Gi had finished about half of the cake.

Ji Hyeon lightly tapped her shoulder, slightly startling her. "Geez, almost gave me a heart attack!" Gi Yong breathed out. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I need you to come see something." Ji Hyeon said quickly, already dragging Gi towards the kitchen door. "Okay, remember that guy you told me about yesterday that apparently came asking for me? I think he might be here and I need you to go see if it's actually him." Ji Hyeon said peeking her head out slightly.

"Sometimes, I really worry about your social capabilities. But, fine, I'll go do it." she said as she pushed past Ji Hyeon to go to the cash register. She made it seem as if she were asking one of the staff to go and do something in the back; then she started working on the guy's order. She then came back to the kitchen and delivered the report. "Yup, that was him. Surprisingly, he said he wanted to talk to the manager to tell them about the store."

"Oh, okay. I guess I should go out there then." Ji Hyeon said quietly, mostly to herself. "Yes, you should." Gi Yong said as she shoved Ji Hyeon out of the kitchen. She looked behind her shoulder with a pleading look towards Gi Yong. But Gi Yong just gave her a look that said 'Go, now.' Ji Hyeon pouted before straightening herself up. She almost forgot that she had bumped her head, so she swept some of bangs over the bump that was slowly rising and throbbing.

She took a few deep breaths before she walked out to the store. As she walked out she saw him sitting at a table. She walked over to his table, taking in his gorgeous profile. Once she got there, he looked up from the magazine he was reading to smile a gracious smile. Her heart skipped a few beats before she realized why she was sent out here. "Hi, I heard that you wanted to talk to the manager? Well, I'm here. My name is Ji Hyeon Moon." she said, instinctively sticking her hand out for a handshake.

"Hi, my name is Jay Park. I believe we've met before." shaking her hand. His hands are so big and soft. She thought, enjoying the handshake very much. She had to let go, reluctantly. "Yeah, I think we bumped into each other at the store." he said, smiling with perfect teeth. "I just wanted to say that this place is my new favorite hangout. It's warm and cozy and not to far from my place."

"Oh, thank you. Do you want anything else?" she said, not really sure what to say. "Uh, I'm fine actually. Thank you though for coming to meet me." he said finally breaking the eye contact, shyly looking back at his magazine. "No problem, you can come by anytime. Even after closing hours." she said, not actually thinking about the words that were coming out of .  "Thanks. I might have to take you up on that." he said smiling, drinking his caffeinated drink.

She said her goodbye, then retreated to her office. The minute she closed the door, she puffed up her cheeks and gently tapped them. She pushed the fringe that was camouflaging her bump. Gosh, I hate long bangs. He is so.....handsome. She thought to herself. She then looked at the clock to see it was time to pick up the boys. She got her bag and left the store. On her way out, she saw Jay walking down the street. She smiled before she got into her car. 


Hi there!!! Thank you for reading this chapter! I realized that it had been a while since I updated, so I thought I might as well make it a long one!!  Since I'm home for the holidays, I might update some more, hopefully!! Thank you to my subscribers and please continue to support me!! :3

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^